
describe an example of how learning can be “maladaptive.”

Discussions are fundamental to shared learning, so please be sure to participate early and often!After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your ini

Discussions are fundamental to shared learning, so please be sure to participate early and often!
After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 350 words in length and should extend the Discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources.
After you have submitted your initial post, take time to review your classmates’ responses and to respond specifically and substantially to at least two of them. Refer to the Discussion Rubric in Course Resources for specific grading explanation.
Animal research is highly controversial, and yet it is often used when studying learning and behavior. How does animal research provide useful information applicable to human beings? Discuss the importance of animal research in better understanding any of the following issues (or provide your own example):

  • addiction
  • depression/anxiety
  • phobias
  • response to rewards or punishment

In this unit, you have explored the idea that learning serves a valuable purpose to the organism. It often increases survival and provides improved quality of life opportunities. In these ways, learning is “adaptive.” In this Discussion, describe an example of how learning can be “maladaptive.”

ability to use the multidisciplinary approach depends on your mastery of the core set of capabilities

Your ability to use the multidisciplinary approach depends on your mastery of the core set of capabilities described in the introduction to Unit 4. One of those capabilities is the research skill of g

Your ability to use the multidisciplinary approach depends on your mastery of the core set of capabilities described in the introduction to Unit 4. One of those capabilities is the research skill of gathering data, which involves not only the collection process, but also the thinking processes involved in synthesizing what you find and integrating it into a coherent picture of the client and the situation. This assignment, the first of three in your capstone project, is designed to have you apply this capability to the case that you selected.
Your assignment is to write a case conceptualization, a description of the case and an interpretation of the issues and problems involved. The studies and discussions in Units 4 and 5 were designed to provide the rich data and information upon which you will draw to arrive at your understanding of this client and his situation.
Case Information
In Unit 4, you chose one of these two case clients as the basis of your project work:

  • Case 1: Joseph, an 8-year-old first grader recently placed in foster care after an emergency removal from his home.
  • Case 2: Mark, a 28-year-old inmate in the transition unit at a correctional facility who is expected to be released in two months.

Be sure to read the initial case information for your case located in the Resources. In addition, the media piece Interactive Case File provides greater detail on both clients.
You began gathering information about your case client in Unit 4, using information in the course files and the media piece Interactive Case File. Now pull this information together, analyze what you have, and write a case conceptualization, following this format:

  • Background: Provide a clear and concise background of the case, showing a holistic view of the client.
  • Problem Identification: Provide an analysis of the main issues in the case. Clearly connect how issues and needs presented by the client are affecting his emotions and behaviors.
  • Case Summary: Present a concise conceptualization of what the needs are and a rationale as to why they should be the focus of your recommendations. Keep in mind that this section is what you will present to the collaborative team, so you want to make sure that you are presenting a clear snapshot of the person and the areas that need to be identified. If more than one need or issue is present, make sure to rank these needs and support why one needs to be addressed over another. The goal is not to make recommendations, but rather to provide a solid starting point for the collaborative team to begin thinking about recommendations.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Length of paper: 5–8 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.

Before submitting your assignment, review the scoring guide in the Resources. Your assignment is due at the end of this unit.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.

How and in what ways is the provision of counseling in a law enforcement setting different from that in a community setting?

Part 1: Counseling and Psychotherapy in Law Enforcement AgenciesThis assignment encourages you to examine how the therapy process might be different in a law enforcement setting. You will examine some

Part 1: Counseling and Psychotherapy in Law Enforcement Agencies
This assignment encourages you to examine how the therapy process might be different in a law enforcement setting. You will examine some of the unique aspects of working with law enforcement and in a primarily male-dominated field.
Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research issues involved in working in a primarily male-dominated field that has also been historically suspicious of seeking mental healthcare.
In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:

  • How and in what ways is the provision of counseling in a law enforcement setting different from that in a community setting?
  • In what ways should the approach to counseling an officer be different from that of counseling an individual in the community?
  • What ethnic and diversity issues might be present?
  • What are some of the issues related to the field being male-dominated that you might address in therapy?

Part 2: Suicide Prevention Plan
For professionals involved in evaluating and counseling law enforcement professionals, the issue of suicide assessment and prevention is important to consider. This part of the assignment will help you learn more about the increasing problem of police officer suicides.
You are the clinical director of a mental health facility that provides psychological services to several police departments and sheriff’s departments. There have been five police officer suicides in the past three years in your area. You have been asked to research the issue and create a suicide prevention plan that will support both large and small departments. You will research other suicide prevention plans and examine what they comprise. You will incorporate these successful interventions into your plan. Consider your audience—larger groups or individuals—and analyze the obstacles to implementing a suicide prevention plan.
Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research factors contributing to such suicides. Ensure that you research statistical information.
Respond to the following:

  • What are the statistics and research on police officer suicide?
  • How many departments have suicide prevention programs?
  • What would you include as part of your suicide prevention plan?

Support your responses giving reasons and examples from scholarly resources.
Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
  • Through the end of the module, respond to at least two other classmates’ posts. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between one or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.

Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsQuality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4Total:40

How might stress be different for male versus female officers?

This assignment will focus on some of the stressors encountered by law enforcement officers. You will explore how these stressors affect police officers. Learning about the incidence and prevalence of

This assignment will focus on some of the stressors encountered by law enforcement officers. You will explore how these stressors affect police officers. Learning about the incidence and prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among police officers is one of the goals of this assignment. You will also develop a stress management curriculum that could be utilized for officers in need of stress management and stress reduction services.
Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the various aspects of stress in the life of a police officer.
Part 1: Stress and Mental Health Functioning
Create a 5- to 6-page paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

  • How might stress be different for male versus female officers?
  • How are stressors for law enforcement personnel different from those for other individuals living in the community?
  • What are some of the unique stressors encountered in law enforcement?
  • Is PTSD more prevalent in law enforcement? If so, why?
  • How much do past life events impact current mental health functioning?

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Part 2: Stress Management Curriculum
Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research sources of stress and stress management methods.
In this part, you will develop a stress management curriculum to be taught at a weekly in-service training for law enforcement officers. This will be a 4-hour instructional presentation.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation addressing the following:

  • Outline the topics you will include in the presentation.
  • Include relevant research and statistics related to stressors in law enforcement work.
  • Include practical exercises and handouts for helping officers to understand and address the effects of stress related to their employment.

Support your responses giving reasons and examples from scholarly resources.
Include the following in your presentation:

  • A title slide
  • A reference slide
  • Headings for each section
  • Speaker notes to support the contents of each slide

Submission Details:

  • Save your paper as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and your presentation as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt. By the due date assigned, post them to the Submissions Area.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDescribed how stress might be different for male versus female officers.12Described how stressors for law enforcement personnel are different from those for other individuals living in the community.12Described some of the unique stressors encountered in law enforcement.12Discussed the incidence and prevalence of PTSD among law enforcement officers.12Explained how past life events can have an impact on current mental health functioning.12Created a Power Point Outlining the topics for the stress management curriculum.8Included relevant research and statistics related to stressors in law enforcement work.12Included practical exercises and handouts for helping officers to address the effects of stress related to their employment.12Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.8Total:100