
The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

Chapter 6 Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, TEDTalks: Joshua Foer—Feats of Memory Anyone Can Do (21 min), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are

Chapter 6
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, TEDTalks: Joshua Foer—Feats of Memory Anyone Can Do (21 min), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words (If it is not, you will lose points).
Chapter 7
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, Successful Thinking Habits (14 min), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words (If it is not, you will lose points).
Chapter 8
Click on the following link to watch the program entitled, TEDTalks: Sarah-Jayne Blakemore—The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain (15 min.), in the Mt. SAC library’s Films On Demand collection. (Captions are available for the hearing impaired). If you are accessing it from off campus, you may have to log into the library’s website using your MyMt.SAC user ID and password (e.g., Banner Account). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1.  Review what it was about.
2.  Describe what you learned.
3.  Explain how it applies to you personally (You might have to stretch it on this one, but TRY because psychology always applies in every day life).
Please copy and paste Questions 1-3 from above into your post and type your answers under each question. Your total review (including the copied questions) should be at least 300 words (If it is not, you will lose points).
Username is cwang193
password is N3JXHD
You need give me three documents for these three chapter. Every document has three questions. Put on number in every document.

Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read

Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. (you can choose whatever disease) Interview your family mem

  1. Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. (you can choose whatever disease)
  2. Interview your family members and complete the Family History-Dr. Oz.pdf .  Find out which disease(s) you are most at risk for.
  3. Research and locate one article on epigenetics and whatever disease you are most at risk for (select a study on research conducted on humans) from a reputable academic source:

Reputable Sources:

  • journal articles
  • government publications based on research

Do not use:

  • magazines of any sort, whether they are on paper or online
  • Websites of any type, including epigenetics websites
  • Wikipedia

How to Perform Your Research

  • Use the College Library in person or online (log in with your new MDC ID number (the one that is all numbers). Your password is the last four digits of that same MDC ID unless you have changed it.

Read the epigenetics article you find. Continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style (see the section below on using APA style). Aim for about a page for this part of your paper.

  1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
  2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaire. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
  3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.
General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list) 
◻    1,000 words
◻    Original work; plagiarism score of less than 10% (90% original work)
◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
◻    Covers all 6 tasks
◻    Spellchecked
◻    College-level grammar
◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)
◻    No abstract, no cover
◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

ways to prevent driving under the influence of alcohol

Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislator

Drunk driving is one of the largest social problems related to alcohol use. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is involved in 40–45% of all fatal traffic accidents. As a result, legislators, educators, and law enforcement officers are continually attempting to find ways to prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.
Select one of the following age groups: teens (13–17 years), college-age (18–25 years), adults (26–60 years), or seniors (61 years and up).
For your selected age group, develop a plan to reduce driving under the influence. The plan could include (but not be limited to) educational, legislative, and community support; and social advertising. Present at least three action points in your plan. Be sure to include:

  • The format of the plan
  • Who will deliver the information and how
  • Specific tactics used to target the selected group
  • Methods used to measure the success of the plan

Be sure to include an introduction and summary for your plan. Support your recommendations using authoritative sources.
Write a 2–3-page plan in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.
By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsDeveloped plan with details on format, delivery of information, and tactics.25Explained methods of measuring success of plan.25Aligned plan to suit target audience.15Presented logical and clearly structured information supported by authoritative sources.15Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100

Educational Psychology

Topics:Social Psychology or Educational Psychology For this assignment however, you are taking one of these areas of psychology and developing a particular multicultural issue where you can teach us abo

Social Psychology or
Educational Psychology
For this assignment however, you are taking one of these areas of psychology and developing a particular multicultural issue where you can teach us about how one culture is different from another. You may want to compare two cultures or even one country’s culture to another country’s culture.
The following slides should be included:
Title slide
Introduction of area of study and cultural issue
Some general facts/statics of the cultures/countries you are comparing
Specific findings with supported references on the multicultural differences (this may be multiple slides)
Possible reasons for these differences (e.g., religion, society, biology, psychology, etc.)
Summary of presentations and take aways
Reference page
Summary on overall