
Why is it suggested that cognitivists disagree with the behaviorist  view that learning only occurs if there is an outward manifestation?

 The Cognitivist Movement     Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 2: The Emergence of Cognitive Research, from your text, watch the video, TEDTalks: Peter Doolittle—How Your “W

 The Cognitivist Movement
Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 2: The Emergence of Cognitive Research, from your text, watch the video, TEDTalks: Peter Doolittle—How Your “Working Memory” Makes Sense of the World (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and the Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will be considering the variables that  differentiate cognitivism from behaviorism and how this area of  understanding ‘how we learn,’ affects our own ability to effectively  acquire new knowledge and apply to our personal and professional goals.
As you have read this week, cognitivism is a theory that addresses  the mind’s contribution to how we learn. The cognitive revolution  (although considered by some as an overly stated fact) is suggested to  have been a response to the behaviorist movement that rejected  introspection (anti-mentalism), and controversially lead to, what some  consider, a dissolvement of the behaviorist movement. Consider the  following questions about cognitivism and discuss each, basing your  posture on this week’s readings, your past experiences, and your past  knowledge.

  • Why is it suggested that cognitivists disagree with the behaviorist  view that learning only occurs if there is an outward manifestation?  What other notable differences do these two theories suggest?
  • Do you agree with the cognitivist view that learning is a change in one’s schemata? (Support with citations.)
  • How have your personal schemata changed throughout your life? (Could  be about learning, but also about other domains such as love, honesty,  hard work, loyalty, etc.)
  • List an example of a schema that has changed, in your own knowledge development. involving the field of psychology.
  • Based on cognitivism, what implications does it suggest is a  potential concern for effectively processing information when cognitive  load is not effectually considered?
  • Do you recall a time where learning was difficult because there were  too many components all at once? What strategy(ies) did you use to work  through this situation?

Using a Logic Model to Focus Interventions and Achieve Desired Outcomes

Discussion 1: Using a Logic Model to Focus Interventions and Achieve Desired OutcomesIn social work practice and in program development, it is possible to make faulty assumptions about what clients ne

Discussion 1: Using a Logic Model to Focus Interventions and Achieve Desired Outcomes
In social work practice and in program development, it is possible to make faulty assumptions about what clients need and what social work activities will lead to. Consider the following:
A team of social workers meets to discuss their services to low-income young mothers. One social worker states that what the young mothers need most is information about community resources. She proposes that the social workers’ activities consist of making referrals to programs for public assistance for income support, food stamps, medical insurance, employment agencies, and educational resources. However, another team member points out that most clients are referred to their program from the public welfare office and health care programs. This suggests that the clients tend to possess knowledge of these common resources and have been able to access them.
How might the team explore what problems bring the clients to their agency? What might the team learn from client assessments? How can the team verify the desired outcomes of their services? Developing a logic model will help the team see a logical connection between problems, needs, intervention activities, and corresponding outcomes. This series of logical connections leads to formulating a theory of change, that is, a theory about how our work leads to the outcomes for clients.
To prepare for this Discussion, imagine that you are part of a work group charged with creating a logic model and generating a theory of change. Select a practitioner-level intervention for which you are interested in analyzing connections. Consider how a logic model might be applied to that practice.
· Post a logic model and theory of change for a practitioner-level intervention. 
· Describe the types of problems, the client needs, and the underlying causes of problems and unmet needs. 
· Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition. 
· Then describe interventions that would lead to a change in the presenting conditions.
Be sure to search for and cite resources that inform your views.
References (use 3 or more)
Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

  • Chapter 6,      “Needs Assessments” (pp. 107–142)

Document: Randolph, K. A. (2010). Logic models. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 547–562). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)
United Way of America. (1996). Excerpts from Measuring program outcomes: A practical approach. Retrieved from
Document: Week 7: Developing A Logic Model Outline Assignment Handout (Word document)
Discussion 2:  Addressing Conflicts and Trauma
How do you deal with the aftermath of a tragedy? Working with staff to return to a sense of “normalcy” after a traumatic event can be difficult and challenging. In addition to providing support for staff, you must consider the event’s impact on clients as well. As an administrator, you can integrate your clinical and administrative social work skills for intervention at multiple levels within an organization when you address trauma, as well as conflicts in the workplace. As an administrator, you must also be able to develop a plan of action that will include conflict resolution and support for staff, clients, and other appropriate stakeholders to enable them to move forward after their traumatic experience.
For this Discussion, you focus on the Social Work Supervision Trauma Within Agencies case study.
· Post an explanation of the types of skills the social work administrator demonstrated as she addressed the problem of Carla’s absence at work and the trauma-related events that followed.
·  Be sure to include an analysis of the administrator’s use of conflict resolution skills. 
· Finally, identify one aspect of the case study that would be most challenging to you if you were the administrator, and explain why.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Reference (use 3 or more)

solution-focused theory approach

Assignment: School Counseling Scenario: Using a Cognitive-Behavioral or Reality ApproachFor this Assignment, read and select one of the following scenarios:Scenario 1:Keesha, an African-American, fe

 Assignment: School Counseling Scenario: Using a Cognitive-Behavioral or Reality Approach
For this Assignment, read and select one of the following scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Keesha, an African-American, female fifth grader, stops by your office to talk. Summer break is quickly approaching, which means she will soon be entering middle school. Keesha is an average student who enjoys school but is anxious about leaving the comforts of elementary school, where she has a few close friends. She is aware that her best friend will attend a different middle school than she will, which causes her worry and sadness. She expresses concerns about the transition and states that she “probably won’t be able to make any new friends.” Throughout your exchange, she frequently makes self-deprecating statements and often compares herself to other students stating, “I’m not as smart as them” and “what if the kids at my new school don’t like me?”
Scenario 2:
Jack is a high school senior who recently received a rejection letter for admission from his first-choice college. He is aware that several of his friends who put forth more effort into their schooling and have higher grades have already been accepted to the college. Jack is devastated and expresses that he feels like a “total failure” because he did not get accepted to his desired school like the rest of his friends. A more likely next step for Jack’s post-secondary plans is to consider community college, but he must improve his grades. He goes on to say that he might as well not even apply to other schools because “it’s useless,” and he “won’t get accepted anyway.”
Review this week’s resources.
Think about how either a cognitive behavioral, behavioral, dialectical behavioral, rational emotive behavioral, reality, or solution-focused theory approach can be applied to support the student in the scenario.
In a 2- to 3-page paper, analyze one of scenarios provided for this assignment using either a cognitive behavioral, behavioral, dialectical behavioral, rational emotive behavioral, reality, or solution-focused theory approach. You may choose only one theory and you must justify your choice. Be sure to include the following:

  • The theory you chose and why. Be sure to discuss how you conceptualize/ explain the student’s issues using theoretical components.
  • The considerations that need to be taken into account from a developmental and/or cultural perspective.
  • The overall counseling goal with the student, from your chosen theoretical perspective.
  • The specific strategies and/or techniques you would use with the student based upon your chosen theoretical approach.
  • You should note at least two interventions from the chosen theoretical perspective.
  • The strengths and limitations to using this approach with the student.

Effects of Drug Abuse

The Abstract is a brief summary of the entire research article.  It helps us to get a sense of the research question, methods, and findings.  Creating an Abstract is often a very helpful exercise fo

The Abstract is a brief summary of the entire research article.  It helps us to get a sense of the research question, methods, and findings.  Creating an Abstract is often a very helpful exercise for the writer of a literature review, because the Abstract conveys the big picture, so to speak.  In the process of writing the Abstract, the writer must develop a big picture idea of their topic, data, and conclusions.  Readers benefit greatly from abstracts.  They use them to screen articles quickly, while gathering resources for their own projects.  They use them to evaluate the strength of the paper, the generalizability of its findings, and the overall argument of its author.
In a literature review, a strong Abstract includes the following pieces of information:

  • 1.  Your research topic : “Effects of Drug Abuse”
  • 2.  Your research/focal question;
  • 3.  Your hypothesis (what did you guess the answer to the research/focal question would be prior to beginning your research?);
  • 4.  A general statement or two about the findings discussed in the articles you’ve reviewed;
  • 5.  Your conclusions;
  • 6.  Some implications of the findings you’ve described (What do they mean to us or to society?); and
  • 7.  What future research needs to be done?

In the Module 4 Discussion area, post a draft of what will be your Abstract.  The post should be at least 100 words in length and should include all of the above items (#1 through #5).  Post your Abstract to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.
Grading Criteria
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions
Reference to supporting readings and other materials
Language and grammar