
Define the purpose for testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended test takers

Review and Selection of a Standardized TestIn Unit 1, you read “The Concerns of the Profession” on pages 66–68 of your Psychological Testing and Assessment text as well as the Code. While the Code a

Review and Selection of a Standardized Test
In Unit 1, you read “The Concerns of the Profession” on pages 66–68 of your Psychological Testing and Assessment text as well as the Code. While the Code addresses the roles of test developers and test users separately, you will be following the standards for test users and, specifically, the section on selecting tests (refer page 5). There are nine elements to consider when selecting a test. You will focus on the following four of these elements for this assignment. (See below).
1. Define the purpose for testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended test takers. Select and use the most appropriate test based on a thorough review of available information.
2. Review and select tests based on the appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing.
3. Review materials provided by test developers and select tests for which clear, accurate, and complete information is provided.
4. Select tests through a process that includes persons with appropriate knowledge, skills, and training.
In your paper:
· Test category adaptive behavior relevant to your academic and professional career goals as a correctional/cognitive BEHAVIOR counselor., Use the following 3 tests for analysis for the assignment:
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – 3 (ABAS-3) Yes, ABAS-2 WPS
Scales of Independent Behavior – Revised (SIB-R) NO Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – 3 (VABS-3)* Yes, VABS-II Pearson
· Compare and contrast these three tests according to the Code’s first four elements.
o Access the Capella library and conduct a search. Use the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) database from Buros to locate and read a review for each test. Mental Measurements Yearbook is located on the Capella Library’s Database A–Z page.
o Visit the publishers’ Web site for each test to obtain additional information.
o Return to the Capella library to choose a database, for example, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, ERIC (education research). Search for journal articles that are relevant to the four elements and each test. (See the PSY7610 Library Search Guide, linked in the Resources, for search advice. An optional worksheet is also provided to you in the resources to facilitate your research and literature review.)
Organize your paper using the following headings (please use these headings):
1. Title page (required).
2. Abstract (optional).
3. Introduction.
o Identify your particular area of specialization and career goals, and the three tests you will research and review.
4. Element 1. “Define the purpose for testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended test takers” (Code, 2004, p. 5, See #1). Describe your findings for all three tests citing references. Use this section to introduce each test and report on each of the three elements: purpose, content and skills, and intended test takers.
5. Element 2. Describe “the appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing” (Code, 2004, p. 5, See #2). Describe your findings for each test citing references. Use this section to report on unique comments or research that evaluate any aspects of the appropriateness of each test. There may be a wide range of facets considering appropriateness that may be unique to each particular test under consideration.
6. Element 3. Describe “materials provided by test developers and select tests for which clear, accurate, and complete information is provided” (Code, 2004, p. 5. See #3). Describe your findings for each test, citing references. Use this section to describe either reviews or your evaluation of the materials described in the sources you locate for each test under consideration.
7. Element 4. “Select tests through a process that includes persons with appropriate knowledge, skills, and training” (Code, 2004, p. 5. See #4). Include specific publisher information about test-user qualification (for example, Level A, B, or C; or other classification). Describe your findings for each test, citing references.
8. Compare and contrast.
o Compare and contrast the three tests based on these four elements (that is, 1–4).
o Decide which test will be the focus of your course project, based on your evaluation of the three tests. Explain your choice. All future assignments will be focused only on this one test that you determine here.
9. References (required, use current APA format and style).
You may use the Optional Research Worksheet given in the resources to complete this assignment.
Additional Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
· References: A minimum of nine references are required for this assignment. These resources may include all of the reference sources identified in your Psychological Testing and Assessment text (pages 29–35), but must include:
o Three Mental Measurements Yearbook test reviews from Buros (one for each test).
o Three test publisher Web sites (one for each test).
o Three journal articles (one for each test).
· Length of paper: A minimum of five pages of content, not including the title page or references (an abstract is not required).

Discuss how cultural and developmental factors are assessed and integrated into the diagnostic process

before you ask to do the work make sure to know what you are doing…. I need A plus grades please.. not someone who does work and have no idea what they are doing or turn it in late. This is colleg

 before you ask to do the work make sure to know what you are doing…. I need A plus grades please.. not someone who does work and have no idea what they are doing or turn it in late. This is college work
Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment
In this module, you learned about assessment and diagnosis using the DSM-5. Understanding how to appropriately record a diagnosis and to use specifiers provides a dimensional diagnostic perspective while also allowing the client to participate in the diagnostic process. One of the most important factors related to diagnosing is being able to provide rationales for the diagnoses you assign. A good clinician can always provide the reasons why the client met the criteria for a specific diagnosis and determine the duration, onset, and severity of the condition. Cultural and developmental factors must also be assessed and considered when developing a client’s diagnosis.
Review the following resources:

  • Biopsychosocial Assessment
  • The vignette video presented on the right side of the screen

In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:

  • Provide the best diagnoses for the client, formatted, coded, and reported correctly.
  • Include the rationale, citing the diagnostic criteria that support the diagnoses chosen and what other information you would want to ask the client.
  • Using the scores provided in the intake, download and print a copy of the Level-1 cross-cutting symptom measure (CCSM-1) and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) 36-item version, self-administered from the DSM-5 website. Insert the scores provided, score the assessments, and provide a discussion of the scores. In the discussion, include a brief synopsis of which Level-2 cross-cutting symptom measure (CCSM-2) would be used based on the results and the average general disability score on the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0).
  • Discuss how cultural and developmental factors are assessed and integrated into the diagnostic process.

Support your rationale and analysis by using at least two resources from professional literature in your response. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (websites ending in .edu or .gov).
Submission Details:

Psychiatric Diagnosis paper

Outline for the Psychiatric DiagnosisReview the instructions for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in Week Six. This week’s assignment will build upon the work you have completed on your chosen c

Outline for the Psychiatric Diagnosis
Review the instructions for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in Week Six. This week’s assignment will build upon the work you have completed on your chosen case study in Weeks One and Two.
For this assignment, you will construct an outline of your Psychiatric Diagnosis paper. This outline is meant to provide structure for your final assignment, jump-start your thought process on your case study, and ensure you are on the correct path toward the successful completion of your diagnosis.
Your outline should be two to three pages of content and include a brief two- to three-sentence description of each of the required areas listed in the Psychiatric Diagnosis prompt, except for the following two areas:

  • Justify the use of the chosen diagnostic manual (i.e., Why was this manual chosen over others?).
  • Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis.

For these two areas, provide a complete draft of your justification and evaluation based on the case study. You must include explicit information on the theoretical orientation chosen for the case and justification of the use of the diagnostic manual chosen. Research a minimum of seven peer-reviewed sources published within the last 10 years to support your choice of theoretical orientation and diagnostic manual. These sources will also be used for the Psychiatric Diagnosis paper. The outline should specify which sources will apply to the justification and evaluation areas. Including any resources or refernces used previously.
The Outline for the Psychiatric Diagnosis:

  • Must be two to three single-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
      • seven peer-reviewed sources published within the last 10 years.

      Attached is what is two be included for week 6  to do the outline. Also attched is the outline set up.

career assessment's basic concepts

Course Materials Career Counseling Assessments Weekly Discussion 1Care Select a career assessment to explore. Gain approval from your instructor for the selected assessment by sending your instructor an

Course Materials
Career Counseling Assessments
Weekly Discussion 1
CareSelect a career assessment to explore. Gain approval from your instructor for the selected assessment by sending your instructor an email or posting the selected assessment to this discussion board. Upon approval from your instructor, write about the career assessment’s basic concepts explained in your book on page 136. Be sure to talk about the purpose of the assessment, reliability, validity, reading level, gender fairness, and any other important in
Career Counseling Assessments
Select a career assessment to explore. Gain approval from your instructor for the selected assessment by sending your instructor an email or posting the selected assessment to this discussion board. Upon approval from your instructor, write about the career assessment’s basic concepts explained in your book on page 136. Be sure to talk about the purpose of the assessment, reliability, validity, reading level, gender fairness, and any other important information.  This post should be 400-600 words.
Required Text
Digital Resource; Niles, S. G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2017). Career development interventions (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Required References
SkillsOne – CPP Online Assessment System. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Three online assessments/ interpretive reports from CPP, MBTI Step II Interpretive Report (267149), FIRO-B Interpretive Report for Organizations (210255), Strong Interpretive Report (284104), CPP Assessment Instructions
UMBC (n.d.) How do I create an unlisted YouTube video? Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Recommended References
American Psychological Association (APA) (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Anderson, S. K., Peila-Shuster, J., & Aragon, A. (2012). Cross cultural career counseling: Ethical issues to consider. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 28(1), 127-139.
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education. (2010). Career counselor assessment and evaluation competencies. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Baker, D.B. (2009).  Choosing a vocation at 100: Time, change, and context.  The Career Development Quarterly, 57(3), 199-206.
Bright, J. (2015, October 14).  The chaos theory of careers – Its about complexity [Video file].  Retrieved fromThe Chaos Theory of Careers – its about complexity! (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.