
the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder

Week 6 – Critical ReviewCritical ReviewThe final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological

Week 6 – Critical Review
Critical Review
The final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). The review will use peer-reviewed sources to evaluate the current drug treatment modalities for the selected disorder and determine the adequacy of those treatments. The paper will be evaluated on the inclusion of the following information:
Introduction  Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology.
TheoryEvaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder. Explain the disorder in terms of pertinent neurotransmitter and receptor theories and describe the pertinent evidence of their involvement.  Analyze the neurotransmitter systems in terms of the involved receptors and the use receptor agonists and antagonists in the treatment of the disorder receptor. Include information on the anatomic changes to the central nervous system as appropriate to the topic.
Treatment  Evaluate drug therapies for treating the disorder based on the current understanding of the biological basis of the disorder and the corresponding behavioral effects of the disorder. Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in relation to the disorder and corresponding drug treatment. Describe any side effects and adverse effects of the drug treatment and their biological basis, including issues related to contraindications, interactions, drug metabolism, and elimination. In addition, explain risks, benefits, and ethical implications for high-risk and exceptional treatment conditions.
Conclusion  Summarize theories of psychiatric disease as they relate to principles of drug action within the chosen topic. Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of the current theory of the disorder and its treatment and evaluate any controversies regarding ethical and/or risk-benefits perspectives associated with the current treatment. Describe possible areas for future research.
Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Critical Review, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and upload the revised Critical Review to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See the Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.
Writing the Critical ReviewThe paper:

  • Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Research the historical connections and trends in the field of psychology of the following dyads: (1) Sir Francis Galton to James McKeen Cattell, and (2) Alfred Binet to Lewis Terman.

Use the readings from your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, Embretson’s 2004 article, “The Second Century of Ability Testing: Some Predictions and Speculations,” and additional research to c

Use the readings from your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, Embretson’s 2004 article, “The Second Century of Ability Testing: Some Predictions and Speculations,” and additional research to complete this discussion.
Research the historical connections and trends in the field of psychology of the following dyads: (1) Sir Francis Galton to James McKeen Cattell, and (2) Alfred Binet to Lewis Terman. Compare and contrast the relationship between both sets of key figures and the milestones they facilitated in the history of tests and measurements. What were the similarities and differences within each dyad? What were the similarities and differences across the two sets of dyads?
Choose one of these four individuals based on the criteria below and do additional research on that person using the Capella library. Share your findings about key contributions of that selected individual in your discussion post, citing at least two published articles, not including the Psychological Testing and Assessment text or the Embretson article (include these as references). Identify your choice of the key historical figure in your subject line of the post you submit.
In your post:

  • Identify a couple of important similarities and differences within each dyad.
  • Identify a couple of important similarities and differences across both sets of dyads.
  • Identify the individual who, in your opinion, had the greatest impact on your particular interest or specialty within the field of psychology. (Include the name of the individual in your subject line of the discussion thread when you submit your initial post.)
  • Describe how the one historical figure you selected expanded the base of knowledge in the field, including information from the journal articles.
  • Explain how that individual provided a foundation to a trend that continues in psychology today.

How do the children interact with an adult who is present?

Purpose of ProjectIt is very easy to be around children without noticing fascinating aspects of their behavior. Indeed, it is rare when anyone intently observes a child for a continuous period, lookin

Purpose of Project
It is very easy to be around children without noticing fascinating aspects of their behavior. Indeed, it is rare when anyone intently observes a child for a continuous period, looking for behaviors that characterize an individual child or childhood. Conscientious fulfillment of this project will help the observer be a better and more appreciative student of child behavior. If you have children, you may observe your own children.
General Instructions
You will observe children in a natural setting for 1 hour. This means that you may not be able to focus on one child exclusively. For example, you might observe children at a park, school, shopping center, amusement park, etc.
While you are observing make detailed notes of the following:
1. Age range of children
2. Number of children present. Number of adults present?
3. What behaviors are children engaging in?
4. How do the children interact with one another?
5. How do the children interact with an adult who is present?
6. Are the children engaging in age‐appropriate activities?
7. Comment on the attention span of the children.
8. Are there any gender differences in any of the behaviors you observe?
9. Does anything that we have covered in class or in the text apply to this situation?
Report Criteria
1. Write up of project, 2‐4 written pages (typed)
2. Give a general description of child (age, sex, etc.) and the observation situation
3. Describe behavior or patterns of behaviors that were interesting to you and analyze the
significance to child development
4. Do not just put a chronological list of what child did during observation period, but do show
evidence that you make careful observation.
5. Discuss significance of behaviors for the child and child development in general (use your text and notes.
MAKE SURE TO integrate text concepts as per my additional instructions (review the e-mail I sent out)
Pay particular attention to the last instruction. The most important part of this assignment is how you integrate text concepts into your observation report. What did you learn from the book that you observed in the child? What did the book say that you should see as typical of the age of your child, but you didn’t see? To get top grade, I want to see at least five references to text material in your write up.
Exploring Lifespan Development (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc

Describe research methods that are used for studying social psychology.

Assignment 1: Description of Research MethodologyDue Week 2 and worth 150 pointsIn this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology s

Assignment 1: Description of Research MethodologyDue Week 2 and worth 150 points
In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study. You will get information about the study from one of the entries in the SPARQ “Solutions Catalog”, which is a web site maintained by Stanford University at SPARQ is an acronym for “Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions.” Each entry in the Solutions Catalog names a problem, and then offers a solution to that problem, based on a research study in social psychology.
To keep this assignment short and manageable, your only sources for this assignment should be from the SPARQ site and your course materials, such as your textbook. There is no need for you to cite any of the course materials. Therefore, no additional citations or references are needed, beyond those from the SPARQ site.
In this exercise, you will choose one of the entries in the SPARC site, and then write a two to three (2-3) page paper that meets the following requirements.

  1. Begin your paper with a short introductory statement that clearly identifies the article from the SPARQ site that you are using, as well as the corresponding research article.  Model your statement after the following example:

The article I selected from the SPARQ website is entitled “Boost Grades by Reframing Failures” (Wilson, n.d.), which summarizes a research article (Wilson & Linville, 1982) on the topic.

  • Please note that there are two APA “in-text citations” in this example. The first citation “(Wilson, n.d.)” is an in-text citation for the SPARQ article. The SPARQ articles are undated, which means that there is no date of publication reported. The “n.d.” designation is an abbreviation for “no date”.
  • The second citation “(Wilson & Linville, 1982)”, is an in-text citation to the original research article. We are asking you to cite this paper for practice in using APA, but are not requiring you to read the original paper. Normally, you should cite only those articles that you actually read and used, but we’re making an exception here for the purposes of practice.
  1. Briefly summarize the main details of your chosen social psychology research study. Identify the main research method(s) used in the study (e.g., case study, experiment, observation, etc.).
  2. Explain whether or not you believe the research methodology that the researchers used in the study was the most appropriate for the study. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Discuss whether or not you believe the research methodology used in the study is the one (1) method that provides researchers with the most information in general. Explain the main reasons why or why not.
  4. Explain the major ethical implications of the selected study (e.g., informed consent, debriefing, etc.). Describe the main reasons why you believe the study was or was not ethical. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. The final section of your paper will be a reference section that contains a corresponding reference for both of the in-text citations in your introductory statement (see point #1, above). In APA-style citations, in-text citations must match up with a reference in the reference section. You can model your reference section after the following:

Wilson, T. D. (n.d.). Boost grades by reframing failures.  Retrieved from, T. D. & Linville, P.W. (1982).  Improving the academic performance of college freshmen:  attribution therapy revisited.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42 (2), 367-376.

  • These examples follow the APA conventions for an Internet article, and a professional journal article, respectively.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe research methods that are used for studying social psychology.
  • Develop an increased understanding of the dynamic between society and individuals.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in social psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about social psychology using proper grammar and mechanics.