
critical-thinking techniques to explore and assess contemporary issues.

This assignment prepares you for the final Microsoft PowerPoint assignment in M5: Assignment 1. Throughout this course, you have learned to apply a variety of critical-thinking techniques to explore a

This assignment prepares you for the final Microsoft PowerPoint assignment in M5: Assignment 1. Throughout this course, you have learned to apply a variety of critical-thinking techniques to explore and assess contemporary issues.
Often, you may get the best results using a multistep process that provides adequate time to think, write, research, and rewrite. For this assignment, you will review the article by Peter Singer titled “America’s Shame,” which you will also use in M5: Assignment 1.
Using the Argosy University online library resources, review the article by Peter Singer.

  • Singer, P. (2009). America’s shame. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(27), B6–B10. (EBSCO AN 37137370)

Complete the following:

  • Record and describe six of your initial impressions of the article in a journal format.
  • Critically analyze each of these impressions and determine if they are value based, or fact based. Record these as part of your journal notes. Do note that you will use these points for M5: Assignment 1.
  • Support your statements with examples and appropriate scholarly references.

You can use the Cornell Note-taking tools to complete this assignment. This tool has been widely used to systematically format and organize notes. Review this example of Cornell Notes to see how it works. You can use this Cornell Notes Template or devise your own similar method of note-taking.
Write a 600–800-word paper in Word format. You may write your paper in standard essay format or by completing the Cornell Notes Template. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

delinquent gangs

Imagine that you are a researcher and are conducting a study to investigate a community problem. Using behavioral research principles, select a macro systems problem to investigate (there are many sug

Imagine that you are a researcher and are conducting a study to investigate a community problem. Using behavioral research principles, select a macro systems problem to investigate (there are many suggested in the textbook, e.g. domestic violence, homophobia, sexual abuse, delinquent gangs) and design a study to solve this community problem.
The purpose of your Final Paper is to solve this community problem.
The Final Paper should be eight- to- ten pages (excluding title and reference pages) that includes the following components:(Please note that for the purposes of offering instruction, examples have been given below about a research study involving the use of financial reward programs to combat truancy. Please make sure that you create a study that does not investigate the same content.)

  1. Introduction – This section should include a brief summary of the community problem that will be addressed, as well as the approach that will be used to investigate and solve the problem.
  2. Statement of the problem – The purpose of this section is to specify the main research question (e.g., Does enrollment in a financial reward program reduce truancy?) and define the community problem in more depth (e.g., truancy), analyzing why it is a problem. In addition, you will explain the problem-solving method you plan to employ (e.g., enrollment in a financial reward program) and state your main hypothesis. (e.g., Enrollment in a financial reward program is expected to reduce student truancy in the short term, but its long-term effects are difficult to predict.)
  3. Literature Review – In this section, research findings pertaining to both the community problem and problem solving method need to be illustrated. (e.g., Relevant articles may include those on the prevalence of truancy, the impact of truancy, previous methods used to combat truancy, and the benefits of financial reward programs.)
  4. Methodology – Explain how your Final Paper will investigate the problem. How will the study be designed? How many participants will be involved in the study and how will they be recruited? (e.g., Four classes at a local high school will be given the opportunity to participate in the research study. Two of these classes will be enrolled in the financial reward program.) How will data be collected? (e.g., Truancy data will be collected on all of the participants for the six months preceding the reward program, for the duration of the program, and for the six months after completion of the reward program.) What statistics will be used to evaluate the data? (e.g., Inferential statistics will be conducted to compare the truancy levels of the group of students participating in the program with those of the group of students who are not participating in the program.)  Ethical considerations should be discussed to ensure that no unethical research is suggested.
  5. Conclusions – This section should contain concluding remarks about any potential problems that might be encountered in conducting this research study. It should also include speculations on the potential results of the study.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Contrast three different test types which are Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Scales of Independent Behavior and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales as applied in correctional/cognitive Behavior counselor profession

This is based off of the assignment you helped me with last week. ( Contrast three different test types which are Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Scales of Independent Behavior and Vineland Adap

This is based off of the assignment you helped me with last week.
( Contrast three different test types which are Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Scales of Independent Behavior and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales as applied in correctional/cognitive Behavior counselor profession.)
This assignment includes researching three different standardized tests in a variety of resources, which include Mental Measurements Yearbook from Buros (available in the Capella Library), test publisher Web sites, and peer-reviewed journals.
For this discussion, identify the three standardized tests that you are in the process of researching. The Unit 2 Discussion 2 and Unit 2 Assignment BOTH require that you utilize the Lists of Tests by Type, which is provided in the Unit 2 Readings. In your post:

  • Include a short description of each test and your initial findings from the Mental Measurements Yearbook. You do not need to include any data of information from the journals or publisher Web sites for this discussion. This is a high-level overview of the three tests and discoveries from reading the reviews. Include any difficulties you may be experiencing with searching for information either in Mental Measurements Yearbook from Buros, publisher Web sites, or peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Conclude your discussion with an evaluation of the three tests and which one is appearing to be your preference for the course project. Explain why.

Evaluate which method of referencing (norm or criterion) appears to be the most useful for examining attributes in psychology

our scales of measurement, which are easily remembered with the acronym NOIR, and include nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Each of these levels or scales of measurement has its own properties, m

our scales of measurement, which are easily remembered with the acronym NOIR, and include nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Each of these levels or scales of measurement has its own properties, methods for assigning numbers or scores, and procedures for statistically manipulating them. As noted in your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, and adhering to a fundamentalist view of measurement statistics, all possible attributes in psychology can be examined through at least one of these four scales and the creation of scores that purport to measure them.
You also read about two methods for evaluating those scores through comparing them to a reference set of data; namely, norm-referenced testing and assessment, and criterion-referenced testing and assessment. Each of these methods is unique in the focus regarding a test’s scores or results.
Discuss the impact of each scale of measurement on the ability or inability to be utilized on a test being standardized as a norm-referenced or criterion-referenced assessment. For the purpose of this discussion, you may cluster the ordinal and interval scale together. Subsequently, your post will include the following four elements:

  • Ordinal or interval scale of measurement and norm-referenced test.
  • Ordinal or interval scale of measurement and criterion-referenced test.
  • Ratio scale of measurement and norm-referenced test.
  • Ratio scale of measurement and criterion-referenced test.

In you post:

  • Provide at least one example that is not in your Psychological Testing and Assessment text for each combination above and describe how the referencing data would be collected.
  • Provide a statement that evaluates which scale of measurement appears to be the most useful for examining attributes in psychology. Explain.
  • Evaluate which method of referencing (norm or criterion) appears to be the most useful for examining attributes in psychology. Explain your decision based on the area of focus regarding the test results. For example, identify if it is preferable to focus on how one individual performs relative to others who took the same test, or if it is preferable to only focus on what the individual can or cannot do.