
Explain why motivating employees is an elevated leader/manager concern in an increasingly outsourced and virtual business world

Motivating employees is of paramount concern for leaders and managers. Organizations seeking to implement significant changes must take into account the effects of employee motivation and morale on th

Motivating employees is of paramount concern for leaders and managers. Organizations seeking to implement significant changes must take into account the effects of employee motivation and morale on the change process.
Using the module readings and online library resources, research the importance of motivating employees.
Based on your research, address the following:

  • Explain why motivating employees is an elevated leader/manager concern in an increasingly outsourced and virtual business world.
  • Use your textbook, appropriate trade journals, and academic peer-reviewed journal articles to support your argument.

Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Note: The title page, references, and appendices are not included in the page count.

  • López-Domínguez, M., Enache, M., Sallan, J. M., & Simo, P. (2013). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2147–2152. Retrieved from
  • Ramlall, S. (2012). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations. Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 1(1), 189–200. (ProQuest Document ID: 1270657894)
  • Öztürk, E. O. (2012). Contemporary motivation theories in educational psychology and language learning: An overview. The International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 33–46. Retrieved from
  • Dong-Shang, C., & Kuo-Lung, S. (2007). Exploring the correspondence between total quality management and Peter Senge’s disciplines of a learning organization: A Taiwan perspective. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18(7), 807–822. (EBSCO AN: 26655568)

Describe three motivation theories (past or current).

An organizational leader or manager in a global environment faces challenges every day that can potentially stifle the organization. One challenge faced by early twenty-first-century leaders and manag

An organizational leader or manager in a global environment faces challenges every day that can potentially stifle the organization. One challenge faced by early twenty-first-century leaders and managers is outsourcing. Outsourcing has become a common practice that often produces quick short-term results, but at what cost? Hearing the words “outsourced” and “outsourcing” or living through an outsourcing process can demotivate employees. Ultimately, the organization may suffer.
Consider the aforementioned aspects, and using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research ways to keep employees motivated during outsourcing.

  • Describe three motivation theories (past or current).
  • Select one motivational theory. Make an argument about how the selected motivational theory can support positive employee demeanor during an organizational change involving outsourcing.

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Use at least 3 references

Cultural Bias in Psychoanalytic Theory

Discussion Questions IAll assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be consider

Discussion Questions I
All assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must use and integrate the material presented in the course text and cite your work according to APA format. Use of outside resources can be used to enhance the text information, but cannot replace the text.
Respond to each question in 1-1 ½ pages per question.
Total assignment should be 4-6 pages total plus a Title and Reference Page
Do not copy the questions in your responses. See APA style on how to create Topic Headings.  Suggested Topic Headings follow each question.  You may use them or create your own.
Question One: The text discusses three main approaches to personality research:  case studies, experimental studies conducted in laboratory settings, and correlational studies.  If you were to conduct a research study today, which approach would you use and why?
Suggested Topic Heading:   Personality Research
Question Two: It has been said that psychoanalytic theory suffers from a number of cultural biases due to the limitations in kinds of patients seen and the Victorian era from which the concepts were originally derived. Which concepts or parts of the theory do you think could become a particular target for arguments of cultural bias?
Suggested Topic Heading:  Cultural Bias in Psychoanalytic Theory
Question Three: As you will see in subsequent chapters, many personality theorists developed ideas that differed markedly from those of Freud and the various neo-Freudian theorists.  What aspects of Freudian theory would you “least want to lose” in such developments – i.e., which features seem so important that they should be taken into account by any other personality theory?
Suggested Topic Heading: Positive Aspects of Freudian Theory
Question Four: Rogers proposed that the fundamental human motive is self-actualization: a positive, growth-oriented human motive.  That sounds like a very nice idea. And it is easy to think of cases in which people seem to be striving toward self-actualization.  But it naturally raises the question of how, in Rogerian theory, one could explain the personality of people who seem oriented toward evil rather than positively-oriented growth.  In other words, what about Hitler?  Mass murderers? Etc. How could one posit a self-actualization theory in the face of such cases?
Suggested Topic Heading:  Self-Actualization and Evil
Assignment Outcomes
Distinguish the major theories of personality
Contrast historical and current views of personality
Integrate evidence based treatment interventions
Combine current research to assessment and technique
Identify legal, ethical issues in theories of personality and psychotherapy
Examine issues of culture and diversity in theories and application
Must have turn it in
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L.A.   (2016).   Personality theory and research.   (13th ed.).   New York , NY   Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.    ISBN 9781118976296

Contrast historical and current views of personality

Begin Final Research Paper.This assignment MUST be typed in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English.For the final paper, you will be presenting your own personality development from t

Begin Final Research Paper.
This assignment MUST be typed in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English.
For the final paper, you will be presenting your own personality development from the perspective of two (2) or more theories of personality covered in the course.
In consideration of your development from birth to present, choose two (2) or more personality theories, covered in the course, to describe your personal identity today. According to the research on your chosen theories, describe the milestones in your life that helped to formulate your beliefs, values, behaviors, familial and interpersonal relationships, career and occupational choices, academic pursuits, etc. The goal of the paper is to formulate your own developmental assessment using research to support your theoretical perspectives.
Select a minimum of eight (8) current research articles taken from scholarly journals (online or hard copy) on your selected topic. You are encouraged to utilize the Calsouthern Library to access evidence-based resources. You may use the bibliography located under Resources in your course syllabus.
* Do not use the course text or other texts for this assignment.
This is a research-based paper.
Remember to include any relevant legal, ethical, and cultural consideration.
Your paper should be 10-12 pages plus a title and reference page.
Due Week 7
Assignment Outcomes
Distinguish the major theories of personality
Contrast historical and current views of personality
Integrate evidence based treatment interventions
Combine current research to assessment and technique
Identify legal, ethical issues in theories of personality and psychotherapy
Examine issues of culture and diversity in theories and application
Demonstrate ethical behavior in the use of technology
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L.A.   (2016).   Personality theory and research.   (13th ed.).   New York , NY   Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.    ISBN 9781118976296