
What does it mean to have a self-concept that is so fused with representations of others?

Assignment 9Discussion Questions IIAll assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers wil

Assignment 9
Discussion Questions II
All assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must use and integrate the material presented in the course text and cite your work according to APA format. Use of outside resources can be used to enhance the text information, but cannot replace the text.
Respond to each question in 1- 1 ½ pages per question.
Total assignment should be 4-6 pages total plus a Title and Reference Page
Do not copy the questions in your responses. See APA style on how to create Topic Headings.  Suggested Topic Headings follow each question.  You may use them or create your own.
Question One: Consider the Research by Zhu, Ziang, Fan, and Han in the text on Cross-Cultural Differences in Brain Activation When Considering the Self.  What does it mean to have a self-concept that is so fused with representations of others?  What does it mean to have a self-concept that is NOT fused with representations of others?  What might the behavioral implications be?
Suggested Topic Heading: Self-Concept and Cross-Cultural Differences
Question Two: Some psychologists have suggested that while individuals tend to use traits to describe themselves and others, this merely tells us something about the cognitive functioning of individuals and about their interpersonal perceptions– it does not tell us that traits represent the best tools for the scientific analysis of personality. How important is the fact that the layperson finds the trait a useful construct? If we accept the importance of the layperson’s use of this construct for theory development, does this also commit us to accepting the specific trait names and categorizations used by the layperson (e.g., honest, aggressive, sympathetic)?
Suggested Topic Heading: Trait Constructs
Question Three: Big five terms are great for describing differences between people. But are they also good for explaining people’s behavior? Is it reasonable to say that “Liz smiled and greeted people happily because she is an extravert”? Or is that similar to saying “It is sunny and warm in San Diego this week because San Diego has nice weather”? In other words, is this sort of “explanation” one that just takes you around in circles?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Five-Factor Model
Question Four: The text discusses research on brain systems involved in higher-level psychological functions, such as self-concept. How much do we learn about such psychological functions by studying the brain? In other words, since we know that some systems in the brain have to be involved in any psychological function, does an analysis of underlying neuroanatomy answer the most pressing questions about personality? Or does it leave unanswered critical questions about the ways in which these psychological capacities develop and function in the social world? In short: Can there be a neuroscience of personality?
Suggested Topic Heading: The Brain and Psychological Functions
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L.A.   (2016).   Personality theory and research.   (13th ed.).   New York , NY   Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.    ISBN 9781118976296

Define reliability

Discussion 1: Methods of MeasuringThe  center point of research studies is the body of data collected to  answer the research question. These data must be measured, which is the  act of taking an a

Discussion 1: Methods of MeasuringThe  center point of research studies is the body of data collected to  answer the research question. These data must be measured, which is the  act of taking an abstract concept (e.g., depression, anger, etc.),  sorting them out and quantifying them in some cohesive way in order to  construct meaning—but how can you measure something that is not easily  quantifiable? Choosing  an appropriate measurement tool requires consideration of a number of  different issues including reliability, validity, appropriateness for  use with a specific group or culture, availability, and potential cost.  Sometimes, social workers will attempt to create their own set of  questions to tap into or measure a concept.  This may appear to be an easy thing to do; however, writing questions to  measure a phenomenon is more challenging than it would seem. For  example, how do we know it measures what we want it to measure?  In the  first discussion this week, you will have the opportunity to create your  own questions to measure a phenomenon of your interest. In the second  discussion, you will compare the measure you created with an existing  instrument that measures the same phenomenon.
To prepare: Choose  one phenomenon or issue that a client may be dealing with (for example, depression, anxiety, or family conflict). Consider how you would  evaluate the client’s progress in this area. Create questions with  response options that would capture this phenomenon or client issue.
Identify the phenomenon you would measure and explain how you conceptualize this phenomenon.
Provide  at least 3 questions you would use to measure this phenomenon and  explain how these questions operationalize the phenomenon.
Define reliability in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish reliability for the questions you created.
Define validity in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish validity for the questions you created.
Create a measurement plan to assess the phenomenon.
Describe  the methodology you would use to collect data using your measurement  tool (your method for acquiring this research data).
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your choices)

What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months?

 Due Date                  Monday, July 23, 2018                   9:00 AM    Points Possible                150           Assignment

  •   Due Date                  Monday, July 23, 2018                   9:00 AM    Points Possible                150
  •    Assignment 1: Principles of Success Plan: GoalsDue Week 3 and worth 150 points.What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months? Based on the information presented in the webtext on  setting and managing goals, identify three personal or career goals you  would like to accomplish and explain why these goals are important and  how achieving them will help you improve your life. In addition,  summarize the research on goals from the “Managing Multiple Goals”  Investigation in Chapter 3, and explain how your goals follow the  guidelines for setting good goals. Assignment 1 should be one to two (1-2) pages in length and should include the following:
  1. Specify and explain one personal or career goal you have that can be accomplished in the next three to 12 months in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
    4. Specify and explain a second personal or career goal you have  that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months in one  paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    5. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    6. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    7. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  2. Specify and explain a third personal or career goal you have  that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months in one  paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  3. Summarize the relevant research on goals from the “Managing  Multiple Goals” Investigation in Chapter 3, and explain how your goals  follow the guidelines for setting good goals in one paragraph of three to five (3-5)sentences.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,  the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the  date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use  writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow  APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page  length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]
  5. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.
  • Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.

Identify any new policies in place to help the working poor find affordable housing

Housing is a critical issue for the working poor. Key findings of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (2000) analysis show the following:From 1993 to 1998, the number of subprime ref

Housing is a critical issue for the working poor. Key findings of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (2000) analysis show the following:

  1. From 1993 to 1998, the number of subprime refinancing loans increased ten-fold.
  2. Subprime loans are three times more likely in low-income neighborhoods than in high-income neighborhoods.
  3. Subprime loans are five times more likely in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods.
  4. Homeowners in high-income black areas are twice as likely as homeowners in low-income white areas to have subprime loans.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the subprime crisis. Then, answer the following:

  • How much is housing related to the “American Dream”?
  • How did this housing crisis affect the working poor?
  • Identify any new policies in place to help the working poor find affordable housing.

Write a 2–4-page paper in Microsoft Word format, following current APA formatting. Include a separate page for your references.
Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc.