
Explain the differences between the ethical standards for clients being treated by psychologists in counseling sessions and the standards for conducting psychological research with human participants

How Ethics Differ in Research and Therapeutic PracticePrior to beginning work on this discussion, read the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct  (Links to an external sit

 How Ethics Differ in Research and Therapeutic Practice
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external its entirety, paying special attention to standards 8 and 10 that cover ethics in research and therapeutic practice. Oftentimes research methods courses discuss the ethics of research and focus on historic examples of unethical research studies. This discussion of ethics will involve a different focus. The Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. presents information on ethical standards and expectations that apply to specific situations, including therapy and research. Explain the differences between the ethical standards for clients being treated by psychologists in counseling sessions and the standards for conducting psychological research with human participants. Consider your future career in the field of psychology and describe the parts of the Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. you expect to relate directly to your future career. Select and provide the number for one ethical requirement that applies specifically to psychological research and briefly summarize the standard. Explain why this requirement may not apply to a therapy situation.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers who selected a different ethical requirement than you by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion. As you formulate your responses, answer the following questions:

  • Did your colleague provide a thorough explanation of the differences between the ethical requirements for research versus those for therapeutic practice?
  • What differences did your colleague note which you did not list in your initial post?
  • Considering the future career your colleague mentioned, did he or she correctly describe the parts of the APA code which would directly relate to that career path?
  • What suggestions might you make to your colleague in terms of ethical standards which would apply to this career path?
  • Do you concur with your colleague’s choice of ethical standard that applies specifically to psychological research?
    • If so, why? If not, what standards might you suggest your colleague consider that apply specifically to research?
  • Did your colleague provide a convincing explanation as to why this standard would not apply to therapeutic practice?
  • Can you think of additional explanations for why this requirement may not apply to a therapy situation?

What information would you need to give them to convince them of your strategy?

Over the course of this semester you have explored your interests, identified your strengths, reflected on your goals and how to achieve them. Your Capstone Report will comprise of a summary of what y

Over the course of this semester you have explored your interests, identified your strengths, reflected on your goals and how to achieve them. Your Capstone Report will comprise of a summary of what you have learned.
This paper is about mapping out your strategy to meet your goals so it is okay to draw from your personal experience but the conclusions you reach have to consist of more than your self-reflections. Think, for example, about what have you read and discussed over the semester and how that is informing your strategy. You are required to cite at least five sources from the course’s assigned readings. In addition, you can also cite material from outside the course’s reading list. Note that you will only get points for citing sources if they appear in the text of your paper and in your bibliography. If you struggle with citing material properly, I encourage you to visit the Center for Excellence in Writing for help.
You are welcome to use whatever citation style you are most comfortable with such as MLA, APA etc. FIU has a number of online resources dedicated to avoiding plagiarism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and making proper citations. With regard to citing from social media, UCF has outlined some guidelines for MLA style citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. If your paper consists of a bibliography without corresponding in text citations, you will lose points.
As we have learned while reading, “Everybody Writes” it helps to have an audience in mind to guide your writing. Your audience for this report is your personal board of directors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. These are the people you turn to for career advice, the sounding boards for your ideas, the ones you go to when you need to be nudged to get something done. What information would you need to give them to convince them of your strategy? What concerns might they raise and how will you address them?
Your paper must specifically address the following:

  • What are your goals? What skills, experiences, insights do you possess that make you unique and how do they connect with what you want to achieve? What concrete steps have you already taken and what additional measures do you plan to take to make your goals a reality? I encourage you to revisit the readings and exercises from modules 1 to 5 for inspiration. Think of what you write in this section as your answer to the ubiquitous interview question, “Tell me about yourself”. Chapter 10 & 11 of “You Majored in What?” have some great tips to help you construct your answer.
  • Next, outline your plan to create a network that will help you achieve your objectives. You can begin by presenting an assessment of your current network (use the Uzzi and Dunlop HBR article as a guide) before discussing how you plan to broaden your circle of contacts.
  • You also need to discuss how you will be managing your online presence. Be as detailed as possible. For example, at this point you have a LinkedIn profile and perhaps a couple of connections. How are you going to expand your network to help achieve your goals? By asking people for introductions? By joining groups that share your interests? If you have come to the conclusion that you don’t need to maintain a prominent presence online, elaborate on your reasoning behind this decision.
  • Finally, what is your plan to sustain your network, and online presence?

This report should be 1500- 2500 words in length. You will be graded on the following:

  • Content: Does it fulfill the stated objective of the assignment? Has the writer made clear and well supported arguments? Are citations appropriately used? Has the author adhered to the word limits?
  • Organization: Is it easy to understand the point the author is making? Does the paper flow in a way that makes it readable?

This assignment must be submitted as a Word document.

If you are an individual in later adulthood or a caregiver for an individual in later adulthood, what community resources might be important to you?

Volunteers and political officials in local communities often campaign to improve conditions and provide services to increase the well-being of individuals and families living in those communities. If

Volunteers and political officials in local communities often campaign to improve conditions and provide services to increase the well-being of individuals and families living in those communities. If you are the parent of young children, you might focus on improving the local school or creating safe places where children can play. If you are an individual in later adulthood or a caregiver for an individual in later adulthood, what community resources might be important to you? For this week’s Assignment, you evaluate the resources that your local community provides for its older members.
To prepare for this Assignment, research the resources available in your local community to support the issues and concerns of the older population. Note any gaps in these services and consider what improvements might be made to existing services as well as what services should be added.
Submit a 2.5- to 4-page APA paper that includes the following:

  • A description of the services in your local community that support individuals in later adulthood
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of the services you identified
  • A description of service gaps you identified
  • An explanation of how to improve existing services
  • A description of services that should be added, and why

Tucker-Seeley, R. D., Li, Y., Sorensen, G., & Subramanian, S. V. (2011). Lifecourse socioeconomic circumstances and multimorbidity among older adults. BMC Public Health, 11(4), 313–321.
Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.

What effect might misdiagnosis’s have on children lives?

First   response to classmate posted by Sunday10First   response is at least 150 words10First   response employs at least 2 citations; one   can be text; other must be from an academic source1

First   response to classmate posted by Sunday
First   response is at least 150 words
First   response employs at least 2 citations; one   can be text; other must be from an academic source
Second   response to classmate posted by Sunday
Second   response is at least 150 words
Second   response employs at least 2 citations; one   can be text; other must be from an academic source
Week 7/ Diagnosing Young Children
Catalina Villarreal(Jul 17, 2018 8:40 PM)– Read by: 2
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Hello class,
What effect might misdiagnosis’s have on children lives?
Without any test for mental health disorders, the gateway to a missed diagnosis is left to perception when the underlining problem isn’t found (CCHR, 2007). When it comes to the effects of misdiagnoses, children with mental health issues such as bipolar disorder, manic depression, and schizophrenia disorders can have devastating consequences on their life.  When a child is miss diagnosed, he or she will probably be prescribed certain medications that may not solve or help the issues.  In addition to being wrongfully medicated, experts can also refer the child to therapies that he or she may not need, which can make matters worse.  Therefore, misdiagnoses can be like placing the wrong permanent labels on children that may bare devastating lifelong consequences.
Why should or should not we diagnose young children?
According to the American Psychology Association (n.d.) there are approximately 15 million children and adolescents in our nation currently diagnosed with a mental disorder.  Wow! That is a scary amount in my opinion.  Being diagnosed with a mental health disorder is a very sensitive matter because a child’s mental and physical health is at risk.  Not only is the child affected by many mental issues, so are the families.  Being properly diagnosed is important and should be done adequately and over a period. Especially before labeling a child with a mental disorder.  However, I do think that many mental disorders can be misconstrued with a little more than typical behaviors.  For instance, a 2-year-old can show more aggression than a “typical” toddler would and that raise concern for some parents.  Even though the child may just be acting out a little more.  Therefore, I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to should or should we not diagnose young children.  If the child is diagnosed with a mental disability, he or she deserves the best medical treatment to address the issue.  Just make sure to proceed with caution with any medications that have not yet been approved by the FDA.
What age is “too young” to diagnoses, or is there no age limit?
According to Briggs, (a Psychologist who works in a healthcare center based in the South Bronx) screaming babies as early as six months for any signs of mental issues is important.  Briggs agrees with many other experts that say waiting until Kindergarten is too late for diagnosing a child (Cardoza, 2016).  Which sounds too young in my opinion, although I’m not an expert.  Young children are still developing and trying to find themselves (in terms of behaviors), therefore, I do think many children are being diagnosed too young.  It seems to be an issue affecting their overall development.
What are the cons to giving diagnoses too young to children?
The cons to diagnosing too young are the classification that is put on the child.  Classifying a child with a mental disorder can make the child feel that he or she is broken, different, or not normal.  Which comes with its own set of problems.  To also allocating mental health drugs, that are meant for adults who suffer from mental health issues and not yet approved for a child’s consumption.  Which is scary and can also have negative consequences for children.  Children who have been diagnosed too young can isolate themselves and become depressed, worsening their condition.
What are the pros and cons to giving psychiatric medication with young children?
It is believed that mental illness medications are manufactured for adult patients and not yet approved by the FDA for a child’s consumption (Couric, 2007).  On the contrast, it seems that these medications can have devastating side effects, negatively impacting the child’s health.  Which can lead to other series of mental and health problems.  Misdiagnoses can also deter the patient from receiving the proper treatment for the behaviors and problems they are displaying.  In conclusion, receiving psychiatric medication can have devastating effects on children’s mental and health deuteration, or in some cases death.  Like we learned in the case of Rebecca Riley.
On a positive note, these medications also seem to be helping some patients that suffer from mental disorders.  These psychiatric medications can improve the children’s quality of life by treating the underlined problem(s) by improving their behavior.
American Psychological Association (n.d). Children’s Mental Health: Why is Children Mental Health Important? Retrieved from:
Cardoza K. (2016). Screening Mental Health In Kindergarten Is Way Too Late, Experts Say. National Public Radio. Retrieved from:
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (2007). Children Misdiagnosed with Mental Health Issues. Retrieved from:
Couric, K. (2007). What Killed Rebecca Riley? CBS News. Retrieved from:
Week 7: Diagnosing Young Children
Alison Jiles(Jul 17, 2018 7:25 PM)– Read by: 1