
Can we conduct a science of persons if there is no objective reality or truth to discover? 

Discussion Questions IIIAll assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be consid

Discussion Questions III
All assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must use and integrate the material presented in the course text and cite your work according to APA format. Use of outside resources can be used to enhance the text information, but cannot replace the text.
Respond to each question in 1- 1 ½ pages per question.Total assignment should be 4-6 pages total plus a Title and Reference Page
Do not copy the questions in your responses. See APA style on how to create Topic Headings.  Suggested Topic Headings follow each question.  You may use them or create your own.Question One:  Skinner suggests that since environmental control is ever-present, we should learn to make maximum use of these environmental influences.  He also suggests that concern with internal variables, such as emotion and motivation, as explanations of behavior has led psychologists astray. Do you think this approach would lead to a more scientific psychology?  Or might it instead create a psychology that fails to develop a science of important aspects of human experience?  Suggested Topic Heading: Skinner and Environmental Influences
Question Two: In considering Kelly’s constructive alternativism, does it seem odd to read about a theorist who holds little stock in idea that there is an objective reality or absolute truth to discover?  Can we conduct a science of persons if there is no objective reality or truth to discover?  How might Kelly’s constructive alternativism foster an even more fruitful scientific investigation of persons than other theories? Suggested Topic Heading: Kelly’s Constructive Alternativism
Question Three: B. F. Skinner questioned people’s capacity for free will and self-control. In what ways does social cognitive theory, and its associated programs of research, provide a counter-argument to Skinner’s position?. How does a focus on expectancies differentiate social-cognitive theory from behaviorism?  How does this shift enable social-cognitive theorists to explain why two people react differently to the same environment? Suggested Topic Heading: Skinner vs Social Cognitive Theory
Question Four: People seem to differ in their “moods.” Some people are commonly “upbeat” and “lively.” Others seem lower in energy. Some people seem commonly to be depressed. How does social cognitive theory explain these individual differences? Or does it? Might this be a limitation to the social-cognitive approach? What are your thoughts about problem-focused and emotion-focused coping? Suggested Topic Heading: Social Cognitive Theory, Problem-Focused and Emotion-Focused Coping
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L.A.    (2016).   Personality theory and research.   (12th ed.).   New York , NY   Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.     ISBN 9781118976296

Emotional Disorders

3 pages. Due in 24 hoursRead the Emotional Disorders Case Studies document on the bottom of the assignment. Be sure to focus on the symptoms listed in each case study. Then, respond to the following

3 pages. Due in 24 hours
Read the Emotional Disorders Case Studies document on the bottom of the assignment. Be sure to focus on the symptoms listed in each case study. Then, respond to the following:
1. Select two cases and identify which emotional disorder is the most likely the diagnosis (i.e., major depressive disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress, separation anxiety disorder, or panic disorder).
o  List the symptoms that led you to decide on each of the diagnoses you choose.
o  Describe each diagnosis you choose by listing the symptoms and criteria required for the diagnosis and possible causes of the diagnosis. Explain how the case illustrates the criteria and provide a possible explanation for why that individual has developed that disorder.
o  Support your decisions with information from at least two academic sources. Recommended sources include your textbook, the website of BehaveNet and the website of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
2. Provide your position on a controversy related to Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (i.e., “Bipolar Disorder for children”).
In the mid-1990s, the description of BP given in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was changed to allow providers to diagnose the disorder in children. Since that time, the diagnosis of BP in children has risen dramatically. Some of those who research the increased frequency of diagnosis of BP in children argue that childhood BP is increasing because it is now being better recognized and identified in children (Biederman et al., 2003). Others argued that the increased frequency of diagnosis is because providers are diagnosing BP too often in children and misdiagnosing it in most cases (Parens & Johnston, 2010). With the DSM-V, the category of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder was added specifically for children under the age of 18 who have bipolar-type symptoms but have not experienced the manic episodes.
Which argument do you support? Provide at least two reasons to support your argument and cite academic sources to justify your position.
Biederman, J., Mick, E., Faraone, S. V., Spencer, T., Wilens, T. E., & Wozniak, J.           (2003). Current concepts in the validity, diagnosis and treatment of paediatric           bipolar disorder. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 6(3),           293–300.Parens, E., & Johnston, J. (2010). Controversies concerning the diagnosis and           treatment of bipolar disorder in children. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry           & Mental Health, 4(9), 1–14. Retrieved from http://www.biomedcentral.           com/content/pdf/1753-2000-4-9.pdf
Emotional Disorders—Case Studies
Case A: Charlie is a four-year-old Caucasian boy. His mother had hoped to enroll him in a preschool this year. However, when she attempted to leave him at the school for the morning classes, he panicked and threw tantrums. He clung to her, screaming until she was able to comfort him by taking him out of the school building, with her. Until this time, Charlie has spent a brief period of time under others’ care while his mother ran errands or visited her friends. He tended to become upset as she left the home on those occasions, as well. He does not usually throw tantrums; the tantrums seem to occur only when he anticipates being left by his mother at school.
Case B: Nyah is an eleven-year-old African American girl beginning middle school. In August, just before the school began, she started having difficulty sleeping at night. She reported to her parents that she was worrying about school and anticipating difficulty in middle school with making friends and being assigned more homework. In addition, she has been biting her fingernails. Her parents describe Nyah as an intelligent, hard-working, conscientious, and “prone-to-worry” girl. Apparently, she has always had more worries than other children. When her parents argue, she worries they will divorce. When her friends don’t answer her calls, she worries that they are rejecting her. Throughout the elementary school, she often feared that she would fail her spelling tests or math exams, despite regularly receiving strong grades.
Case C: Sindhu is a sixteen-year-old Indian American girl. Her parents and friends describe her as quite serious most of the time and often sad. She is extremely talented in arts; she paints and draws so well that she has been recommended to participate in the countywide gifted and talented art class every year since elementary school. She seems to express deep, intense emotions in her artwork. Her mother became quite concerned recently when she heard Sindhu tell a friend that “life is too hard,” and that she “can’t imagine how she will make it in college.” Her best friend admits that Sindhu seems more sad lately, more tearful, and that Sindhu seemed preoccupied with dark subjects of conversation, such as tragedy, war, and death. When Sindhu’s grades began to decline and she seemed increasingly sad, unmotivated, and lethargic, her parents sought help for her.

Identify the common predictors of suicide, treatments, and prevention programs

After reading The Cultural Meaning of Suicide: What Does That Mean?Write a paper of 500-750 words on suicide in which you address the following questions:What did you think of the article? How did the

After reading The Cultural Meaning of Suicide: What Does That Mean?
Write a paper of 500-750 words on suicide in which you address the following questions:

  1. What did you think of the article?
  2. How did the article relate to topics presented in the textbook?
  3. What interesting questions did the article raise for you?
  4. Identify the common predictors of suicide, treatments, and prevention programs
  5. Define suicide in your own words and describe how suicide is viewed in other cultures.

Use the GCU Library databases, include a minimum of two outside references or other resources to highlight and support your viewpoint.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Describe why using a behavior analytic approach on all levels of the organization is preferred over a non-scientific approach.

Original work ONLY: Turnitin will check for plagiarism. Kindly follow Rubric attached.The following course outcome is assessed with the Unit 3 Assignment:PS430-2: Analyze behavior management programs

Original work ONLY: Turnitin will check for plagiarism. Kindly follow Rubric attached.
The following course outcome is assessed with the Unit 3 Assignment:
PS430-2: Analyze behavior management programs using fundamental principles of behavior.
PC-2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.
You are working as a behavioral consulting intern. Your company is taking on a new client, Shoreside Community-Based Residential Facility. Shoreside would like your company to provide consultation in their unit for adults with traumatic brain injury.
Shoreside management and staff have expressed a concern over increasing rates of disruptive behavior during community outings and have had little success with their current interventions. They believe they may need assistance with staff training and behavior management techniques.
The company uses some Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with their clients but has never used ABA at an organizational level. The Director recently learned about Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) and wants to know more about how basic concepts of ABA could be used at Shoreside. The Director of Shoreside believes this would be an effective way to address the problems within the organization.
Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to management and staff to provide more information about Organizational Behavior Management and how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in the organization. Shoreside is skeptical that the same principles they use with their clients could be applied to staff within the organization.
Using what you have learned about OBM and fundamental principles of behavior, you must create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 12 slides) consisting of the following:

  1. Provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management:
    • Define and describe Organizational Behavior Management.
    • Identify and describe at least one specific application of OBM that is applicable to the above organization.
  2. Provide an overview of the general goals of an OBM/ABA based intervention:
    • Identify the role that individuals within organizations hold in relation to the successful planning and implementation of interventions
    • Describe how problems are prioritized and addressed.
  3. Define and describe fundamental principles of behavior and provide examples of how this is applied on an organizational level. Use nontechnical language when possible, so that all those attending the meeting understand your discussion:
    • Respondent Conditioning
    • Operant Conditioning
    • Verbal Behavior
  4. Describe why using a behavior analytic approach on all levels of the organization is preferred over a non-scientific approach.
  5. Discuss why principles of ABA are important in the development of behavior management programs.

The goal for this Assignment is to provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management and describe the fundamental principles of behavior analysis. You should not create a solution for the given scenario. You should provide a beginning explanation of the above principles in order to introduce the staff to the use of behavior analysis on all levels within the organization.
Your PowerPoint presentation should have an APA Style title page and reference page. The sources of the information used in the preparation of your presentation should be cited with in-text citations in APA Style and should be reflected on your reference page.
Your PowerPoint should be a minimum of 12 slides in length, not including title and reference pages, include proper APA formatting (including properly formatted headings for each section of your plan), and include at least two academic references reference from :  Johnson C., Redmon W., Mawhinney T. (2001). Handbook of Organizational Performance, 1st Edition.