
Identify issues expressed on gender constructs.


For conducting interviews, identify three individuals who would be willing and have the time to speak with you, and schedule interviews with them. Plan ahead; do not procrastinate in securing individuals for this interview. Select individuals from different age groups and cultural backgrounds than your own. The three individuals should be from the following age groups:

  • 20–35
  • 36–49
  • 50–65

Your task is to learn about each individual’s sense of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and understanding of gender roles and the various forces and experiences that have shaped his or her beliefs and behaviors. You can ask questions on gender, gender-related development, and sexual topics. Note that this may be considered personal or private information, which not everyone is comfortable discussing openly and honestly. Be open to accepting information respectfully, especially if an individual has set limits to conversational topics.
For conducting the interviews, follow these guidelines:

  • Conduct a one-on-one interview with each individual.
  • Record each interview or take detailed notes. This will help in your analysis.
  • Besides answers to the questions, record or note other relevant information shared as well as the mood of each interviewee during the interview process.

The interview format should be based on the following types of questions:

  • Demographic questions: This is common in interviews and questionnaires. Typically, demographic questions include questions regarding age, gender, race or ethnicity, marital status, education level, career title (job), and the types of jobs held. Do not include questions that identify an individual, that is, questions regarding name, address, and relationship to you.
  • Interview questions: Personal interview questions differ from a questionnaire or a survey in that they are much less structured. They are open ended and lead to a narrative of the normative and nonnormative life events of an individual. For the interview, you will need to ask four to five questions on various topics. However, be prepared to ask follow-up questions to further probe into the topic area, if needed.
  • Topics: You can base your questions on the following topics:
    • Examine gender identity across the life span.
    • Identify issues expressed on gender constructs.
    • Identify any sexism, stereotyping, or discrimination experienced.
    • Examine culturally communicated gender concepts.
    • Examine the issues of class and gender on each interviewee’s development.
    • Examine career expectations and any issues of gender stereotyping each interviewee may have experienced in his or her workplace.
    • Discuss any sexual harassment concerns or experiences at each interviewee’s workplace.
    • Discuss cross-cultural issues in reference to the expression of gender traits.

Document the responses you receive during your interview sessions, with detailed notes and specific attention to what you might observe (nonverbal actions) during the interviews.
Prior to each interview, personally complete the questionnaire that you have prepared for the interviewees. Then, following the interviews, compare the participants’ views with your own views and perspectives.
Create a summary report in an 8- to 10-page Microsoft Word document on the interviews, detailing the following information:

  • List the interview questions asked.
  • Describe the demographic information for each participant.
  • Provide a summary of responses to questions.
  • Describe any issues or relevant information regarding the interviews.
  • Provide a comparison of your own responses against the interviewees’—what similarities did you find, and what connections to this course’s theories and terminology have you constructed from this assignment?

Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.

Analyze the impact of any recent social and/or ethical trends on the health care industry


Senior ProjectTo start, select one of the following approved topics for your Senior Project. You may also have a topic of your choice approved by the instructor in Week One.  Many of the approved topics have specific subtopics outlined and, while these topics are not all-inclusive, they do provide insight into specific areas to consider. Approved Topics:

  1. Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority.
  2. As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns.
  3. Analyze the dual role of a manager and healthcare professional. Examine challenges that the health professional compared to those of a non-health professional, may face in terms of leadership style, and the impact these challenges have on organizational culture. The benefits of a health professional manager as an organizational resource may also be included. Explore the career trends of health professionals in organizational leadership positions, such as the types of health professional training that leaders tend to have in common, and the typical demographic background of health professional managers.
  4. The health care industry must anticipate and monitor trends that could possibly affect its overall survival. Analyze how regulation of the health care industry impacts a health care organization. Explore some of the possible survival organizational strategies such as, but not limited to, mergers, and affiliations, achieving accreditation status, professional licensure.
  5. Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered. The impact of technology on employee performance, organizational structure, and management planning may also be considered.
  6. Analyze the impact of any recent social and/or ethical trends on the health care industry. Discuss at least two issues.

After identifying your topic, choose a health care organization in your area. This organization may be small or large and may provide single inpatient health service or multiple outpatient services; it is your choice. Consider your topic in light of the leadership of this organization and research the challenges and successes it has faced in managing operational effectiveness.  You are welcome to use as many research methods as possible to obtain information for your organization and its managers (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your project.  Finally, develop a management training program that includes relevant guidelines and information to combat the issues identified in the selected topic, as well as recommendations for managers to more effectively lead health care organizations. Your training program should be in the form of a 20 to 25 slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding title and reference slides) that includes comprehensive speaker’s notes (i.e., at least 150 words) for each slide. Utilize at least three to five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library and two to three current, scholarly web sources (total of five to eight references required). All sources must be cited according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your presentation must be engaging and relevant to your audience. Lines of text on a slide will not be sufficient for this project. It should contain at least five images, graphics, and/or multimedia that communicate your training clearly to your audience. For tips on creating an excellent presentation, read this overview.
Creating the Senior Project

Capstone wk5 Michael Smith

Capstone wk5 Michael Smith

Utilizing the information you compiled for your literature review paper, and the feedback you received from your instructor about the literature review, prepare a 10–15-minute PowerPoint presentation on your topic, summarizing the key points and conclusions. Be sure to direct this presentation to an audience in the community. For example, if your paper pertained to a topic on Victims’ Rights, direct your presentation toward a community policing program or a Rape Crisis Center. If your topic pertained to Incarceration and Juvenile Justice, direct it toward a community service agency which may use this information for educating teens or parents about preventing teen crime. Please state in your presentation the specific audience toward whom your presentation is aimed. Include a reference page in APA format, as well as detailed speaker notes and an audio file with your presentation.
Your slides should provide answers to the following questions:

  • What was your topic?
  • What question did you hope to answer by completing this literature review paper? Explain the practical implications of the conclusions of the literature review and the audience to which they are directed.
  • Given the results of your literature review, what is/are the prevailing argument(s)? In other words, which of those is supported by the existing evidence? Be sure to include full coverage of the arguments, including strengths and weaknesses of each of them, supported by your findings from reviewing the relevant articles.
  • Did the researchers consider multicultural factors in their studies? If not, what factors may be involved? What multicultural factors should future studies include?
  • What ethical issues are related to your topic and/or discussed in the studies you reviewed?
  • How do the conclusions of your literature review relate to the various specialization areas in criminal justice?
  • How can the conclusions of your literature review inform the population toward whom your presentation is directed? How can they apply this information to their daily lives? What advice or “take-home message” can you provide to your audience based on the research you reviewed?
  • What research question could you ask in order to further develop this area of study?
  • Why is your research question important and relevant to the current work being done on your topic?

Your presentation should also follow these guidelines:

  • It should be approximately 10–15 minutes in length.
  • It should be clear, concise, and professional. Writing should be free of spelling and grammatical errors; it should conform to current APA style (including any in-text citations).
  • It should include graphs, tables, figures, or images illustrating your ideas.
  • There should be a final slide listing references in current APA style.
  • The bulk of the text should be placed in the Notes pages of each slide. Keep the amount of text on the slide, itself, to a minimum.
  • You should record an audio file of your oral presentation. You should also type the text of the speech you would give while showing these slides to an audience should be typed into the Notes area. If you are unable to use the audio feature, the Notes text will suffice.

PSY102 Week 7 Capstone Project

PSY102 Week 7 Capstone Project

Due at the end of Week 7 of the course, the Capstone Project is a composite of the assignments produced for the course Weeks 1 through 6 Module Reports and ends with two summary pages describing the student’s top 3 specialty areas of interest at the time of the project submission and identified action steps needed for continued researching of those areas, successful degree completion and post-graduation plans.This capstone work is a compilation of evidence of your learning. You must summarize your information from the past six weeks, not cut and paste from your earlier submitted reports.  Your focus should be on how all of this information impacts YOUR interests and plans for your academic future and your final submission should be approximately 12-15 pages.
Required books:Kuther, T. L. and Morgan, R. D. (2012). Careers in Psychology:  Opportunities in a changing world (4rd Ed.).  Cengage Publishing.
Capstone Project Grading Rubric
Topic Coverage
Required topics are covered thoroughly in each assignment submission.
Demonstration of Learning
Submission demonstrates a strong working knowledge of material incorporated.
Organization, Format and Mechanics
Primary ideas, facts and insights are presented in a clear and easy to understand manner. First person “I” and second person “you” pronoun usage only occurs in sections of the work requiring it and all other portions are written in an objective manner. Writing is well organized and easy to follow. Assignment submission is in APA format, double-spaced with 1-inch top, bottom, left and right margins, and in Arial or Times New Roman styles, size 11 – 12 font, includes a cover page and all sources writing is based on or inspired by are correctly cited in body of the work and in a references list attached to the end.
Spelling and Grammar
Submission contains few to no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
Total: 160