
Explain the incidence of exceptionality in children, including known causes or those hypothesized in peer-reviewed research

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Assignment 1: LASA 2—Exceptionality Presentation

In this course, you have learned about a range of exceptionalities in children. For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to gain a more in-depth understanding of a particular exceptionality.
The local public school has asked you to give a presentation to parents or teachers about a specific exceptionality of your choice.
The presentation should cover at least two peer-reviewed articles. Select an exceptionality for this assignment and provide the following information in your presentation:

  • Describe the exceptionality, including its identification and assessment.
  • Explain the incidence of exceptionality in children, including known causes or those hypothesized in peer-reviewed research.
  • Describe the cultural considerations in identification, assessment, and intervention.
  • Hypothesize the prognosis.
  • Recommend interventions for the following areas:
    • At school
    • In the community
    • At home
    • From early childhood through transition into adulthood

While developing the presentation, keep in mind individual differences and strengths, culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and ethical or legal issues in identification, assessment, and intervention. Be sure to include detailed speaker notes to accompany each slide to elaborate on the talking points being raised in the slide.
Use the accompanying PowerPoint presentation tip list to assist in formatting the presentation and speaker’s notes. Be sure to include a title slide and a slide with your references. All citations and the reference list should follow APA format. Click here to review some useful tips for an effective slideshow.
Develop a 15–20-slide presentation in PowerPoint (not counting the title and reference list slides). Provide detailed speaker notes for each slide of your presentation, which include the main talking points for the topic addressed in the slide. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.
By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDescribe the exceptionality, including its identification and assessment (in both the slide/s and speaker notes).36Explain the incidence of exceptionality in children, including known causes or those hypothesized in peer-reviewed research (in both the slide/s and speaker notes).40Describe the cultural or linguistically diverse considerations as they relate to identification, assessment, and intervention/support of children with the exceptionality (in both the slide/s and speaker notes).40Hypothesize the prognosis of children with the exceptionality according to research (in both the slide/s and speaker notes).44Recommend interventions (in both the slide/s and speaker notes), focusing on individual strengths, for: schools, communities, at home, and in early childhood through transition to adulthood.48Incorporate the findings of at least two peer-reviewed articles.28Presentation
Standards Organization (16)
Usage and mechanics (16)
APA elements (24)
Style (8)64Total:300

Describe something new that you learned, including how it might have changed your viewpoint on children with exceptionalities

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Assignment 2: Discussion—Reflection

In this course, you have learned about the range of exceptionalities in children from low-incidence disabilities to gifted and talented, and also twice-exceptional children.
Given the realities of budget cutbacks, financial challenges, and legal requirements of schools, the focus tends to be on evaluating and providing interventions for students on the disability end of the exceptionalities continuum, rather than on those considered gifted and talented.
Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research gifted and talented students. Then, reflect on what you have learned throughout this course.
Based on your research, respond to the following:
Part I

  • What arguments can you make for focusing time and resources on children with disabilities, rather than on those considered gifted and talented?
  • What arguments can be made for focusing on those considered gifted and talented?
  • Given what you have learned about the continuum of exceptionalities, what recommendations would you make? Provide reasons to support your answer.

Remember to consider ethical and legal arguments.
Part II

  • Explain why the term exceptionalities includes a continuum from those with low-incidence disabilities to gifted and talented. What do all of these children have in common?
  • Describe something new that you learned, including how it might have changed your viewpoint on children with exceptionalities (such as, how research differs from what you thought was true or how an opinion or perspective was challenged).
  • Discuss something you learned in this course that you would like to continue learning more about. How might you apply this knowledge in your career goals?

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personality disorders

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 Integrative Personality Theory
For your final paper, you will complete the rest of the assignment which you began in week three and create your own theory of personality development by synthesizing the concepts and constructs of all the theories that seem most accurate and appropriate to you and by using those concepts to reflect on your own personality and development.  Remember to use the template provided to guide you through the steps.
Research a minimum of eight scholarly sources related to these concepts in the Ashford University Library to support your statements in the paper. Popular websites and your textbook may augment, but they will not count toward, the minimum number of sources needed for the paper.  The following content and headings must be included in your paper.
Please visit the Ashford Writing Center for guidance on how to format headings in APA Style. Also, please take note of the suggestions provided for the length for each section in the instructions below.
Provide a general introduction to the topic of theories of personality. Explain what you plan to cover and describe the direction your paper will take. This section will not feature a heading, and it will be approximately two to three paragraphs.
Major Concepts
In this section, you will present the seven specific concepts identified from the seven models you think best apply to the study of personality in distinct subheadings.  For each concept, identify the major personality model from which the concept was taken as well as the theorist associated with that model.  This completed section will be approximately four to five pages.
Excluded Concepts
In this section, present the concepts you have chosen to exclude in your theory of personality development.  Reflect on the basic assumptions that define personality and identify three specific excluded concepts from any of the theories studied in the course.  For each of the excluded concepts, provide a rationale explaining the various aspects of the concept that make it unsuitable for your use.  This section will be approximately one to two pages.
The Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy Personalities
Describe the basic differences between healthy and unhealthy personality, based on the concepts that you have chosen to include and exclude from your theory.  This completed section will be approximately one page.
The Roles of Heredity, the Environment, and Epigenetics
Provide your analysis of the roles heredity, the environment, and epigenetics play in the development of personality. Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personality disorders. This completed section will be approximately one page.
Assessment and Measurement of the Theory
Reflect on the major concepts you have selected for inclusion and provide a brief description about how those concepts are measured and/or assessed. Review the assessment sections of each chapter and discuss those measures you think are most applicable and effective.  This completed section will be approximately one page.
In this section of the paper, review the self-reflection you wrote in Week One of this class and describe how and in what ways your views have or have not changed. Analyze your Week One self-assessment using the concepts that you have included in your integrative theory and describe how your theory explains your personality. This section will be approximately one page.
Provide a brief conclusion that summarizes the ideas presented in your integrative theory of personality. This section will not feature a heading and it will be approximately two to four paragraphs.
Allport, G. W. (1968). The person in psychology: Selected essays. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
The Integrative Personality Theory paper:

Explain how learning the skills involved in doctoral research will impact your self-image

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Complete the following:

  • Reflect on this course. As preparation for  writing, review each of the following aspects of the first three  assignments you completed during this course:
    • The research skills needed to complete those assignments.
    • The course readings, especially from your Critical Thinking in Psychology text.
    • The ethical aspects of conducting a research project like the one outlined in those assignments.
    • The summary of your findings from the research you did in the  course project. What insights into your specialization topic did you  gain from the experience?
    • The insights you have gained about yourself in the discussions and exchanges with your peers in this course.
    • The changes you have experienced in your self-image.
    • Any additional approaches you will need to consider to ensure  that you meet the high ethical standards of a professional psychologist.
  • Consider the following:
    • Changes in your thinking and behavior. For  each of these aspects, analyze the connection between changes in your  thinking and the work you have done in this course. Describe specific  examples that illustrate the changes, and explain the relationship  between your new thinking or behavior and this doctoral program.  Identify and cite at least two specific resources you have encountered  in this course that have triggered these changes, and explain the  connections.
    • Changes in your approach. Choose a major event  earlier in your life. Include the roles of other people who were  involved in this event and their relationships with you. Analyze ways in  which you might approach that event differently now, considering the  new direction that you are taking in your life. Include specific  examples of the manner in which you worked with others, and the extent  to which you might handle those relationships differently, knowing what  you know now. Identify and cite at least two specific resources you have  encountered in this course that have triggered your new ideas about  approaches.
    • Changes in your role. How do you expect to  assess the value of your doctoral degree? Look ahead 8–10 years into the  future and describe the ways in which you expect your life to be  different. Explain the connections for any differences that you see as  directly related to this course or to the doctoral program. Identify and  cite at least one credible career resource that supports your image of  the future.
    • Write about your reflection. Organize your  written assignment according to the three questions in the overview: Why  I am in this program? What I am trying to become? How I will achieve my  goal? Use the insights you have gathered from your analysis of changes  in your thinking, behavior, relationships, and plans as evidence to  support your answer to each question. Suggestion: Some learners find it easier to write the second and third sections before attempting to complete the first section.
Written Paper

In your paper, address the following:

  • Assess the value of your doctoral degree in psychology to others, as well as to yourself.
  • Describe specific examples of personal change required to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology.
  • Analyze requirements for performing ethically in accordance with professional standards.
  • Include your findings from the research you did in the literature review portion of the course project.
  • Explain how learning the skills involved in doctoral research will impact your self-image.
  • Describe a plan for your career direction in the field of psychology.