
Write a biography of at least five pages on a person who made a significant contribution to the field of psychology

Psychology homework help
You must cite the use of at least three sources
Write a biography of at least five pages on a person who made a significant contribution to the field of psychology. You should include the following information:
-The person’s date of birth (and death), where the person lived and was educated.
-What his or her contribution was to psychology and why it was important.
-Explain the research the person conducted to reach his or her conclusions.
-If this person’s contribution is still a valid theory today or has it been refuted.
-Why you chose to write about this particular person.
You must cite the use of at least three sources. Use good grammar, correct sentence structure and spelling, and arrange and express information clearly while covering each of the points listed above. You must document your resources properly, and you must include a list of the sources that you used in compiling your paper. The final copy of this paper will be at least five pages with an additonal works cited page (six pages), neatly typed, twelve point font, and double spaced. Nothing larger than twelve point font. Use MLA style only.

Identify and explain two key ways in which Organizational Behavior Management and Organizational Development are different

Psychology homework help
Collaborating with other disciplines
Your textbook points to many similarities and many differences between OBM and OD (SEE ATTACHMENT). The text also highlights potential areas for collaboration. Throughout your future careers in Applied Behavior Analysis, you will often have to collaborate with others from other disciplines. This will require an understanding of other fields as well as the skills to determine where you can collaborate and create the most effective treatment environment for clients.
For this week’s Discussion you will compare and contrast OBM and OD as well as extend some of the points from this week’s Reading to your future practice:
In a minimum of 400 words answer below. Please see text attached.

  1. Identify and explain two key ways in which Organizational Behavior Management and Organizational Development are different.
  2. Describe one of the areas you feel OBM can contribute the most to in the field of OD and why.
  3. Discuss what is meant by “humble behaviorism,” as referenced in your textbook from Nuernger (1991).
  4. Discuss how the ideas of reciprocation and “humble behaviorism,” will impact collaboration with other disciplines in your future career in behavior analysis.

What is the relationship between personality and love

Psychology homework help

Personality and Feelings of Inferiority

What is the relationship between personality and feelings of inferiority?

  • What is the relationship between personality and love (according to Fromm)?
  • What are the similarities you see between personality and the two perspectives listed above?
  • Lastly, provide a current example that illustrates your opinion.

Post should be at least 300 words.


Required Resources

Lecci, L.B. & Magnavita, J.J. (2013). Personality Theories: A Scientific Approach. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

  • Chapter 1: The Science of Personality

Lombardo, G.P, & Foschi, R. (2003).  The concept of personality in 19th-century French and 20th-century American psychology. History of Psychology 6(2), 123-142.


Required Resources

Lecci, L.B. & Magnavita, J.J. (2013). Personality Theories: A Scientific Approach. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

  • Chapter 3: Contemporary Psychodynamic Models of Personality
  • Chapter 7: Interpersonal Models of Personality
  • Chapter 9: Self-Psychology: Humanistic/Existential Models of Personality

Fromm, E. (1957). The Authoritarian Personality. Deutsche Universitätszeitung, Band 12 (pp. 3-4) retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Erikson, 1968 The Life Cycle: Epigenesis of Identity retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Waugaman, Richard M. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes. Spring2012, Vol. 75 Issue 1, p26-31. 6p. DOI: 10.1521/psyc.2012.75.1.26. , Database: Academic Search Premier on ehost.
Zepf, S. (2010) The psychoanalytic process and Freud’s concepts of transference and transference neurosis. Psychoanalytic Psychology 27(1), 55-73. (EBSCOhost PsycArticles AN: 2010-02548-006).
Transactional Analysis 1: ego states & basic transactions – YouTube clip (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Erich Fromm Interview Excerpt– YouTube clip (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Eric Berne and Transactional Analysis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Analyze how validity in psychometrics is different from a validity scale in a test of personality

Psychology homework help
For this discussion:

  • Analyze how validity in psychometrics is different from a validity scale in a test of personality. Describe this difference in terms of their definitions. Provide at least two examples of validity scales.
  • Integrate and cite the AERA standards from Chapter 10, “Psychological Testing and Assessment,” of your Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing text that directly address validity scales. Provide your interpretation of the standards and the use of validity scales. Do the standards permit, reject, or provide guidance on integrating such scales in a report? In your own words, state how one should, or should not, proceed with validity scales.
  • Cite at least one advantage and one disadvantage regarding the use of validity scales. The test authors provide several pros and cons of using validity scales in personality assessment. Based on your readings, including preparation for this discussion, what is your position on this issue; that is, using and interpreting validity scales on a measure of personality?
  • Integrate and cite the AERA standards from Chapter 10, “Psychological Testing and Assessment,” of your Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing text that directly address validity scales. Provide your interpretation of the standards and the use of validity scales. Do the standards permit, reject, or provide guidance on integrating such scales in a report? In your own words, state how one should, or should not, proceed with validity scales