
What is the definition of determinism?

Assignment Details
For this Discussion Board, you will write a dialogue between yourself and an imaginary Socrates. You will debate the question of free will versus determinism. Remember that the Socratic Method involves asking a series of questions to clarify key words and ideas. In your dialogue, the imaginary Socrates should be asking clarifying questions, and you will be answering them. Please refer to the excerpt from Plato’s Meno as an example (below) to model your dialogue. This post should be 3–4 paragraphs.
Your post should be a dialogue, which addresses the following questions, using the Socratic Method:

  • What is the definition of determinism?
  • What is the definition of free will?
  • Do you agree that every event has an explanatory cause?
  • How do you define event?
  • How do you define explanatory cause?
  • Do you agree that every human choice or event has an explanatory cause?
  • How do you define human choice? How do you define human event? Are they different?
  • Do you agree that to have an explanatory cause is to not be free?
  • How do you define free?
  • Do you think that free will and determinism can coexist in any way?
  • Is it possible to have external determinism and internal free will?

To have cohesion and reach solid conclusions, your imaginary Socrates will probably ask you more questions than the ones listed above. Be sure to include all of the above ideas in your dialogue.
Review Checklist before submitting post:
Your dialogue should also include all of the following:

  • Use the Socratic Method to form all conclusions (this will be achieved by the question and answer dialogue between you and the imaginary Socrates).
  • Clear and concise language, using proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Correct definitions of free will and determinism
  • Logical explanations and valid reasoning for each conclusion
  • Clear answers to each question with a definite stance or position
  • You must reach a conclusive answer to each question


  • Click here to read and excerpt from Plato’s Meno (Soccio, 1995).

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here.

List at least three services that your clients are likely to need as they prepare to leave treatment and transition back into the community.

Discussion topic: Urban and Rural Service Coordination
This week, you will solve a service coordination problem with your classmates. Together, you will work through two scenarios that are encountered by human service workers at every level in every type of agency in two different areas: urban and rural.
Complete the following for both the urban and rural service coordination scenarios:

  1. List at least three services that your clients are likely to need as they prepare to leave treatment and transition back into the community.
  2. Conduct research to find names of appropriate agencies and services that will serve the needs of your clients.
  3. Decide how clients will access these services. (You can be creative—human service professionals are always trading services with each other.)

Urban Service Coordination
For the first part of this Discussion on urban service coordination, you are working in Tampa, FL as a case manager for a woman’s substance abuse treatment center and have been asked to create a service coordination database. For the purposes of this assignment, you may assume the following: clients are mothers, unemployed, in need of stable housing, and without transportation.
Together with your coworkers (classmates for this simulation), decide which services are most likely to be needed by your clients. Then, conduct research to find agencies that offer the services you identified as necessary for your population. Next, decide how your clients will access these services (hint, how will they travel to the agencies?). Once you have provided the information requested, work together as a class to develop the best coordination plan possible. Below are suggested resources to help you begin.
Suggested Resources:
Demographic information:
Public transportation:
211 Tampa:
Rural Service Coordination
The second part of the discussion on rural service coordination, takes place in Romney, WV, a much less concentrated area than Tampa, Fl. This means that there are not enough dollars to create a substance abuse agency to serve only 100 clients. For that reason, it can be more difficult to provide effective case management to clients. Conduct the same research as before; however, in this second scenario, assume that you are a case manager in Romney, WV in a prison working with both males and females who have been incarcerated for at least five years. Work together with your coworkers (classmates) to create a plan to serve your clients’ needs so that they are prepared to be self-sufficient upon release.
Suggested Resources:
Demographic information:,_West_Virginia
211 West Virginia:

Describe how an organization’s inability to learn to learn can affect performance

Gender and sex

Prior to beginning this discussion please read the required articles “Gender and Schooling” (pp. 229-234), “Organizational Learning” (pp. 235-240), and “The Adult Development of Cognition and Learning” (pp. 241-246) in your required text.
Based on your resources this week, apply skeptical inquiry to a brief discussion about how gender plays a role in the learning process and academic success. What examples of this have you experienced or heard about in your own life? Explain the theoretical perspectives of organizational learning as a proponent of political ideologies. Describe how an organization’s inability to learn to learn can affect performance. What interventions do you believe could be applied to online training environments that would facilitate the learning process? Apply the concept of learning through adulthood to your own past academic success and/or failures. Do you personally capitalize on your past experiences? How? Do you capitalize on the feedback given to you by mentors, classmates, and/or instructors? If so, how? Your initial post should be 450 to 600 words in length and thoroughly discuss each of the elements in the prompt.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleague’s posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse. How does your peer’s example about gender support or refute the required readings this week? Do you feel that your peer’s suggestions about capitalizing on experiences assist with your own self-development? How? Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post. Peer responses may vary in length but should be detailed and thought provoking. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

Why do you think that free will was compromised?

2 pages of content, not including title page or reference page, with references no plagiarism

In a researched essay:
Consider a work situation or a social situation in which you believe that your right and ability to make a decision from free will was compromised by obstacles or rules or societal norms.
Answer the following questions:
Why do you think that free will was compromised?What led you to make the decisions and take the actions that you took?How did you resolve the differences between what you really wanted to do in the situation, and what the restrictions, rules, or societal conventions “told” you to do?How should people, in general, react to conflicting feelings about the actions to take in given situations?Should they follow the rules, or should they be free to pursue what they believe to be right, regardless of the rules?
Base your discussion and argument on what you have learned about free will, determinism, and other philosophical concepts. Use outside resources, from your reading materials, the library or elsewhere, to complete the assignment.
Use the APA document format to construct your paper, and be sure to follow guidelines for research citations and reference formatting