
Explain the nature of ethical issues

 Psychology homework help
  • Competency . 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues
    • Identify key ethical issues within workplace situations.
  • Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate
    • Give examples of the strengths and weaknesses of diverse accounts of moral dilemmas.
  • Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue.
    • State clearly one’s own position on ethical issues in a workplace context.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively in the context of personal and professional moral discourse.
    • Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.

During this course you will be developing a final project, “Professional Code,” (u10a1) on the role of professional ethics in your current or future workplace. This week’s assignment is the first step in that long-term process. There will be another assignment in Unit 6, and you will pull all of the pieces together in Unit 10.
In this unit, your only task is to begin thinking about the issues. From your own experience in the workplace—or from what you have learned about your field of specialization—describe three situations that might come up in your profession, each of which presents an ethical dilemma or calls for a thoughtful moral decision.
Describe each situation fully enough to expose the potential disagreements to which it is likely to give rise. Consider the alternative responses someone might make in such a situation and assess the strengths and weaknesses of each point of view. State your own position in contrast with (at least some of) these alternatives, and explain why you have adopted it.
You will return to these examples in Unit 10 with a more detailed defense of your own view, and you will be free to change your mind then if you choose.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA guidelines for style and format.
  • Number of resources: There are no minimum number of resources required; however, use your judgment to ensure your topic is thoroughly researched.
  • Length of paper: 3–4 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.

Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of the different methods and explain if your research question

 Psychology homework help
400 Words Well-Written (No Introduction)    Due 7/18/2018   
Topic—  Bullying             Topic— Bullying
                          Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Hesse-Biber e-book, Mixed Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice, and the two required articles for this week. Mixed methods is a current popular methodology. While this type of methodology is useful for some studies, because of its dual nature as both quantitative and qualitative, it is not effective or appropriate for all research.
For this discussion, you will consider the use of mixed methods for the topic, (BULLYING), you have chosen for your Research Proposal. In your initial post, apply the scientific method to your research topic by defining your research question and determining the method(s) necessary to answer that question. Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of the different methods and explain if your research question could best be answered through qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mix of both. Identify the dominant method (quantitative or qualitative) for your proposed study. Explain whether or not a mixed methods approach is the best way to study the topic, demonstrating that the second method is not added as an afterthought or merely to impress journal editors who favor mixed methods. If you have decided not to use mixed methods, explain why the study is best completed with either a quantitative or qualitative focus. Justify your design choice and support your position with scholarly sources. Include a discussion explaining how you would apply ethical principles to your design to address concerns which may impact your research.


Hesse-Biber, S. N. (2010). Mixed methods research: Merging theory with practice. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Mixed Methods Research
  • Chapter 2: Formulating Questions, Conducting a Literature Review, Sampling Design, and the Centrality of Ethics in Mixed Methods Research
  • The full-text version of this e-book is available through the ebrary database in the Ashford University Library. The database that houses this resource allows for online reading. Please be aware that checking this item out of the library may prevent other users from accessing it.


Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: How is it done? Qualitative Research, 6(1), 97-113. doi:10.1177/1468794106058877

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Sage Journals database in the Ashford University Library. The author of this article presents a variety of mixed methods research designs, which are classified according to the answers to five questions.

Fetters, M. D., Curry, L. A., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Achieving integration in mixed methods designs – principles and practices. Health Services Research, 48(6), 2134-2156. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.12117

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods within a study can occur at one or more of three levels (design, methods, and interpretation/reporting). The authors of this article discuss how integration is achieved in several different mixed methods research designs.

What role does communication and interaction play in the culture of Sardinia?

Psychology homework help
Packet One
Speaker: Susan Pinker
Video Title: The Secret to Living Longer May be Your Social Life

1.What role does communication and interaction play in the culture of Sardinia?
2.How has culture (for example, family structure) influenced longevity in Sardinia?
3.Does face-to-face communication have the same health benefits as online and social media communication?
Speaker: N/A

Video Title: Dove: You’re More Beautiful Than You Think
1.At one point, one of the female participants says, “I should be more grateful of my natural beauty. It impacts the choices and the friends that we make, the jobs we apply for, how we treat our children, it impacts everything. It couldn’t be more critical to your happiness.” Explain how we view ourselves impacts the way we communicate and view others.
2.Choose one of your cultural identities. Write down how this cultural identity has shaped how your view yourself.
Speaker: Apollo Robbins
Video Title: The Art of Misdirection

1.What is the importance of attending in the perception process? How does what you attend to and what you don’t attend to impact the way you view the world?
2. You are walking through an airport, what you would be most likely to attend to (BE HONEST). Rate each one based on the likelihood it would gain your attention. Remember that the context is an airport. 1 = Most likely to gain your attention; 1 = Less likely to gain you attention. NOTE: You CANNOT have the same score for each one.
(a) A morbidly obese woman wearing skintight clothing ____
(b) A Muslim man wearing traditional Muslim religious clothing and his wife in a hijab ___
(c) A white male reading the newspaper ___
(d) An African-American man holding hands with a white male ___
(e) A woman consoling her screaming child ___
(f) A male giving with a syringe injecting himself with something ___
(g) A person in a wheelchair with both legs amputated ___
Speaker: N/A
Video Title: Labels are for Cans, Not People

1. What are some of the assumptions that the participants of this video made about others? How did they form these opinions?
2.What was surprising to the participants when the lights were turned on?
3.Were the participants’ original assumptions about the others in the group accurate? Explain.
Speaker: N/A
Video Title: 10 Surprising Ways to Offend People in Other Cultures

1.What cultural offense did you find most surprising? Why?
2.Why is communication so important in avoiding cultural offenses?
3.Describe an experience in which you unknowingly offended someone from another culture. What happened?
Speaker: Saba Safdar
Video Title: Everything You Wanted to Know About Culture

1.Saba Safdar explains that one of the best ways to study culture is to explore different values. Why is this an effective way to understand culture?
2.One of the themes that Saba Safdar focuses on is humor. Explain what she discusses about culture and humor. What does humor have to do with culture?
Packet Two
Speaker: Julian Treasure
Video Title: How to Speak So That People Want to Listen (5:00)

1.What are some of the voice strategies that Julian Treasure mentions?
2. How might you change your voice and delivery strategies based on different cultural audiences?
Speaker: Linda Cliatt-Wayman
Video Title: How to Fix a Broken School

1. How does the speaker gain the audience’s attention? Identify the specific strategy.
2. How is the speaker credible to speak on this topic?
3. What is her preview of main points?
4. What is her main point #1? How does she support main point #1?
5. What is her main point #2? How does she support main point #2?
6. What is her main point #3? How does she support main point #3?
7. How did she conclude her speech? How did she reference what she stated in the introduction?
Packet 3
Speaker: Zachary Wood
Video Title: Why It’s Worth Listening to People We Disagree With

1. What is Zachary Wood’s attention getter?
2. What is Zachary Wood’s thesis?
3. How did Zachary Wood’s own cultural background impact how others perceived him? Use examples.
4. What are some of the consequences of closing our minds to others’ ideas and opinions?
5. Even though Zach’s mother was a liberal Democrat, she encouraged him to explore differing opinions, ones that opposed his own. How does culture influence the way in which we view different issues?
Speaker: Ester Perel
Video Title: The Secret to Desire in a Relationship
1. What are the relational dialectics that Ester Perel discusses? How can this balance be challenging?
2. What role does communication have in romantic relationships? What would communication look like in your relationship?
Packet 4
Speaker: Celeste Headless
Video Title: 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation
1. According to the speaker, what is the role of listening in society and what are some of the problems that are happening in society?
2. What are your strengths from the tips 10 things she talks about?
3. What are your areas for growth from the 10 things she talks about?
Speaker: Ester Perel
Video Title: The Secret to Desire in a Relationship
1. What are the relational dialectics that Ester Perel discusses? How can this balance be challenging?
2. What role does communication have in romantic relationships? What would communication look like in your relationship?

Define and describe Organizational Behavior Management

Psychology homework help
Original work ONLY: Turnitin will check for plagiarism. Kindly follow Rubric attached.
The following course outcome is assessed with the Unit 3 Assignment:
PS430-2: Analyze behavior management programs using fundamental principles of behavior.
PC-2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.
You are working as a behavioral consulting intern. Your company is taking on a new client, Shoreside Community-Based Residential Facility. Shoreside would like your company to provide consultation in their unit for adults with traumatic brain injury.
Shoreside management and staff have expressed a concern over increasing rates of disruptive behavior during community outings and have had little success with their current interventions. They believe they may need assistance with staff training and behavior management techniques.
The company uses some Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with their clients but has never used ABA at an organizational level. The Director recently learned about Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) and wants to know more about how basic concepts of ABA could be used at Shoreside. The Director of Shoreside believes this would be an effective way to address the problems within the organization.
Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to management and staff to provide more information about Organizational Behavior Management and how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in the organization. Shoreside is skeptical that the same principles they use with their clients could be applied to staff within the organization.
Using what you have learned about OBM and fundamental principles of behavior, you must create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 12 slides) consisting of the following:

  1. Provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management:
    • Define and describe Organizational Behavior Management.
    • Identify and describe at least one specific application of OBM that is applicable to the above organization.
  2. Provide an overview of the general goals of an OBM/ABA based intervention:
    • Identify the role that individuals within organizations hold in relation to the successful planning and implementation of interventions
    • Describe how problems are prioritized and addressed.
  3. Define and describe fundamental principles of behavior and provide examples of how this is applied on an organizational level. Use nontechnical language when possible, so that all those attending the meeting understand your discussion:
    • Respondent Conditioning
    • Operant Conditioning
    • Verbal Behavior
  4. Describe why using a behavior analytic approach on all levels of the organization is preferred over a non-scientific approach.
  5. Discuss why principles of ABA are important in the development of behavior management programs.

The goal for this Assignment is to provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management and describe the fundamental principles of behavior analysis. You should not create a solution for the given scenario. You should provide a beginning explanation of the above principles in order to introduce the staff to the use of behavior analysis on all levels within the organization.
Your PowerPoint presentation should have an APA Style title page and reference page. The sources of the information used in the preparation of your presentation should be cited with in-text citations in APA Style and should be reflected on your reference page.
Your PowerPoint should be a minimum of 12 slides in length, not including title and reference pages, include proper APA formatting (including properly formatted headings for each section of your plan), and include at least two academic references reference from :  Johnson C., Redmon W., Mawhinney T. (2001). Handbook of Organizational Performance, 1st Edition.