
The Deaf Culture

 Psychology homework help

Discussion—Low-Incidence Exceptionalities: The Deaf Culture

There is a greater variety of cultures than those related to ethnicity, religion, or geography. For example, there is also the deaf culture. One low-incidence exceptionality you may have learned about in children is deafness. Although it might seem an easy decision to utilize technology such as cochlear implants to enable someone to hear, there are many issues to consider.
View the following video:

  • Aronson, J. (Producer & Director). (2006). Sound and fury: Six years later[Documentary]. United States: Filmakers Library. Retrieved from

Based on your readings and analysis of the video, address the following:

  • Explain the lessons individuals from the hearing and deaf cultures learned from each other.
  • Describe the impact early intervention might have for individuals with hearing impairment (including social, communication-related, and emotional repercussions).
  • Synthesize the information from your readings and from the video to explain how you might utilize the information to work with children with low-incidence exceptionalities (beyond hearing impairment) and their families. Provide a minimum of three recommendations.

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Discuss at least one major theoretical approach to explaining and resolving the life span development situation

Psychology homework help
Psychology 2070:
“Your Lot in Life” Assignment
Please create 40 power point slide
Directions: Your group will be provided with a list from which to choose your “lot in life” condition. Your task as a group is to prepare a 40 minute oral presentation. As a group you must divide tasks according to topic such that each member has a unique contribution to understanding the condition. Individual group members are responsible for presenting a 10 minute Power Point/Prezi (to be merged with the larger group presentation) that must include the following elements:
(1) Introduction of your unique segment of group topic.
(2) Brief contribution to the description and definition of the condition.
(3) Discuss at least one major theoretical approach to explaining and resolving the life span development situation (i. e., mental or developmental disorder, psychosocial change or trauma, or a moral dilemma).
(4) Share the research findings from one professional journal article, one national organization Website, one governmental agency, and one additional source to reference in the presentation. References must be done APA style.
(5) Discuss the research method used in the journal article to study the condition.
(6) Discuss your individual recommendations that you believe will best resolve/alleviate this condition based on research and the ethics and values as expressed in the “standard of care” practiced in this community.
(7) Discuss the impact of this condition on the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of those affected by this condition.
(8) Identify local community resources, and or national resources, such as phone numbers and contact information, and program details that are available to support an individual or family in your “lot in life” situation.
(9) Any additional information relevant to the topic for informational purposes (i.e., brief video clip, brochure, classroom demonstration) may be included.

the solution-focused model and solution-focused questions

Psychology homework help
Social workers who utilize the solution-focused model are mindful of how their conversations with their clients, families, groups, or even community members facilitate their thinking about solutions. The client is always the “expert,” and therefore social workers ask questions to explore how the client perceives the problem and situation.Social workers may use solution-focused questions such as the miracle question. For example, “Suppose you woke up one morning and by some miracle everything you ever wanted, everything good you could ever imagine for yourself, had actually happened—your life had turned out exactly the way you wanted it. What would be different in your life?” When clients are asked this, it forces them to reflect on what they want or would like to achieve. By projecting themselves into the future, clients are more likely to imagine what is possible rather than focusing on the past and their failures. This allows for the possibility of developing solutions.
In this Discussion, you apply the solution-focused model and solution-focused questions. You provide other solution-focused questions, similar to the miracle question that was provided for you. Although the textbook provides actual examples of solution-focused questions, always think about your client—you may have to modify the question a bit to take into account the client’s age, cognitive and developmental stage, culture, etc., so that the question makes sense to the client.
To prepare:Recall a case from your fieldwork experience to use for this Discussion.Review and focus on pages 520–521 in your textbook.
In 1 to 2 sentences, briefly identify and describe the problem as perceived by the client, family, or group that you dealt with in your past fieldwork experience. From the list of solution-focused questions on page 520 (e.g., exception questions, coping questions, scaling questions, and relationship questions), identify two different types of questions, and ask each question as if you were actually asking the questions to the client. (Remember, do not use the miracle question.) Remember that the goal of these questions is to assist clients in identifying a solutionExplain how asking these two questions would help the client in coming up with the solution. In 1 to 2 sentences, reflect and explain how asking these questions made you feel and perhaps how the client might feel. No more then 500 words

What are some strengths and limitations of the research design?

Psychology homework help
  • Submit summaries on two more articles on your topic, using the questions outlined previously (Week 2)
  • Click the Submit Assignment button below to upload your assignment to Turnitin
  • This assignment is worth 30 points

Three common types of plagiarism you need to be aware of as a student:

  • Recycling a paper; “double-dipping”; self-plagiarism: Reusing a paper you have written for a previous course
  • Copying directly from a source without proper quotations or paraphrasing: When you try to pass something off as your own work
  • Not using proper citations

topic to focus on the impact of bullying behaviors on children both as bullies and victims/Questions to be answered in Summary
· Was the study correlational, experimental, or some combination of both?
· How do you know?
· Was it done in the laboratory or the field?
· What conclusions can be drawn from the study?
· What conclusions cannot be drawn from the study?
· What are some strengths and limitations of the research design?
· Name two areas for future research based on the article (either those listed in the paper or your own ideas) 
References to be summarized

  1. Dake, J. A., Price, J. H., & Telljohann, S. K. (2003). The nature and extent of bullying at school. The Journal of School Health, 73(5), 173-80.
  2. Juvonen, J., & Graham, S. (2014). Bullying in schools: The power of bullies and the plight of victims. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 159.