
analyze gender-related differences in physical health

Psychology homework help
Health statistics demonstrate that morbidity (sickness) and mortality (death) rates for specific diseases and other health issues (e.g., violence, accidents, homicide) are different for men and women. For example, men are diagnosed with and die from specific cancers, such as lung cancer and colon cancer, at higher rates than women do. Women are diagnosed with breast cancer at higher rates than men (though more than 1,000 men each year are diagnosed with breast cancer). While this difference in disease and disorder prevalence and mortality is interesting, it would be useful to know why there are differences between men and women.
Biological differences between men and women in areas such as hormones and immune response certainly can contribute to health differences between the sexes, but in order to fully explore their causes, other variables must be examined. An important area to consider when looking at health and gender is behavior. That is, do men and women behave differently when it comes to health? Health-related behaviors fall into two basic categories: preventative behaviors and direct health-related behaviors. For example, seeing a physician for an annual check-up and health screening, eating well, exercising, and maintaining low stress levels are preventative behaviors. Engaging in high-risk sports and smoking are direct health-related behaviors. Gender differences in health behaviors must be interpreted carefully. For example, frequency of doctor visits—which is higher among women—should not necessarily be interpreted as a reliable indicator of higher morbidity in women, since women tend to engage in more preventative health behaviors.
A second group of variables related to gender differences in health issues is made up of the confounding variables that your text refers to as artifacts. These include physician bias and how the health care system treats men and women. For example, men and women are screened differently, diagnosed differently, and treated differently for many health problems. It also includes differences in socioeconomic status, such as education and income, that correspond to health outcomes.
Lastly, gender differences in social roles may contribute to health differences. Physically demanding careers held more often by men may lead to greater health risks such as job-related injury. On the other hand, women’s traditional role as family caretaker can also lead to health risks such as poor self-care and fatigue.
For this Discussion, you will analyze gender-related differences in physical health for a specific health issue of your choosing. You will not only explore its incidence and causes, but will also share potential strategies to mitigate risk.
To prepare
· Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the gender-related differences and similarities in issues related to health.
· Select a physical health issue that interests you that has gender-related differences, and research this health issue using the Walden Library and other reputable academic sources.
· Search the literature for effective strategies to mitigate the risk of the health issue.
Reading for this week, and please review this week’s readings and try to incorporate in your answer.
Helgeson, V. S. (2017). Psychology of gender (5th ed.). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.

  • Chapter 10, “Sex Differences      in Health: Evidence and Explanations” (pp. 438–489)
  • Chapter 11, “Relationships and Health” (pp.      503–559)

Mars vs. Venus: The gender gap in health. (2010, January). Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 14(6), 1–5. Retrieved from the MEDLINE with Full Text database (Accession No. 20464795).

Identify the steps in addressing issues related to using technology in the counseling profession

Psychology homework help
Creating Case Notes
Whether you are a mental health or a school counselor, taking careful case notes is an important part of your counseling process. Good case notes not only help you keep track of the work that you are doing with your client or student, they also protect you.
For this discussion, once again review the case vignettes in the presentation, Ethical Issues in Record Keeping and Technology, in this unit’s study. Select one vignette and use it to discuss the following:
· Write a case note using the SOAP or DAP format that is presented on page 140 of your text, Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling. You may need to be creative and enhance the case study in order to write a comprehensive case note.
· Provide a summary of how you decided what information to include or exclude.
Support your summary with support from the unit readings. Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines in your post.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the initial discussion posts of two other learners. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Identify the steps in addressing issues related to using technology in the counseling profession.
· Learn about different types of professional communication.
· Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· Ethical Issues in Record Keeping and Technology | Transcript.
· APA Style and Format.

Theoretical Approaches and Counseling Techniques

 Psychology homework help
Unit 4 Discussion 1 & 2? $30.00 Due (Friday) 7/27/2018.
Unit 4 Discussion 1
Theoretical Approaches and Counseling Techniques
Compare the counseling techniques you observed in the person-centered counseling videos (with the child, Wood), to the counseling techniques you observed in the video that corresponded to the additional chapter you selected in Counseling Children.
Identify the key similarities and differences between the two theoretical approaches in the following areas, using course readings to support your conclusions:
· Typical therapeutic goals for helping children and adolescents.
· Counseling methods and process used by the counselors used in the video sessions.
· Specific techniques used by the counselors, and the client’s response.
· Adaptability of the theory for use with children from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
o APA Style and Format.
[u04d2] Unit 4 Discussion 2
Unit 4 Discussion 2
How Theories Determine Interventions
Discussion Scenario
For this discussion, first imagine the following scenario.
A father of a 4-year-old boy brings his son to counseling. His son has recently begun biting other children at preschool. As would be expected, this behavior is extremely upsetting to the teachers, the children who have been bitten, and their parents. The director of the preschool has told the father that the problem must be addressed by a professional if the child is to remain in preschool.
The father of the boy wants to get the best help he can, so he arranges an initial session with five counselors who advertise themselves as working from five different theoretical perspectives. He asks them all the same two questions: “Why is my child biting? And how will you make him stop?” He receives the following answers:
Psychodynamic Counselor
· Why: “Your child may have an oral fixation that he has tied to his aggressive impulses.”
· What to do: “When your child’s unconscious motives have been freely expressed and resolved, his behavior and peer interactions will become more age-appropriate.”
Behavioral Counselor
· Why: “It doesn’t matter why; what matters is precisely selecting the behavior you want to change.”
· What to do: “Through observation, we will determine the contingencies that are reinforcing this biting behavior and eliminate them, while simultaneously establishing rewards for desired behaviors.”
Adlerian Counselor
· Why: “It will be important to know what need your son is seeking to satisfy with this behavior—power? Attention? Self-Protection?”
· What to do: “When we find more constructive ways for your son to satisfy his need and encourage his use of these alternate ways, the biting behavior will discontinue.”
Person-Centered Counselor
· Why: “I wonder if your child feels truly seen and understood, and feels prized for who he is.”
· What to do: “When we create a space where your son feels unconditionally accepted, he will work through this on his own and I expect the biting will stop.”
Solution Focused Counselor
· Why: “I don’t know why, but answer this: Are there days when he doesn’t bite?”
· What to do: “Let’s figure out what’s happening on the days he doesn’t bite, and do more of that.”
This whimsical scenario is overly simplified to the point of being humorous. Nevertheless, it underlines the point that the same problem would be understood and addressed differently by counselors working from different orientations. It also makes the point that the answer to what to do is based on the counselor’s answer to why the problem is occurring.
Discussion Instructions
Now it is your turn. Select a common problem behavior that a child or teen might display (such as school refusal, bed-wetting, lying to teachers, sneaking out at night, obsessive fingernail biting, or always losing homework).
· Briefly describe the problem.
· Then, offer responses, from three different counselors who represent three different theoretical perspectives, to the why and the what to do questions.
· Use your textbook to ensure that you design responses that are consistent with the theories on which they are based.
· Offer a rationale, citing your support, for how you see each of your responses as exemplifying each of your chosen theories.
Audiovisual Media
Watch these videos to observe person-centered counseling in action:
· Person-Centered Counseling: Wood Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 6, “Person-Centered Counseling,” and choose Video Activity 1 to get started. Transcript.
· Person-Centered Counseling: Wood Interview, Clip 2: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 6, “Person-Centered Counseling,” and choose Video Activity 2 to get started. Transcript.
In addition, watch the video that corresponds to the additional chapter you chose to read:
· Gestalt Therapy: Jennifer Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 7, “Gestalt Therapy,” and choose Video Activity 1 to get started. Transcript.
· Behavioral Counseling: Laney Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 8, “Behavioral Counseling,” and choose Video Activity 1 to get started. Transcript.
· Reality Therapy: Tim Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 9, “Reality Therapy,” and choose Video Activity 1 to get started. Transcript.
· Reality Therapy: Tim Interview, Clip 2: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 9, “Reality Therapy,” and choose Video Activity 2 to get started. Transcript.
· Brief Counseling: Sarah Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 10, “Brief Counseling,” and choose Video Activity 1 to get started. Transcript.
· Brief Counseling: Sarah Interview, Clip 2: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 10, “Brief Counseling,” and choose Video Activity 2 to get started. Transcript.
· Individual Psychology: Sarah Interview, Clip 1: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 11, “Individual Psychology,” and choose Video Activity 2 to get started. Transcript.
Individual Psychology: Sarah Interview, Clip 2: Access this video from the textbook’s companion Web site. In the drop-down menu, select Chapter 11, “Individual Psychology,” and choose Video Activity 2 to get started. Transcript

Online Career Counseling

 Psychology homework help

Online Career Counseling

Spend time researching online career counseling websites.  Create an annotated list of five (5) websites that you found.
Then, write up a 500-800 word summary of your findings.  Include your reactions to your findings.
Point Value: 8 Points

Assignment Rubric

Description: Spend time researching online career counseling websites. Create an annotated list of five (5) websites that you found. Then, write up a 500-800 word summary of your findings. Include your reactions to your findings. Point value: 8 points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 2, 3 Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 5
Total Possible Score: 8.00

Referenced 5 different career counseling websites

Total: 1.60
Correctly referenced in APA format 5 or more career counseling websites.
Referenced in APA format 4 career counseling websites or had minor APA errors in the referencing of 5 career websites.
Referenced in APA format 3 career counseling websites or had major APA errors in the referencing of 5 career websites.
Referenced 2 career counseling websites with numerous errors in APA formatting.
Referenced 1 or fewer counseling websites.

Created an annotation of each site, that includes a descriptive and evaluative paragraph.

Total: 1.60
Thoughtfully discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and evaluates the website.
Thoughtfully discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and only evaluates some sites positively.
Discusses an explanation of the career counseling websites’ contents and only evaluates most of the sites positively
Minimally discusses the contents of the career counseling websites and does not evaluate the sites.
Does not complete an annotation for the websites.

Included a summary of the findings and what was learned from the assignment.

Total: 1.60
Writes a detailed summary of findings and thoroughly ties what is learned from the websites into the course outcomes.
Writes a detailed summary of findings and ties what is learned from the websites into the course outcomes.
Writes a summary of the findings and discusses what they learned from the assignment.
Writes minimal about a summary of the findings and/or does not address what is learned from the assignment.
Does not include a summery and does not discuss what was learned from the assignment.

Writing and Organization

Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.
4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.
2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.
1 – Lacking clarity and organization. The paper lacks a thesis statement, effective mechanics, and proper APA formatting.


Total: 1.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis of the research materials.  The student comprehensively uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
4 – Demonstrates effective critical analysis of the research materials. The student fully uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
3 – Demonstrates adequate critical analysis of the research materials.  The student adequately uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2 – Demonstrates some critical analysis of the research materials.  The student partially uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
1 – Lacking critical analysis of the research materials. The student fails to use varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.