
What are the common measures of central tendency and how are they found or calculated?

 Psychology homework help
While completing this exercise think about the following:

  • What are the common measures of central tendency and how are they found or calculated?
  • What are the common measures of variation and how are they found or calculated?

You will submit a total of 10 answers for this assignment.  Assume that the following is a list of scores obtained on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). For this assignment, you are to find or calculate each of the items requested and answer each of the questions that follow.
Using the data set given below, find or calculate each of the following:
Test TakerScoreA135B65C105D95E80F125G100H90I105

  1. The mean (average)
  2. The median
  3. The mode
  4. The Minimum range
  5. The Maximum range

You may use the accompanying graph to answer the following questions:
Normal Curve
6. Is the mean IQ score for this group within the normal range of intelligence?
7. Does the median of this group match that of the Normal Distribution?
8. Which score (use letter) indicates the possibility of intellectual disability?
9. Which score (use letter) is between 1 and 2 standard deviations above the mean of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale?
10. A test that gives consistent results time after is said to be?

What are the steps involved in conducting research?

 Psychology homework help
 n this discussion, you are going to be asked to do a bit of critical thinking. Have you ever heard this expression? “Opposites attract.” What about this one? “ Birds of a feather flock together.” Both of these say something about what attracts one person to another and both are commonly used expressions. The problem is they are opposites.
Suppose we wanted to know whether people tend to marry those who have interests and values that are different from their own (opposites) or whether they tend to marry those with similar interests and values (birds of a feather). How might we find out? As you create your discussion post, consider the following:
What are the steps involved in conducting research?
How do we determine what type of research is suitable for a particular problem?
What type of research would be useful in this case?
How would we go about doing it?
Propose a simple research project that would allow you to answer the question: Which of the two statements in quotation marks above applies best to selection of marriage partners in the United States? Choose one of the research methods listed in Module 4 that you think would be the most useful and practical for exploring this question. Explain why this method would be appropriate. Describe in some detail the steps that you would take in setting up and carrying out this research.

What evidence do we have that genetics play a role in intelligence?

Psychology homework help
Intelligence tests were designed based on the belief that there are measurable differences in ability between individuals that can help to predict future performance. There has been a long-term debate on what the word intelligence really means and a more heated debate on how much of intelligence is a product of nature (genetics) and how much is contributed by nurture (environment). In this discussion, we will explore the arguments for each of those influences.
As you create your discussion post, consider the following:
What is intelligence?
What evidence do we have that genetics play a role in intelligence?
What evidence do we have that environment is also involved?
Over the last hundred years there has been a great deal of discussion and research that has tried to determine the relative influence of nature and of nurture on intelligence. The consensus today is that both make a strong contribution. Find one piece of evidence showing that nature (genetics) makes a contribution and one showing the influence of nurture (environment). Describe each of these pieces of evidence and explain why it supports the influence of either nature or nurture, as appropriate. What is the practical importance of understanding that intelligence is influenced by both factors?

Relationship Between Purpose Of Study And Data Analysis Techniques

Psychology homework help
 Relationship Between Purpose Of Study And Data Analysis Techniques
In order to make decisions about the value of any research study for practice, it is important to understand the general processes involved in analyzing research data. By now, you have examined enough research studies to be aware that there are some common ways that data are reported and summarized in research studies. For example, the sample is often described by numbers of participants and by certain characteristics of those participants that help us determine how representative the sample is of a population. The information about the sample is commonly reported in tables and graphs, making use of frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, and dispersion. Information about the variables (or concepts) of interest when quantified are also reported in similar manner.
Although the actual data analysis takes place after data have been collected, from the initial planning of a research study, the researcher needs to have an awareness of the types of questions that can be answered by particular data analysis techniques.
For this Discussion, review the case study entitled “Social Work Research: Measuring Group Success.” Consider the data analysis described in that case. Recall the information presented in the earlier chapters of your text about formulating research questions to inform a hypotheses or open-ended exploration of an issue.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of the types of descriptive and/or inferential statistics you might use to analyze the data gathered in the case study. Also explain how the statistics you identify can guide you in evaluating the applicability of the study’s findings for your own practice as a social worker. Please use the resources to support your answer.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L.  (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY:  Pearson.
Chapter 13, “Analyzing Data” (pp. 295–297, “The Data in Perspective”)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Social Work Research: Measuring Group Success

Bauer, S., Lambert, M. J., & Nielsen, S. L. (2004). Clinical significance methods: A comparison of statistical techniques. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 60–70.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Gibson, F. H. (2003). Indigent client perceptions of barriers to marriage and family therapy (Dissertation, University of Louisiana at Monroe).
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.