
What are the advantages and disadvantages of twelve-step programs?

Assignment 2: Discussion—Evaluating Twelve-Step Programs
The twelve-step program has been a cornerstone of substance abuse treatment for decades. Proponents and opponents of the twelve-step program debate its effectiveness at treatment of substance addiction. These programs are typically supplements to clinical treatment. Some individuals are able to maintain sobriety from participation in a twelve-step program.
Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research twelve-step programs, in particular focus your research on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Download and review the case study ON ATTACHMENTS
Using the case study and your research on twelve-step programs and AA, respond to the following:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of twelve-step programs?
  • Are these programs effective? Please present scholarly evidence when answering this question.
  • How did the client in the case benefit from the program?
  • What were the disadvantages of the program for this client?

Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.
Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Evaluate the importance of having assessment tools for clients in each developmental life stage.

Assignment 1: LASA 2—Substance Abuse Assessments Across the Lifespan
Substance abuse assessments have very different purposes for different populations. For instance, an assessment for treatment of victims will look different from a court-mandated assessment relating to criminal behavior. For another example, an assessment for an adolescent would likely emphasize peer influence more so than it would for an adult. These demographic factors significantly influence the assessment as it relates to treatment planning or other recommendations.
Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research types of substance abuse assessments for different demographics.
Select three substance abuse assessments for use in this assignment. Your choices should represent three different age populations such as the elderly, adults, adolescents, or children. Review the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) patient placement criteria for the treatment of substance-related disorders at the following:

  • Mee-Lee, D. (2005). Overview of the ASAM patient placement criteria, second edition revised (ASAM PPC-2R). Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Retrieved from
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2001). KAP KEYS Based on TIP 13: The role and current status of patient placement criteria in the treatment of substance use disorders. Retrieved from

Complete the following:

  1. Describe the ASAM patient placement criteria for the treatment of substance-related disorders.
  2. Describe the three selected types of substance abuse assessments that you might use. Be sure that your choices represent three different age populations such as the elderly, adults, adolescents, or children.
  3. Compare and contrast the information being collected in each of the three assessments and describe the areas of concern. Ask, for example, does it include client presentation and functioning, current use and history, high-risk behavior, first exposure, consequences of addiction, culture, life skills, work, vocation, education, health, recreation, or spirituality? Present the comparison of the three types of substance abuse assessments in a table.
  4. Explain special considerations, including ethical issues, which would apply to the different populations selected.
  5. Evaluate the importance of having assessment tools for clients in each developmental life stage.

Create an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your findings to other substance abuse counselors. Include the table comparing the three types of substance abuse assessments. Apply APA standards to citation of sources in your slides. Use the speaker notes in the slide show to further discuss the topics on each slide. In addition, make sure you have a title slide and a slide with references (in APA format)

Identify the relevant ethical dilemma and issues in the case study

Case Study: Homework

Case Study:
Zander is doing his master’s in clinical mental health counseling and has become friends with Tasha, one of his peers in the program. Tasha has shared that she had a substance abuse problem in the past but did not attend an addiction counseling program; rather, she chose to self-monitor and attend AA meetings as needed. Tasha also confided that she has been involved in a sexual relationship for several weeks with Dr. Supervisor, a new supervisor at the agency where they are both interning. Dr. Supervisor has just recently started to provide on-site internship supervision to Zander and Tasha as well as two other students at the internship site.
Tasha reveals she began spending time with Dr. Supervisor 3 months ago, when he asked for her assistance in setting up a personal Facebook page, so he could better communicate with clients he sees at the site. Being well-versed in social media, Tasha helped him set one up and taught him how to use it. Over the next few weeks, they spent more time together, initially working on Dr. Supervisor’s Facebook profile and trying to “friend” old clients he used to work with at another agency. Tasha was thrilled they had convinced at least five clients to leave Dr. Supervisor’s old agency.
Dr. Supervisor and Tasha began to eventually go out to dinner. After 2 months, their interactions evolved into a sexual relationship. Tasha tells Zander that she’s not concerned about any conflict of interest and that she and Dr. Supervisor will likely get engaged once she graduates from the program at the end of the year. Zander is becoming increasingly concerned, however, as he has seen Tasha and Dr. Supervisor meeting at an off-campus bar multiple times in recent weeks, and Tasha has begun to miss classes and other regularly scheduled meetings with clients. Zander reports a significant increase in his caseload because Tasha is missing meetings with clients.

    1. Identify the relevant ethical dilemma and issues in the case study.
  1. Summarize Your Ethical Model.
    1. Outline the proposed action(s) you would take in this case, providing justification for the proposed action(s) and a description of the decision-making model used to arrive at that decision.
      1. The decision-making model should be one that has been discussed in the professional literature, and after explaining the model, you will need to offer a rationale regarding why you chose to apply that particular model to the case study.
        1. You should be sure to cite appropriate literature and must give proper credit to the authors of any decision-making models used to analyze the case.
        2. Do not simply list the steps of the model; be sure to apply the model to the case and document and defend your courses of action and your final decision.
        3. Cite all appropriate professional standards and relevant laws. Regardless of the model chosen, you need to clearly identify, describe, and evaluate what ethical codes and laws were violated. Be specific—use mental health statutes and specific ethical codes that apply.
      2. Discuss in detail what actions you would take as you proceed through the steps of your chosen ethical decision-making model; each of the steps should take at least a paragraph (or more) to address.
    2. Summarize what risk management strategies you would have taken once you found out your peer was engaged in a sexual relationship with your shared site supervisor.
    3.  please use sources must be at least 3 pages

Compare and contrast your role as the IC forensic psychologist with that of the CI investigator.


IC Forensic Psychologist Role and Responsibilities
It may often seem that the roles of the IC forensic psychologist and the CI investigator appear to overlap. Both consider the motivations and actions of potential spies, and both must consider potential threats and vulnerabilities.
In this assignment, you will analyze what differentiates the IC forensic psychologist from the CI investigator and consider what you, as a forensic psychologist, would offer CI investigators that they may not be able to provide on their own.
Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the role and specific responsibilities of the IC forensic psychologist versus that of the CI investigator.
In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast your role as the IC forensic psychologist with that of the CI investigator.
  • Explain what additional value the forensic psychologist provides in these CI investigations.
  • Explain how you can, in your role as a forensic psychologist, best impart that value without inferring that you have more to offer than the CI investigator.