
How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want

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see attach

Here are the kinds of issues to address and include in the Reflective Journal/Summary. These suggestions are not exhaustive nor is each element “required”. The summary should naturally flow from your unique and idiosyncratic experience and practicum experience.
· Brief summary (numbers can be approximate) of the types of clients you have seen, tests given, populations, diagnoses, and professional experiences you have had
· Most challenging issue faced, and how did (or will) you address it, resolve it, develop it, etc.
· Most satisfying experience professionally and/or personally
· Share what “growth” you have noted in yourself as a Psychologist-In-Training over the course of this experience….
· Goals for practicum yet to be met, or future growth areas
· How you can impact the remainder of your practicum to have the experience you really want…. .
· Contributions you and your practicum site make in the area of social justice/social change…
I work with Functional Family Therapist….You can look it up on the internet

Identify two organizational/management practices that you believe contribute to job dissatisfaction and explain why they have such an effec

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Assignment 3: Job Dissatisfaction and Organizational/Management Practices

The United States has seen a trend of increasingly high job dissatisfaction. A survey conducted for the Conference Board in 2009 showed that only 45% of Americans were satisfied with their jobs. This was a significant decrease from a 61% satisfaction rate in 1987 (Gibbons, 2010). Job dissatisfaction is highly correlated with a negative impact on organizational effectiveness (Pfeffer, 2007). The origin of much of this dissatisfaction can be traced back to specific organizational/management practices (typically controlled by the Human Resource Management Department). Examples include lack of work–life balance programs, unfair performance appraisal processes, and a lack of training, development, and career planning.
Using the Argosy University online library resources, the readings for this module, and the Internet, research factors contributing to job dissatisfaction.
Review the following from the Internet:

  • Gibbons, J. M. (2010). I can’t get no . . . job satisfaction, that is.
    New York, NY: The Conference Board.

Review the following from the Argosy University online library resources:

  • Human Resources from an Organizational Behavior Perspective: Some Paradoxes Explained

Respond to the following questions:

  • Identify two organizational/management practices that you believe contribute to job dissatisfaction and explain why they have such an effect. Use appropriate examples to demonstrate your point.
  • Examine why organizations often do not address this problem effectively.

Your final product should be a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, which uses a minimum of three sources from professional literature. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov). Be sure that you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Submission Details:

Relations Between Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the following required articles:

  • “Relations Between Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning”
  • “The Effect of the Environment (Real and Virtual) and The Personality on the Speed of Decision Making”
  • “Decision-Making Theories and Models: A Discussion of Rational and Psychological Decision-Making Theories and Models: The Search for a Cultural-Ethical Decision-Making Model”
  • “Seven Basic Steps to Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Special Education: A Decision-Making Framework”
  • “Looking for a Psychology for the Inner Rational Agent”

Play the expert in the following scenario and apply ethical principles and professional standards of decision-making to your rationale and actions:

  • You are a counseling psychologist in a state prison. You have been counseling a new inmate, and he confided in you that one of the other inmates has indicated he is considering suicide. He does not divulge the name of the other inmate and refuses to talk any further about the issue. Consider the following steps in your decision-making process:
    • Define the problem.
    • Explore the alternatives.
    • Consider the consequences.
    • Identify ethical considerations.
    • Determine how you would reduce bias in your decision-making process.
    • Explain your decision.

Using appropriate citations and references, explain how the empirical research and theoretical models presented in the assigned articles suggest the importance of applying decision-making strategies in one’s own practice. Support your argument with empirical research.

Identified and explained three reasons for the intake of performance enhancing drugs

 Psychology homework help
Discussion QuestionsYour facilitator will guide you in the selection of one of the three discussion questions. Submit your response to the question to the appropriate
Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module comment on the responses of others.In this module, you will be attempting one discussion question worth 24 points.  All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Eating DisorderUse one outside research article and your course textbook to describe the impact of eating disorders on sports. Include at least one theory regarding the origin of eating disorders and at least one theory regarding possible treatment. Provide your response in three to four well-crafted paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling.
Note: You should be using peer-reviewed journal articles and not popular magazines, blogs, or nonprofessional Web sites.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Analyzed and described the impact of eating disorders on sports. [8 points]
Provided at least one theory regarding the origin of eating disorders and at least one theory regarding possible treatment. [4 points]
Used proper peer-reviewed journal articles. [4 points]
Substance AbuseUse one outside research article and your course textbook and discuss at least three reasons why drug intake rates are high during early adult life. Provide your response in three to four well-crafted paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling.Note:
You should be using peer reviewed journal articles and not popular magazines, blogs, or nonprofessional Web sites. Scholarship should be at the graduate level.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Identified and explained three reasons why drug intake rates are high in early adult life. [12 points]
Used proper peer-reviewed journal articles. [4 points]
Performance Enhancing DrugsUse one outside research article that focuses on athletes’ intake of performance enhancing drugs (such as steroids or blood doping) or recreational drugs (such as alcohol or marijuana). Using the information provided in the article and your course textbook, discuss at least three reasons for the intake of performance enhancing drugs. Provide your response in three to four well-crafted paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling.Note: You should be using peer-reviewed journal articles and not popular magazines, blogs, or nonprofessional Web sites. Scholarship should be at the graduate level.
Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:
Identified and explained three reasons for the intake of performance enhancing drugs. [12 points]
Used proper peer-reviewed journal articles. [4 points]
Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDiscussion Question Response:Please see specific evaluation criteria listed below each discussion question.16Discussion Participation:Participated in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with rationale, challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.4While responding, justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience.4Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation