
Discuss the hormones produced by this gland and how those hormones are used in the body

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Module 2 – Case

Assignment Overview

The Endocrine System and Chronic Disease

Endocrine disorders span a range of conditions, from diabetes and thyroid disease to stress-related conditions. Stress has been linked to a number of health problems with the most recent evidence, suggesting its involvement in male infertility, allergies, and headache.

During the normal stress response, hormones are secreted by the adrenal glands, causing several physiological effects, but chronic stress can result in continual release of these hormones, leading to serious mental and physical health problems.

In the following video, the role of stress on causing chronic, non-communicable diseases like heart disease (hypertension), metabolic syndrome, and infertility is discussed.
Physical Effects of Stress
Case Assignment
In this assignment, you will focus on one endocrine gland, its normal function in the body, and how it responds during times of stress. You will also research one disorder related to stress.
1. Choose one of the following endocrine glands from the table below to research. Discuss the hormones produced by this gland and how those hormones are used in the body. Include an image of your chosen endocrine organ within your essay.
2. Describe what happens to the body when the hormone (or hormones) produced by this organ become unbalanced during times of stress. What happens to the gland when the body is under acute stress? Chronic stress?
3. Describe one of the stress-related disorders associated with your chosen endocrine gland (see chart below or choose one of your own. Be sure it is associated with stress).
4. How does your chosen stress-related disorder affect short- and long-term health?
5. What can be done to prevent and/or treat your chosen stress-related disorder?
6. Draw conclusions about how to care for and maintain a healthy Endocrine System.
Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Introduction to the Pancreas.
Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (i.e., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found on your TLC Home Page under  FAQ/Writing Tips/Student Guide to Writing a High Quality Academic Paper . This guide also provides links to example essays written using APA format.

Explain behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning

Applying Learning Theory to Life

Prior to beginning work on this activity read all of the required  reading, review the content from weeks one through three, visit the  website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,  and review the Instructor Guidance. This week you will be discussing  the multiple perspectives about how we learn, based on your developing  knowledge about learning theory, and how it affects your own ability to  perform at desired levels.
Required elements:

  • Explain behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning. Suggested template.
  • Summarizes at least two sub-theories/ideologies within each framework.
    • Examples include:
    • From behaviorism
      • associative learning, classical conditioning, operant Conditioning, conditioning, extinction, and ratio/interval schedules
    • From cognitivism
      • schema theory, memory development, elaboration theory (i.e. Bloom’s  taxonomy), cognitive load theory, and social learning/cognitive theory.
    • From constructivism (conceptions of knowledge are derived from the  process of constructing individual interpretations of one’s experiences)
      • cognitive constructivism, dialectical (social) constructivism, zone of proximal development, and discovery learning
    • From humanism
      • motivational theories of learning (i.e. self-determination theory,  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), experiential learning, and Steiner  pedagogy or Waldorf education.
    • List and briefly explain a minimum of two theoretically supported  strategies, that we have learned about during the past weeks, that you  think would most help you to increase your own learning success.
    • List and briefly explain a minimum of two theoretically supported  strategies, that we have learned about during the past weeks, that you  think would most help someone in your personal or professional circle.
      • Apply basic methods of psychological research skills to this content  by synthesizing supporting evidence from at least three scholarly  sources from the Ashford University Library that defend the strategies  you have chosen.

The Applying Learning Theory to Life paper

  • Must be  double-spaced and formatted according to APA style as  outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of [paper, project, etc.]
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use headings and sub-headings. See example. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Must use appropriate research methods (e.g. use of the Ashford library) and skeptical inquiry ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).to support the content inclusions.
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that introduces what you will be outlining in your paper.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms the learning perspectives/principles and strategies you chose.
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Explore      current and early relationships as they relate to issues of attachment and      autonomy

 Psychology homework help
Case Conceptualization Process
Case conceptualization refers to the process in which one makes sense of a client’s presenting concerns in the context of a theoretical framework. In other words, it refers to how one explains or understands the pseudo-client’s symptoms, personality characteristics, cognitions, feelings, and behaviors in the light of a particular theory or integration of theories. Such understanding should lead to the formulation of counseling goals and intervention strategies.
At this stage, you will conceptualize the client’s case from 1 theoretical orientation at a time. The content of the conceptualization of the same case will differ according to the various theories depending on the aspect of human experiencing that each theory emphasizes.
In general, however, the case conceptualization process (as with the counseling process itself) starts with an understanding of the client’s presenting concerns (as presented in the case summary) from the perspective of the client.
Use the outline below to assist you in developing your Case Conceptualization according to the theory you choose to discuss.
Client’s Presenting Concerns:
This is derived from your Case Summary.
Case Conceptualization:
Present information used to generate hypothesis regarding the origins of the client’s current problems. Use outside sources and the Jones and Butman textbook to explain the concepts utilized in this section. Below offers an outline of how to discuss these issues.
Psychoanalysis or Object Relations Theory:

  1. Explore      current and early relationships as they relate to issues of attachment and      autonomy. This includes gaining an understanding of how the client      understands the world and his/her relationships with others (e.g., the client’s      mental representations based on internalized objects). Understanding the client’s      internal frame of reference will help the counselor understand the client’s      behaviors.
  2. Describe the      ideas and feelings about self that the client might have developed in the      context of these early relations (internalized objects).
  3. Establish a      relationship between the client’s sense of self and current problems, identify      conflictive patterns that the client may be repeating in current life, and      explore to what extent current experiences trigger the client’s emotional      reactions elicited by past experiences (reliving the trauma).
  4. Uncover      defense mechanisms embedded in the client’s presenting concerns and other      symptoms, and explain how they relate to the client’s current difficulties      and past experiences.
  5. Help the      client become aware of issues described above, and help the client process      and resolve early conflicts.

Individual Psychology: 
1. Identify how presenting concerns relate to client’s ability to successfully meet specific life tasks.
2. Explore family constellation to discover experiences that might have led the client to develop his/her specific faulty logic. Describe the content of this faulty logic and the sense of self the client developed in the context of these experiences.
3. Establish a connection between the content of the client’s faulty logic and (1) experiences in the family of origin, (2) problems in current life, and (3) the sense-of-self in relation to the world that the client developed.
4. Identify the underlining purpose of the client’s problematic behavior, and describe how it prevents the client from successfully meeting the life tasks.
1. While exploring the client’s presenting concerns, the counselor will assume that internalized conditions of worth have led the client to disconnect from parts of himself/herself. This disconnect, in turn, has resulted in feelings of incongruency and anxiety, which has impaired his/her internal locus of control as well as thwarted his/her self-actualizing tendency.
2. Examine the discrepancy between the client’s self-concept and ideal self-concept. Since the theory proposes that given the adequate facilitative conditions (empathy, positive regard, and congruence) in the counseling relation, clients will be able to reconnect with themselves and find their own way, the theory does not offer much in terms of a framework to explain the particular issues of each client. This is more a theory of the change process itself than a theory of personality development.
1. Identify how presenting concerns (problem behaviors/cognitions) relate to specific givens of existence.
2. Elucidate how these difficulties represent (as mechanisms of defense) or are the consequences of the client’s efforts to avoid facing the normal anxiety generated by specific givens of existence.
3. Describe how these defensive behaviors have led the client to experience of neurotic anxiety and/or neurotic guilt and further problems.
1. Relate the presenting concerns to faulty learning, irrational thoughts, and/or faulty cognitions.
2. Identify the client’s irrational thoughts (Ellis) and/or specific faulty cognitions or maladaptive thought patterns (Beck), and illustrate how these lead to the problematic behaviors.
3. Describe the antecedent behaviors and cognitions that trigger the client’s maladaptive behaviors and thoughts (this is called behavioral assessment).
Goal Setting and Interventions:
The information provided in the conceptualization process leads to specific counseling goals. Again, use outside sources to support your discussion of Goals and Interventions.
In the psychodynamic approaches (Object Relations and Individual Psychology), these will likely include:
· Resolving earlier conflicts
· Modifying negative aspects of the self
· Facilitating the development of positive aspects of the self in the context of the therapeutic relation

explain how the use of feminist and social justice theories in school counseling might benefit a student

Psychology homework help
 Discussion: Feminist and Social Justice Theories
Feminist and social justice theories may not immediately come to mind when considering the profession of school counseling. Furthermore, feminist theory is often mistaken for an approach that is exclusive to women, and social justice theory to the conventions of social equality, when in fact, their principles are largely based on concepts that are consistent with counseling and applicable to all populations including strengths-based, holistic, client-centered, and advocacy.
A closer examination suggests that feminist and social justice theories seem applicable to the school setting. This is particularly true when working with oppressed or potentially marginalized student populations that face issues related to disabilities, sexual orientation, gender, socioeconomic status, or race/ethnicity, to name a few. Advocacy is rooted in feminist and social justice theory. The professional school counselor is positioned well to advocate for students who might otherwise experience oppression. This oppression negatively impacts the student’s school experience, thus preventing the ignition of his or her full potential.
For this week’s Discussion, you analyze the use of feminist and social justice theories in school counseling.
Post by Day 3 a description of your understanding of feminist and social justice theories. Then, explain how the use of feminist and social justice theories in school counseling might benefit a student. Provide a specific example and justify your response.