
Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood

Psychology homework help
 preparation for this assignment, read the “Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood” article located in the Topic 3 readings.
Write a 750-word paper about your selected article. Be sure to include the following in your paper:
A discussion about the key variables in the selected article
Identify the validity and reliability reported statistics for the article
The particular threats to internal validity that were found in the study
The strengths and limitations of the multivariate models used in the selected article
A reference and in-text citations for the selected article as well as one additional reference
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This assignment meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.8.i. Analysis and use of data in counseling.
Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the “Submit” button under “Final Submission” is clic

Identify and describe three challenges typically faced in middle adulthood

Psychology homework help
 Thriving in Middle Adulthood
Your reading describes several transitions and life events that can occur during middle adulthood. While many of those in middle adulthood thrive, that is not always the case, as evidenced by the occurance of midlife crises.
Create a presentation (using PowerPoint, or your favorite slideshow tool) in which you address the following:

  • Identify and describe three challenges typically faced in middle adulthood (make sure to cite sources) – minimum 3 slides
  • Identify and describe three recommendations for how to overcome those challenges(make sure to cite sources) – minimum 3 slides
  • Offer two detailed suggestions for how thrive in middle adulthood  (make sure to cite sources) – minimum 2 slides

You must cite your unit reading and/or outside sources to support your statements. I’m not looking for opinions here – you must support your statements and suggestions with cited sources. Include a reference slide at the end, with your references in APA format, and use in-text citations on your slides.
Keep in mind that I’m also not looking for you to copy and paste information from the reading/websites and stick it into your slides. You can use a direct quote if you feel you need to, but it must have quotation marks around it to indicate that it is a direct quote. Everything else will need to be in your own words (paraphrase), followed by an in-text citation to indicate where the information came from. I want to see your writing, not what you’ve copied and pasted from other writers. Read this helpful guide on paraphrasing. At least 80% of your assignment needs to be in your own words.
Make sure that you give each slide a title so it is clear which slides are focused on challenges and which slides are focused on recommendations and suggestions. Be sure to include images or graphics to make your slides visually appealing.

Compare and contrast each of Shneidman’s categories      of suicide and discuss their implications for prevention and post-vention      efforts

 Psychology homework help
Answers must be paraphrased (restated in your own words with no quoting permitted), properly source credited, using APA formatting requirements – including within-answer citations and a list of references included at the end of each answer – and at least 600 words each, not counting source citations and references. Answers should be succinct, thorough, articulated in well-organized paragraphs (lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted), and more substantive than just definitions of terms, procedures, or issues.
To complete this exam, save a copy of it on your hard drive, construct your answers below each question on a separate page per question, attach a cover page to the front and a reference list to the end .

  1. Psychological abnormality may include deviance,      distress, dysfunction, and danger. First, briefly explain what each term means in this context. Then, for each term, provide a      specific example of when it (e.g., distress) would be considered “normal”      and, separately, an example of when it would be considered      “abnormal”. Last, explain why is it      important to understand this distinction.
  2. Your nephew is taking Intro to Psych as a high school      senior and is confused about which of the models is “best” at explaining      abnormality. Describe for him, in no      more than 100 words per model and using terms he (as a layperson) can      understand, the six major theoretical models of abnormality AND the  biopsychosocial model. Then, briefly      answer his question – which model do you think is best and why? Be sure to support your answer.
  3. Answer both parts of this question. Imagine you are an intake clinician at a      community mental health clinic:
    1. If you had 30 minutes to conduct a preliminary       clinical interview, what information would you be sure to try to get, and       why? Be sure to support your       answer using the text.
    2. You’ve been tasked to give a lecture to new clients       explaining the format and major characteristics of DSM-5. What are the main points you want to be       sure to cover?
  4. For EACH of the following disorders, characterize three      specific factors you believe are most important for a basic      understanding of them. Be sure to      justify your choices using only about 100-150 words for each:
    1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    2. Panic Disorder
    3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    5. Somatic Symptom Disorder
    6. Dissociative Identity Disorder
    7. Major Depressive Disorder
    8. Bipolar Disorder
  5. Compare and contrast each of Shneidman’s categories      of suicide and discuss their implications for prevention and post-vention      efforts.

Challenges of Behavioral Health  Services: Barriers to Care in the United States

Psychology homework help
By now, you have learned about the prevalence of mental health disorders in the United States. You have also reviewed federal government reports describing racial disparities relative to access and utilization of mental health services.
You have been invited to a conference entitled, Challenges of Behavioral Health
Services: Barriers to Care in the United States.” Unfortunately, you were not accepted for an oral presentation, but do have the opportunity to display pamphlets at the conference. This week, your assignment is to create a pamphlet on the barriers to access in behavioral health services. In your pamphlet presentation, highlight specific subsets of the population who are likely to face barriers and indicate why. Discuss social and governmental services/resources available to those needing behavioral health services. Include graphs and images to enhance your pamphlet.
Length: Two or three fold pamphlet.
References: Support your work with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Your pamphlet should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.