
What is the Hygiene Hypothesis?

 Nursing homework help
Researchers are increasingly looking for answers as allergic diseases continue to rise in the population. The predominant explanation, coined the “hygiene hypothesis” by Professor David Strachan in 1989, states that a lack of early childhood exposure to microbes and other infectious agents increases susceptibility to allergic diseases by suppressing the natural development of the immune system. The idea was widely reported by the media that developed societies, like the United States, have become “too clean”.
Read the following article about the hygiene hypothesis to learn more, then answer the questions below in your initial post:
Bradford, A. (2016). What is the Hygiene Hypothesis? Live Science. Accessed at on September 14, 2016.

  1. Conduct some independent research on the hygiene hypothesis. What contradictory evidence against the hypothesis can you find?
  2. Have any new hypotheses been proposed to explain the increase in allergic conditions? How does it support the original hygiene hypothesis?

Do you think the hygiene hypothesis needs to be renamed? Why or why not?
250 words

Do people choose their own health, particularly their own nutrition and physical activity?

Nursing homework help
Just like on the midterm, the way this final works is that I have provided you 5 questions, one per week’s topic. You need to answer the questions to the best of your ability. I will randomly be selecting 2 questions to grade, and then you will have the choice of which 3rd question you want me to review. After everyone has submitted their final exams (on Wednesday morning 8AM of Finals Week), you will be allowed to go into Moodle and select the question number you want me to grade.
Responses will be graded based on 3 things .
1) How thoroughly and thoughtfully you explained the answer.
2) How feasible and creative your response was in terms of solutions, or options for solving problems. 3) How cleanly written it is. Please no typos and no grammatical mistakes.
You must provide links for all of your sources if you reference anything besides your textbook. You all know what reliable sources are, so make sure anything you are referencing is from a reliable, credible source.
*Hint: Each response should probably be at least ½ a page if you are answering thoroughly. Less than ½ a page means you probably didn’t provide enough detail.
Week 6 question
Do people choose their own health, particularly their own nutrition and physical activity? Whether you think the answer is yes, no, or somewhere in between, make a case for your answer. Build your case referencing at least 4 different factors that influence health from Chapters 13,14, and 16. Be specific and think about psychosocial factors and policies, systems, and environmental factors that are relevant to your response.
Week 7 question
Where does the U.S. rank in terms for infant and maternal mortality? Thinking about these rankings, explain the quote “maternal child health is not a health problem, it is a social problem with health consequences.” What are some of the social and economic factors that influence women and children’s ability to be healthy? What are some things that can be done to improve the health of women and children? What we can learn from tobacco prevention efforts to improve maternal and child health? What specific strategies could we use from tobacco? Or, are there things we could learn from other countries?
Week 8 question
Explain, in your own words, what the 3 levels of prevention are. Pick a specific mental health or injury area and discuss how we could intervene at each of the three levels of prevention to improve health outcomes. How would the strategies need to be different for each of the different levels of prevention? What is at least 1 thing that you think we can do to reduce stigma surrounding mental health or surrounding seeking help for mental health issues?
Week 9 question
In your own words, explain the differences and the relationship between medical care and public health. Why are the two sometimes in conflict with each other? How could we change our current system (either the medical care system or the public health system) to improve health outcomes for everyone in our society (Please provide at least 2 specific examples of changes we could make)? Are there any potential unintended consequences of making these changes?
Week 10 question
Which is the fastest growing age group in U.S. society? What are the potential effects as this big group of people ages? What are some of the challenges we will be facing with the younger generations not being as healthy at an earlier age? Can our focus simply be on trying to help people live longer, or do we also need to be focusing on improving quality of life? What are some specific strategies we can implement to help people age healthily? How can we strengthen public health efforts in the future to support older people and society as a whole?
Extra credit:
Please pick one of the news stories below and answer the following questions about it.
1. How/why is this topic a public health issue?
2. Who is most affected by the issue?
3. What are the larger societal implications of the issue, and what happens if things don’t change?
4. What do you think are some of the upstream prevention strategies that we could be implementing to address this problem?
5. What do you think are some of the policy, systems, or environmental changes that could be made to address the problem?
Story 1: The Opioid Crisis is Surging in Black, Urban Communities
Story 2: What If We Treated Gun Violence Like A Public Health Crisis?
Story 3: Increased Hours Online Correlate With An Uptick In Teen Depression, Suicidal Thoughts
Story 4: Scientists Start To Tease Out The Subtler Ways Racism Hurts Health
Story 5: Is There a Ticking Time Bomb Under the Arctic?

What is the importance of administering the FFP prior to the PRBC’s

Nursing homework help
Blood Transfusion Case Study
Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________________ Class: NUR 438
Brief Patient History
Mr. S is a 75-year-old man who has a long history of chronic atrial fibrillation treated with warfarin, CHF, ESRD, and DM II. Over the past week, Mr. S has experienced intermittent epigastric pain and black stools. He is now dizzy and weak.
Clinical Assessment
Mr. S is admitted to the intensive care unit from the emergency department. He recently began taking ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection. He also has been taking an aspirin each day because he heard it was good for you. Also, he recently began taking over-the-counter ibuprofen for his stomach pain and general aches.
Diagnostic Procedures
Mr. S’s admission laboratory work reveals a hemoglobin level of 7 g/dL and an international normalized ratio (INR) of 7. His baseline vital signs include the following: blood pressure of 80/60 mm Hg, heart rate of 150 beats/min (atrial fibrillation), respiratory rate of 30 breaths/min, SPO2 92%, and temperature of 37.3 degrees Celsius.
Medical Diagnosis
Diagnosis is acute gastrointestinal bleeding
Nursing Actions
You have started and finished the FFP, and are currently transfusing the allogenic PRBCs. Ten minutes after starting the PRBC transfusion, Mr. S begins to C/O back pain, chills, and SOB. After taking his oral temperature you note it is now 38.8 degrees Celsius. He appears anxious, and is pulling at his lines and tubes.

1. What is this patient’s mean arterial pressure (MAP)? Is his MAP adequate, and why? Please show your work for the math equation.

2. What signs and symptoms may Mr. S exhibit secondary to his low H&H laboratory values?

3. What is the importance of administering the FFP prior to the PRBC’s in Mr. S’s case?

4. What should the length of time be to transfuse Mr. S’s PRBC’s, and why?

5. Mr. S is O positive blood type. What blood types can he receive, and what blood types can receive his blood type?

6. What is the importance of Rh factor when considered which type of blood to administer to patients?

7. What does allogenic mean? What does autologous mean?

8. What do you think is occurring with Mr. S?

9. What should be your immediate actions/interventions?

10. What nursing diagnoses should you give for this patient?

11. What education can be provided to this patient upon discharge?

Describe the types of ACOs recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

 Nursing homework help
Urban and rural health care organizations throughout the industry are working together to coordinate care for Medicare patients. Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs were established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help facilitate this cooperation.
Select a type of health care organization that would accept Medicare patients (e.g., family practice, hospital, urgent care, or nursing home).
Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary that discusses the purpose of joining an ACO and the funding available through one. Include the following:

  • Describe the organization you selected and the general services that would be offered to Medicare patients.
  • Describe the types of ACOs recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • Evaluate industry dynamics that would influence your organization’s decision to participate in an ACO.
  • Identify the steps needed to participate in an ACO.
  • Justify participation in an ACO for your organization.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines