
Describe why the science of psychology places more emphasis on results based on scientific studies than it does on personal experience and anecdotes.

Assignment- Retrospective Analysis of Personality

Retrospective Analysis of Personality
In this assignment, begin by taking a retrospective look at your life history, to discuss which aspects of your personality have remained consistent and which aspects of your personality have changed over time. Then, analyze the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Subsequently, discuss possible sources of inaccuracy and bias in any retrospective analysis. Finally, discuss the reasons why systematic scientific studies are considered more valuable than individual accounts.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Reflect on your life history and discuss which aspects of your personality have changed over time and which aspects have stayed consistent.
  2. Based on your retrospective analysis, describe the roles of nature and nurture in shaping your personality. Reflect on your justification for distinguishing between nature and nurture.
  3. Discuss the possible sources of bias and inaccuracy whenever a person looks back on their past history. Be sure to discuss factors related to memory and factors related to cognition.
  4. Describe why the science of psychology places more emphasis on results based on scientific studies than it does on personal experience and anecdotes.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for your paper should be your own experience and the Webtext. For this reason, APA citations and references are not required for this assignment.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Relate psychological concepts to real-world situations.
  • Describe the major theories of personality development, learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development and social psychology.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychology using proper writing mechanics.

Psychology Final Paper

Psychology Final Paper

Please read carefully. No plagarism, it is checked very carefully.
Grant Proposal (see attached for proposal idea) 
For your final project, you will finalize your grant proposal to secure funding for a neuroscience investigation. This assignment will involve integrating information covered in previous weeks about brain networks and disorders that occur as the result of dysfunction in these networks. The grant proposal will require you to identify a research question based on a thorough review of the literature related to a particular disorder/syndrome and design a scientifically sound grant proposal using current methods of neuroscience investigation.
Your proposal must contain all the sections listed below. Read the Grant Proposal Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for detailed instructions as you write your proposal. .
Your Grant Proposal must include the following sections:

  • Title Page
  • Specific Aims
  • Background
  • Significance
  • Proposed Study
    • Participants
    • Procedures
    • Hypotheses and Analysis
  • Budget Justification
  • References
  • Appendix A: Budget See the last page of the Sample Grant Proposal (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for a template to use when creating the budget. Use the optional Budget Calculation spreadsheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to calculate the budget figures.  See the Grant Proposal Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for budget details.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

How have leaders wielded power in different ways?


How have leaders wielded power in different ways? Provide at least two examples and cite sources appropriately; note whether or not each example promoted leadership effectiveness and how. Use the module resources to guide your response.
This is a two page paper.
Headings should be created to reflect the critical elements identified in the rubric:
Leaders and Power
Analysis of Leader Effectiveness
Follow the rubric requirements (attached).
Sources must be cited with APA format.
Plagiarism is unacceptable. Must be less than 20% copied from source.
Consider and explain how power can change the psychological functioning of a leader.
Please compose a 3-5 paragraph response to the questions listed above using the resources listed as well as others as needed.
Follow the rubric requirements (attached).
Sources must be cited with APA format.
Plagiarism is unacceptable. Must be less than 20% copied from source.

How have leaders wielded power in different ways? Provide at least two examples and cite sources appropriately; note whether or not each example promoted leadership effectiveness and how. Use the module resources to guide your response.
This is a two page paper.
Headings should be created to reflect the critical elements identified in the rubric:
Leaders and Power
Analysis of Leader Effectiveness
Follow the rubric requirements (attached).
Sources must be cited with APA format.
Plagiarism is unacceptable. Must be less than 20% copied from source.

Identify and integrate various psychoeducational or supportive approaches that might be used at the community level


Twin Behavior: Intervening

    • Amee and Aaron are 6-year-old twins of Josh and Lacy. Josh is an alcoholic and unemployed, and Lacy works two jobs to feed the family. When Lacy arrives home late from work, Josh is drunk after spending the day managing the children. Josh picks a fight with Lacy over petty issues and starts hitting her. Amee and Aaron try to protect their mother. As they tug on their father’s leg, he stops hitting Lacy, falls to the floor, and begins to cry. This has been a nightly ritual since Josh lost his job six weeks ago. Before losing his job, Josh used to hit Lacy on a sporadic basis, usually when he had too much to drink. The children have developed a morbid fear of their father, and they are extra careful not to annoy him. At a parent/teacher conference, Lacy is told that her twins’ aggressive behavior on the playground at recess is becoming an issue. Their teacher expresses concern and suggests that Lacy might want to investigate early intervention for her children. Without discussing the violence being experienced in the family, Lacy agrees with the teacher to pursue intervention for the twins’ behavioral issues.
    • Identify and integrate various psychoeducational or supportive approaches that might be used at the community level, such as at community centers, schools, and social service agencies, to assist children like Amee and Aaron, who are at risk from family violence, to more effectively cope and develop resiliency.
    • Be sure to address whether there may be differences between the responses seen for Amee and Aaron and provide your reasoning.
  • Explore issues of gender, diversity, and ethics within the intervention approaches.

Your response should be at least 2 pages long, and include a cover page and reference list.