
What advice would you give to your client about the family member’s attempt to gain access to his/her personal information?


This week, you will discuss the advantages and potential problems associated with developing family support systems. Clients who you see in your human service settings will usually report having some or no family support, unless they are receiving mental health or substance abuse service. Often, those who struggle with financial, housing, and/or transportation issues do so because of dysfunctional or no family support. You can implement strategies to build strong family support ties that will serve as a protective factor for your clients. Often, human service professionals are thrilled to incorporate family members into a client’s intervention, treatment, or case management activities. However, there can be some ethical issues related to the inclusion of family members into a client’s plan. Select the path that relates to your study and respond to the Discussion using that scenario.
Path 1: Child and Family Welfare Scenario
You work as a prevention specialist in an agency that provides services to adolescents (e.g., HIV testing, pregnancy testing). One of your teen clients, Rod, has tested positive for HIV and has not discussed it with his parents yet. His mother discovered the receipt for his anonymous test results in his pants’ pocket and called demanding to know the results.

  1. Discuss the ethical issue presented in the scenario. What advice would you give to your client about the family member’s attempt to gain access to his/her personal information? How would you handle the situation with the family member?
  2. Using systems theory or other relevant theories, explain how these difficult situations could be opportunities to build family support and a strong support system for the client. Remember that every situation presents some opportunity for growth.

Developing Psychoeducational Materials for Children

Developing Psychoeducational Materials for Children

In this interactive assignment, you will create a story for children to educate them about psychological assessment. To begin, select a targeted developmental or reading level pre-K through grade 6. Review the elements required for each section of your storybook below.
Review the information in Chapter 5 of your textbook corresponding to the assessments appropriate for the age group you selected and review the Mental Health Assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(2013) article for examples of information provided to the public about psychological testing. You may choose any appropriate title for your story. Be sure to address each of the following questions in your storybook in an age-appropriate manner:
·         Why is the character in the story being referred for testing?
·         Who will conduct the assessment?
·         What is being measured?
·         How long will testing take?
·         Who will be present during the assessment process? If not in the room, where will parents and/or guardians be while the character in the story is being tested?
·         How will the results be used? Who will have access to the results (e.g., medical doctor, family, the court, teachers), and why? This will vary depending on the character and plot in your story.
·         How will the tests be taken?
·         What will be the outcome of the assessment? How will the information be used? How might this information impact the life of the character in your story?
Include content to address any developmentally appropriate fears that individuals of the age group you selected may have. For example, young children commonly associate going to the doctor with getting a shot.
Be sure to include all the required material from the instructions above in your online storybook. Once you have created your storybook, include the link in your initial post. In your initial post, note the age or grade level for the target audience of the story. Briefly analyze and comment on the challenges and benefits related to explaining psychological assessment concepts using language that is developmentally appropriate for children. Compare at least two assessment instruments used to assess intelligence or achievement for the age group you selected. Include in-text citations and references for all sources used.
GreGregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
·         This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.

Discusses in detail some of the works of the writers that speak to who the writers are as individuals.

Humanities Project – Thesis and Outline

For this piece of the Humanities Project, you will submit your topic choice along with your thesis and outline as a single 1-2 page Word document. This outline will be a guide of how your paper will flow. APA
I am fairly flexible on the two individuals chosen.  Ideally, it should be two different historical periods, but I have allowed the same from time to time if a valid parallel or contrast can be made.
For example, in previous sections, I have had people do MLK and Gandhi, Edgar Allen Poe and Mary Shelley, and William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway, just to name a few.  You can also consider two influential figures from your major area like Medical Assistant
Your entire introduction and thesis statement should be at least one full paragraph (5-8 lines), with your thesis statement being the last sentence in the paragraph.
You continue now with the Body of the Outline:
First Section – with details from the background of the subjects – to support the thesis. Discusses how the beginning (birth place, education, etc.) of their lives were similar or different in any way.
Second Section – with details from the background of the subjects – to support the thesis. Discusses some of the influences of other writers that can be seen in the works of the subjects.
Third Section – with details from the background of the subjects – to support the thesis. Discusses in detail some of the works of the writers that speak to who the writers are as individuals.
Conclusion – Wraps everything up by referring back to thesis and supporting examples. Be sure to mention both subjects again to reiterate the thesis. Clinch with a closing statement and leave the reader with something to think about.

Discuss at least three characteristics of your vision of a scientist

SC250: Unit 9

There is nothing like reading a good book or watching a great movie for a little escapism and entertainment. With all of the television channels available and easy access to the internet, you can watch just about anything you want at any time. Earlier in the course you discussed the science involved with technology, but in this Assignment, you will turn the tables and delve into how the media portrays science.
How does a pop culture portrayal of science and scientists impact the average person’s view of what science is and how research is conducted? Can what is presented by the media affect how the general populace views a particular research field? What might the long-term impacts of such a depiction be? These are just a few questions that you will reflect upon in this Assignment.
For the Unit 9 Assignment, you will complete a reflective essay to address the following questions:

  1. When you hear the word “scientist” what do you envision?
    1. Discuss at least three characteristics of your vision of a scientist.
    2. Which famous people or characters from the media come into your mind?
    3. What characteristics do they have in common?
  2. Has your image of what a scientist does and how they look changed over time? If so, how has this changed and what influenced you?
  3. Are fictional scientists usually the heroes, villains, or a combination of the two? Provide at least two detailed examples to support your position.
  4. How is science portrayed in fictional media (i.e., television shows, movies, music, books, etc.)? Is it seen as a positive, negative, or neutral force in the world? Give specific examples supporting your position.
  5. Do you think the portrayal of scientists in the various forms of media influences how society views people in this profession? Why, or why not?
  6. Can the portrayal of science in media influence how certain research and technology is viewed and accepted by the general public (e.g., cloning)?

Read this resource from the KU Writing Center on how to write a reflective essay:
You are expected to use outside resources for this essay. Cite outside sources in proper APA format. You can find numerous APA resources in the KU Writing Center Writing Reference Library on the Research, Citation, and Plagiarism page.
Your essay should include a highly-developed purpose and viewpoint; it should also be written in Standard American English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, please review the KU plagiarism policy.
Basic Writing Expectations:

  1. A minimum of 1,500 words not including the title or reference pages.
  2. At least three reliable academic resources utilized.
  3. Per APA include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12.
  4. Include a highly-developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
  5. Demonstrate superior organization: use logic.
  6. Free of grammar and spelling errors.
  7. No evidence of plagiarism. Note: no more than 10% of your paper should be direct quotes.
  8. Use APA style for all in-text citations, references, and body of pape