
How should this delicate situation be handled? Why?

Topic 4 DQ 2 (Obj. 4.2)

Max Points: 5.0
Marcie is a new client and a 22-year-old female who works as a receptionist in a doctor’s office. She has just revealed to you during the intake session that she has recently lost interest in most activities, has been sleeping a great deal yet feels tired all the time, and sometimes wishes she could cease to exist. She mentioned feeling as though she has been “on an emotional roller coaster” during the past year, throughout her on-again/off-again relationship with a 35-year-old married man. The last breakup with him seemed final, and Marcie has felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into depression ever since. When probed further about suicidal ideations, Marcie admitted that she has considered killing herself, although she is uncertain whether or not she would actually do it. She said that she is currently in possession of a gun that her friend allowed her to keep in her home following a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood, but she does not know whether she would actually use it.
You have consulted with your supervisor, who has agreed that Marcie should be referred immediately for a psychiatric evaluation and has instructed you to arrange for Marcie to go directly from your office to a nearby hospital. Marcie told you that her mother accompanied her and is in the waiting room, but she has emphatically stated that she does not want her mother to know what is going on with her. How should this delicate situation be handled? Why? What are three ethical and/or legal concerns about this case?

Festinger (cognitive dissonance)

Social Psychology Network

Explore the Social Psychology Network website, and get comfortable searching for information. Scan the professional profiles of social psychologists and learn about their social psychological research.
After you have completed your reading, write a paper of 1,000 words in which you include:

  1. Choose a theorist from “Social Psychologist”, document attached under the assignment tab.
  2. Give a brief background on the theorist and their perspective on social psychology
  3. Explore the Social Psychology Network. Find the online psychology studies link. From that link choose one study that best fits the theorist you have chosen and complete the study.
  4. Describe your overall experience of the study. Was it interesting? Was it easy to complete? Were you surprised by the questions asked in the study? Were you surprised at the outcome?
  5. Has completing this study changed your initial impression about professional or student research? Explain.
  6. Explain how the study connects to the theorist you chose above.

Use three to five scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
A few examples of influential social psychologists and their research topics include
·         Thurstone (attitudes)
·         Asch (conformity)
·         Allport (values and prejudice)
·         Festinger (cognitive dissonance)
·         Heider (attitudes)
·         Milgram (obedience)
·         Latane (altruism).

What’s it take to for a zygote to become a boy? A girl?

Psych Behavioral Neuroscience

Using this text book :
Breedlove, S. M., Watson, N. V., & Rosenzweig, M. R. (2013). Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience (7th edition). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Answer the following questions in short notes:
Behavioral Neuroscience Final Review 2017

  • Hunger, satiety, and set-point (of weight) in the hypothalamus
  • Endotherms vs. ectotherms
  • Schizophrenia biological markers
  • Treatment of depression
  • Thirst, detection and regulation in the body and brain
  • What’s it take to for a zygote to become a boy? A girl?
  • Sex/Gender and the brain.
  • Feedback in the muscular system
  • The pyramidal and extra-pyramidal motor systems
  • Hormones, stress and emotion
  • Stages of development of the nervous system
  • Visual pathway from eye to brain
  • Breedlove, S. M., Watson, N. V., & Rosenzweig, M. R. (2013). Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience (7th edition). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
    Answer the following questions in short notes:
    Behavioral Neuroscience Final Review 2017

Is it possible that biology has nothing to do with the relationship between smoking and schizophrenia? 

After reading Chapter 11 and 12 in your course text and the article “Considering the Definition of Addiction (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” which covers the biological basis of emotion, addiction (substance abuse disorder), and disordered behavior, analyze the high rate of smoking in those diagnosed with schizophrenia compared to the general population.
Why are smoking cessation interventions less successful in these individuals? Review the accepted mechanisms of tobacco abuse and dependence and the etiologic theories of schizophrenia. What are the biological and/or psychological mechanisms between schizophrenia and smoking?  Include information on brain structures, pathways, neurotransmitters/receptors, and psychological factors when discussing the topic areas above.  Additional emphasis should be placed on relating the underlying pathology of schizophrenia to tobacco dependence/abuse and the biological or psychological mechanism of the observed association of smoking behavior to the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
In keeping with the focus of this class, the emphasis should be placed on the role of neurotransmitter and receptor systems, neuroanatomical structures, and neurological functional pathways.  You must use a minimum of one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, documented in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. How does the data support the proposed mechanism in the article you chose?  What other possible mechanisms might explain this relationship?  Is it possible that biology has nothing to do with the relationship between smoking and schizophrenia?  Your post should be a minimum of 250 words.  You may cite and reference your textbook, required reading and/or multimedia, but these will not fulfill the source requirement.