
Is it possible to speak of ethnic groups in America in terms other than stereotypes?


Stereotypes Set by Culture and Society
Sociology came into existence in the 19th century to explain the enormous changes occasioned by the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and an individualistic mind-set. Unlike agrarian communities, the emerging urban populations were large, numbering in the tens of thousands.
These city dwellers neither grew their own food nor knew each other. In characterizing individuals, they found it convenient to speak in categories or stereotypes. According to the structural-functional perspective, stereotypes served an important communication function, helping them to compare and contrast groups.
The social-conflict perspective, on the other hand, argues that stereotypes serve the needs of those groups and categories benefitting from social inequality. Stereotypes help dominant groups to contrast social categories and to justify subordinating the less powerful. Furthermore, by lumping subordinate groups into faceless statistical categories, members of the dominant group dissipate the guilt they would have felt were they dealing with the subordinate categories as individuals.
Based on your readings, the online lectures, and your understanding of the above-noted issues, prepare a response to the following question:
Is it possible to speak of ethnic groups in America in terms other than stereotypes?
Create a response in 3 paragraphs to the discussion question. Cite sources and include references in your response.

Which topic looks like it may connect most to your spiritual, emotional, and professional development?

Topic 2
Look over the table of contents in your textbook. Which topic is the most interesting to you personally? Why? Which topic looks like it may connect most to your spiritual, emotional, and professional development?
Use in-text citations in complete 6th edition APA format.
Each discussion question (DQ) has multiple points.  Make sure you address each point of the DQ in order to get full credit. I generally expect students to have a short paragraph for each point in the discussion question.  This DQ has three points.
1.  Look over the table of contents in your textbook.
2.  Which topic is the most interesting to you personally? Why?
3.  Which topic looks like it may connect most to your spiritual, emotional, and professional development?
PSY 362: Social Psychology and Cultural Applications
Understanding Correlations Worksheet
To reflect on what you have learned about research methods, please read the findings and answer all questions below. While APA style is not required, solid academic writing is expected.
Type your responses directly onto the worksheet.
Chapter 2 of your book discuss research methodology of psychology. Make sure to include in-text citations when completing your justifications; citations must be presented in APA format.
Positive or Negative Correlation
Justifications (how did you come up with your answer?)
Finding 1: Studies have shown that the longer people are married, the more similar their political and social views become.
Finding 2: Studies have shown that the longer children had lived in an orphanage, the lower their IQ scores are.
Finding 3: Studies have shown that in large American cities, there is a relationship between the number of violent crimes and the number of stores that sell pornography depicting violence.
Explain the different research methods used by social psychologists and the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Explain two major differences between common sense understandings and social psychological theories

Topic 1
Explain two major differences between common sense understandings and social psychological theories. Illustrate with an example. What is the danger in relying on common sense or intuition in learning about the relationship between the individual and his or her environment?
Each discussion question (DQ) has multiple points.  Make sure you address each point of the DQ in order to get full credit. I generally expect students to have a short paragraph for each point in the discussion question.  This DQ has two points.
1.  Explain two major differences between common sense understandings and social psychological theories. Illustrate with an example.
2.  What is the danger in relying on common sense or intuition in learning about the relationship between the individual and his or her environment?
Use in-text citations and have a reference, which is in complete 6th edition APA format.
Explain two major differences between common sense understandings and social psychological theories. Illustrate with an example. What is the danger in relying on common sense or intuition in learning about the relationship between the individual and his or her environment?
Each discussion question (DQ) has multiple points.  Make sure you address each point of the DQ in order to get full credit. I generally expect students to have a short paragraph for each point in the discussion question.  This DQ has two points.

Define the axial age and tell why it is so important in the history of religion?

Assignment #8: M5 The Axial Age – Submit Files
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Submission Folder Assignment #8: M5 The Axial AgeInstructions
Why is the axial age so important in the history of religion?
Define the axial age and tell why it is so important in the history of religion? How is religion different after the axial age from before?
Your answer should be between 150 and 300 words. Assignment must be typed in MS Word, where you can check grammar and spelling. After completing your assignment in Word, save the document, then click on “Add a File” button to attach the file and submit your assignment. Keep in mind that only one file is allowed per submission, and only one submission is allowed.
Final Paper – Submit Files
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Submission Folder Final PaperInstructions
Write a five page paper, double space, on any topic covered in this course or related to the study of religion. The paper will be graded for both content and spelling and grammar. Establish a thesis paragraph (what you want to say) and then present intelligent arguments, using material that was covered in the course.  Again, there is no right or wrong answers. Your paper can be pro- or anti- religion, as long as it is coherent and well written.