
What elements might you suggest he or she consider that were not present in the initial post?

dq 1 psych 605

Prior to completing this discussion, please read the required chapter from the Lerner, Easterbrooks, Mistry, & Weiner (2013) ebook, Baltes (1987), Hudson-Barr (2004), and American Psychological Association (2003) articles. Additionally, review the Human Development Theoretical Perspectives document required for this week.
Select one of the perspectives identified in the Theoretical Perspectives to Understand Human Development   document and identify one theory (Freud’s Psychosexual Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, etc.) that you    would like to explore more.Explain the theory you selected providing a well-developed overview. In addition, research one peer-reviewed article from your selected theoretical perspective in the Ashford University Library.  Summarize the article being sure to include research question(s) and/or problem(s), target population and sample (specific group within the target population), measures (tests, instruments, and/or questionnaires used), procedures (how the study was conducted), and conclusions presented in the article.  Analyze the ethical considerations, as well as the benefits and limitations of the research proposing solutions or suggestions for any issues or concerns.
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers including one response to a classmate in each of the other two groups by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.
Prior to crafting your responses, critically review the theory and article selected. Did your classmate provide enough detail for you to understand the theory and appropriately identify the specified elements of the article selected?
What elements might you suggest he or she consider that were not present in the initial post?
Were there ethical concerns presented in the article your colleague studied that were not addressed in his or her post? Was your colleague’s description of the proposed changes clear and appropriate in terms of the information presented in his or her article? Propose at least one change that your colleague did not consider, and explain why it would be an improvement to the study. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Discuss the Ashford University institutional outcomes and the program outcomes by identifying their relevance to a profession in psychology.

Prior to completing this assignment, read the Ashford University Institutional Outcomes located on the Syllabus page for this course. Additionally, read the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Program Outcomes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (pg. 248) located within the Online Undergraduate Programs section of the Ashford University 2013-2014 Academic Catalog.After reviewing the information provided above, you will create a two- to three-page case study focusing on professional and personal scenarios (they can be real or hypothetical) in which you evaluate your learning as it contributes to the overall attainment of Ashford University’s institutional outcomes and the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program outcomes. In the body of your paper:

  1. Discuss the Ashford University institutional outcomes and the program outcomes by identifying their relevance to a profession in psychology.
  2. Create one personal life example and one career example in which you (or a fictitious person) struggle with personal challenges and an ethical dilemma (e.g., a client or research subject reveals compromising information about a friend or family member who also happens to be someone you know in a personal/social context).
  3. After identifying the problem, include a section wherein you address each of the following prior to making a decision about a course of action:
    • From your point of view, what is the problem?
    • From the point of view of other individuals, what is the problem?
    • What are the options? What are potential consequences of the options?
    • What are the risks of each potential solution?
    • What are the risks of not resolving the challenges effectively?
    • What evidence/data do you have to assist you in decision making?
  4. Apply the competencies gained at Ashford University (from the institutional and program outcomes) to identify the preferred resolutions to the situations you identified in #2 above. Select at least three competencies that are most relevant to your scenarios. Be specific in your discussion of the scenarios and provide details demonstrating professional problem solving in your case study.
  5. Conclude the case study with how you resolved the problem (the outcome) and what you learned while at Ashford University that assisted you in deciding on an effective resolution. You may also identify additional competencies used to resolve the problem that are not included in the institutional and program outcomes.
  6. Utilize at least one scholarly source as a basis for the evidence you will use to rationalize the decision-making process. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.

Writing the Case StudyThe Assignment:

  1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a titlepage with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  4. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders

Read the following articles, which can be accessed through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library:

  • Evidence-based practice in psychology: Implications for research and research training.
  • Practice-based evidence: Back to the future.
  • Psychological treatments: Putting evidence into practice and practice into evidence.

Write a three- to four-page article review in which you discuss methodological issues unique to psychological research and analyze basic applied psychological research relevant to the treatment of mental disorders. In your paper, you will discuss the topics of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and their roles in providing practitioners useful information for making decisions about appropriate mental health treatments.In the body of your paper:

  1. Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  2. Explain the concepts of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and identify controversies associated with these concepts.
  3. Select one treatment modality associated with a disorder in the DSM-5 and present at least one example of pertinent, applied psychological research investigating the efficacy of the treatment modality. Discuss the findings of the research. Locate at least one peer-reviewed article that contains a research study on a treatment modality to fulfill this requirement. You may not use any of the course materials.
  4. Take the point of view of Bauer (2007) to analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using this author’s arguments from his Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: Implications for Research and Research Training article, what would be his evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
  5. Take the point of view of Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using these authors’ arguments from their Practice-Based Evidence: Back to the Future article, what would be their evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
  6. Discuss ways in which an evidence-based practice model might provide practitioners useful information for making decisions about the degree to which the treatment modality you selected in #3 is an appropriate treatment for the disorder you specified.
  7. Conclude your paper with a discussion of your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  8. Utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years (not including the course text or any of the course materials). At least one article must be used to satisfy the requirement in #3, and at least one article must also be included to support your arguments. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.

Writing the Methodological Issues Article ReviewThe Assignment:

  1. Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. (Refer to the Ashford Writing Center Thesis Generator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ).
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  6. Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
  7. Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Examine, describe, and share the similarities and differences between premenstrual syndrome and testosterone aggression.

Discussion Assignment

Part 1
Describe and discuss the major theories regarding psychology and gender. Include in the discussion your views of social-cognitive theory of gender development and the gender schema theory.
In your exploration of these concepts, respond to the following:

  • Describe and explain at least two of the major theories.
  • Compare the two theories as they relate to gender.
  • On the basis of your research, explain which theory you find more accurate and why. Provide details as to why you feel the way you do, supporting your response with text references and additional citations from scholarly articles

Part 2
Now, examine and discuss the similarities and differences in sexual development in the genders.
In your exploration of these concepts, respond to the following:

  • Examine, describe, and share the similarities and differences between premenstrual syndrome and testosterone aggression.
  • Compare variations in sexual development in the genders.

Support your responses with information from the following resources:

  • Research in the psychology of men and masculinity using the gender role strain paradigm as a framework
  • Neural sensitivity to sex steroids predicts individual differences in aggression: Implications for behavioural evolution
  • Self-regulation of gendered behavior in everyday life

You can refer to the following optional resources:

  • Archer, J. (2004). Sex differences in aggression in real-world settings: Ameta-analytic review. Review of General Psychology8(4), 291–322.
  • Campbell, A., & Muncer, S. (1994). Sex differences in aggression: Socialrepresentations and social roles. The British Journal of SocialPsychology33(2), 233–240.
  • Grossman, M., & Wood, W. (1993). Sex differences in emotional intensity: Asocial role explanation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,65(5), 1010–1022.
  • Ritter, D. (2003). Effects of menstrual cycle phase on reporting levels ofaggression using the Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire.Aggressive Behavior29(6), 531–538.
  • Susman, E. J., Inoff-Germain, G., Nottelmann, E. D., Loriaux, D., Cutler,G. B., Jr., & Chrousos, G. P. (1987). Hormones, emotionaldispositions, and aggressive attributes in young adolescents.Child Development58(4), 1114–1134.

*Not an essay* There are no page number requirements; however, a logical and substantiated post is required.