
Briefly explain "empathetic listening

Week 2 Study Question

Fall 2017 PMIN 511: Pastoral Care, Counseling and Conflict
Study Questions
Book: Van Deusen Hunsinger, Deborah. Pray Without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006
1. What, according to the author is “at the heart of Christian life”?
2. What, according to theologian Karl Barth is the definition of “cure of souls?”
3. What does discernment of another’s true need require?
4.  What is the central purpose of Christian pastoral care?
5.  How does the “priesthood of all believers” relate to pastoral care?
6. What is the criterion by which we judge the value of any gift (for ministry)?
7. What is the ordained pastor’s role in the community?
8. How does a community build and express koinonia?
9. What is the result if pastoral caregivers immerse themselves in the Psalms?
10 What was the attitude and practice of  the fathers and mothers of the early church, monasteries and converts of the Middle Ages, Reformers of the sixteenth century practice when it came to Scripture?
11. What is a “typological” reading of the text–explain.
12. How do we judge the ideologies or movements for social change?
13. What is lectio divina (define) and what are its separate parts?
14. How do we show love for God?
15. In listening to others, what do pastoral caregivers need?
16. What did St. Vincent de Paul state about the ministry of listening and presence?
17. Briefly explain “empathetic listening.
18. What are the steps in Rosenberg’s model of empathy/empathetic listening?
19a. To learn to listen deeply, one must learn to connect a person’s feelings with what else?  b. If one connects only to another’s feelings, what is the result (in pastoral care/listening)?
20. What are the three skills of good listening?
21. Essay question: Explain the theology of kononia.
22. What is one of the major factors that prevent people when listening well?
23. A. What are some possible problems with Gendlin’s process of focusing?  B. Do you agree/disagree with this process-briefly explain.

Facione's core critical thinking skills


In Unit 4, you began locating and evaluating high-quality research to support your practice in the field of psychology. In this unit, you added critical thinking tools to your repertoire to further critique research and its relevancy to research questions and practice. You were introduced to these models that support critical thinking:

  • Bloom’s taxonomy
  • Facione’s core critical thinking skills.
  • Paul and Elder’s elements of thought.

For this discussion, compare and contrast these models.

  • What do you see as their strengths and weaknesses?
  • What do they share in common?
  • What does synthesize mean within the context of Bloom’s taxonomy and Granello’s 2001 article, “Promoting Cognitive Complexity in Graduate Written Work”?
  • How could you imagine using each as a practitioner-scholar working in your specialization?
  • Give an example of how you would use each model to evaluate some content in one of the articles you located for your research project.

If you have any trouble understanding these models or the strategies in the Granello article, “Promoting Cognitive Complexity in Graduate Written Work,” use this discussion to receive support from your peers and instructor to work through your challenges.
Roughly 300 words APA format….Please contact me ASAP if more info is needed. Thanks in advance.

Explain your interpretation of the meanings of the identified nonverbal communications and symbolism

Select a television program that you know contains a social inequality or social class theme (e.g. racism, sexism, social class categories).
Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®  presentation.
Include photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, animations, videos, or audio clips. Document the source of each media item you include.
Discuss the following in your paper or presentation:

  • Provide a brief introduction that includes the program’s title, describes the type of program, and explains which social theme you are addressing.
  • Describe and explain scenes that apply to the social theme.
  • Aside from verbal language, identify all observed body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture stances, modes of dress, nonverbal cues, symbols, and any other means by which inequalities are displayed.
  • Explain your interpretation of the meanings of the identified nonverbal communications and symbolism.
  • Summarize how these interpretations are important to the sociological understanding of your chosen social inequality or social class theme.
  • Provide a conclusion that summarizes the key points in your analysis.

Format your references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Include citations in the speaker notes or in a separate reference list.

Describe how Kohlberg's model can be applied to bullying programs in schools

Moral development and bullying

Chapter 11 of the course textbook examines cultural aspects of moral development, Kohlberg’s moral reasoning theory, and Gilligan’s alternative approach to Kohlberg.
Reflect on what you have read about the related issues of bullying in schools and teen suicide and consider these materials in light of your experience with bullying, both as a child and, if applicable, as a parent or adult observing this activity among school-age children.
Then locate and review one anti-bullying program with an Internet presence.
For this assignment, address the following items, being mindful of your emotional and intellectual responses to bullying and the exercise of asymmetrical power among school-age children:

  • Summarize your thoughts and feelings about bullying and teen suicide as pathologies of moral development in middle childhood.
  • Describe how Kohlberg’s model can be applied to bullying programs in schools.
  • Then explain Gilligan’s critique of, and alternative to, Kohlberg’s approach, evaluating tensions between the two approaches and what each approach brings to an analysis of bullying.
  • Compare and contrast the two approaches with respect to bullying behavior and specifically to bullying behavior among girls versus boys. Do you believe different theoretical tools are necessary to analyze female versus male cases? Why or why not?
  • Finally, evaluate how successfully the program you found on the Internet addresses and accounts for and applies knowledge about moral development as theorized by Kohlberg, Gilligan, and others. How do theories of moral development inform action to prevent and treat the consequences of bullying?

Your paper should be 1200-1600 words in length. Support your analysis and evaluation with references to the textbook readings as well as to no fewer than two peer-reviewed, scholarly sources that focus on the two theorists in question.
This assignment is worth 10 points of the total course grade.
apa format