
Analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family counseling interventions provided by community resources.

Week 1 Application

No plagiarism please. I have attached an example.
Application: Community Counseling Resources
George Albee, commonly known as the “father” of prevention, stated in 1958 that the mental health profession will never be able to train enough mental health professionals to adequately treat those individuals with mental health problems. The solution, he suggested, is to target mental health services toward the prevention of mental health difficulties (Albee, 1959). The counseling profession as a whole has prevention at its historical and aspirational roots, and marriage, couple, and family counseling is no exception. In fact, marriage, couple, and family counseling possesses unique qualities that can aid in preventative interventions to families and couples across the lifespan.
As a marriage, couple, and family counselor, you will be required to be aware of and be able to evaluate the mental health services provided in your community, from treatment to primary preventative interventions. For this Assignment, select one issue from the following list: substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, child/adolescent drug/alcohol abuse, or depression. Identify a resource in your own community that provides primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions for the issue you selected. Then, consider any gaps that may exist in the interventions provided and how you might address them.
Reference:Albee, G. W. (1959). Mental health manpower trends. New York: Basic Books.
The assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family counseling interventions provided by community resources. Remember that “primary services” focus mainly on preventative efforts and those services geared towards early intervention. “Secondary services” can be described as those services, such as screening, assessment, and intervention in which direct care is provide for active concerns and issues. “Tertiary Care” is defined as specialized care and/or services provided to a client family upon referral, such as vocational rehabilitation, case management, and specialized aftercare.”(Ballard, n.d.)
  • Identify the issue you selected.
  • Describe the community resource you selected related to this issue, including the primary, secondary, and/or tertiary intervention(s) it provides for your community.
  • Describe any gaps that may exist in the interventions that the resource provides.
  • Explain how you might address these gaps. Be specific.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.
Submit your assignment by Day 7.
Required Resources

  • Course Introduction (located in the left navigation bar)
  • Course Text: Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L., & Snyder, D.  (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy (5th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
    • Chapter 1, “The Theory and Practice of Couple Therapy: History, Contemporary Models, and a Framework for Comparative Analysis”Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
  • Article: Albee, G. W., & Ryan, K. (1998). An overview of primary prevention. Journal of Mental Health, 7(5), 441–449. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Case, E. A., & Lindhorst, T. P. (2009). Toward a multi-level, ecological approach to the primary prevention of sexual assault: Prevention in peer and community contexts. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 10(2), 91–114. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Hansen, J. T. (2009). Self-awareness revisited: Reconsidering a core value of the counseling profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87(2), 186–193. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: McCarthy, B., Ginsberg, R. L., & Cintron, J. A. (2008). Primary prevention in the first two years of marriage. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 19(2), 143–156. Book Excerpt: Lewis, J. A., Lewis, M. D., Daniels, J. A., & D’Andrea, M. J. (2002). The Community Counseling Model. In J. A. Lewis, M. D. Lewis, J. A. Daniels, & M. J. D’Andrea, Community counseling: Empowerment strategies for a diverse society(pp. 1–44). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Description of health beliefs, health behaviors and contributing factors

Research paper

You are to develop a 5-page (not including title, abstract, and reference pages), APA-style research paper on health indicators of a specific cultural group.  Analyze and describe how health disparities seen in the selected group impacts morbidity and mortality at the individual, group, community, and societal levels.
Be sure to include:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction to the problem and its significance
  • Description of health indicators & disparities
  • Description of health beliefs, health behaviors and contributing factors
  • Recommendations for improving health care and reducing disparities in the selected group
  • Conclusion
  • Reference page (not part of page count).  Use at least 5 scholarly sources; websites may be included but do not count towards your  scholarly sources.  Do not use .com or wikipedia, rather, Use .gov, .org, and . edu websites.

cite any statement you present as facts- there are a numberof such statements about black youth that are not cited
You are to develop a 5-page (not including title, abstract, and reference pages), APA-style research paper on health indicators of a specific cultural group.  Analyze and describe how health disparities seen in the selected group impacts morbidity and mortality at the individual, group, community, and societal levels

What are the factors that make punishment effective? 

2-3 paragraphs due in 2 hours

Effective Punishment
One aspect of raising healthy children is understanding how to best provide correction when they make poor choices or behave in unacceptable ways. Over the years, there has been much debate over the most effective form of punishment for children. As part of this debate, you have to take into consideration operant conditioning as this is the basis for how effective correction works. Operant conditioning should be considered when choosing how to best administer corrective actions whether the parents choose to use corporal punishment, time outs, or loss of privileges.

  • Discuss the differences between negative and positive punishment. What are the factors that make punishment effective?
  • Discuss the effectiveness of corporal punishment and elaborate upon when you think it should be used.
  • Discuss how culture affects the type of punishment used.
  • Give reasons in support of your responses based on your readings and personal experiences.

Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

What other factors influence your perception?

Unit III Essay

Wade and Tavris explain that each person’s body experiences ups and downs throughout the typical day. In fact, biological rhythms, the fluctuations that occur in one’s biological system, dictate numerous factors within one’s body, including hormones, urine output, blood pressure, and our reactions to stimuli. Most of the time, our biological rhythms are in sync with the external environment, and they typically occur within a 24-hour cycle known as circadian rhythms. In this assignment, you will keep an hourly record of your mental alertness level for a minimum of three days using the following five-point scale:
PSY 1010, General Psychology 2 1–extremely drowsy or mentally lethargic 2–somewhat drowsy or mentally lethargic 3–moderately alert 4–alert and efficient 5–extremely alert and efficient At the end of your observation period, you should compose an essay that defines circadian rhythms and explains how one’s biological clock works. Additionally, you should describe what happens when it does not work properly. You must also address the following questions in your essay:
Did your level of alertness follow a certain pattern or circadian rhythm? Did you reach a noticeable high and low point once every 24 hours, or did you have a shorter rhythm? Did your level of alertness rise and fall numerous times throughout the day? If you performed this activity on the weekend, were your cycles the same as during the week? Finally, think about how this experiment affects your life and your perception. What other factors influence your perception? To conclude your essay, you should discuss four psychological factors that could be used to explain how you perceived the world around you.
Draw on the research from the textbook as you compose your essay. In addition to your textbook, you must use at least one other academic source. Your response should contain an introduction and conclusion and be at least one page in length, but it can be longer if necessary to address all aspects of the assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.