
Which behavioral cues of deception will you report as having the greatest validity, and what evidence will you present to support your claim?

Developing a Training Program
The proper role for a psychologist in interrogations is to serve as a consultant for psychological science. However, you will not serve as an interrogator while acting as a psychologist. Therefore, your job is to provide scientific information to make the process of interrogation more valid and reliable.
In this assignment, you will provide scientific information about two areas of interrogation.
Part 1
The precinct captain wants to develop a training program for interrogators in detecting deception. To develop the training program, the captain asks you to identify the three most common signs or cues of deception in verbal responses and behavioral posturing and to report the reliability and validity of each cue.
The captain wants the training program to be ready in five days.
In a minimum of 150 words, respond to the following:

  • Which behavioral cues of deception will you report as having the greatest validity, and what evidence will you present to support your claim?

Part 2
Pick one of these three special populations:

  • Juveniles
  • Adults with low intelligence
  • Individuals from a specific, nondominant culture

Review each of the three indicators of deception, identified in Part 1, with respect to one of these populations.
In a minimum of 200 words, respond to the following:

  • Do you think the indicators will be less valid or have similar validity? Explain your answer with reasons.

Submission Details:

  • By Saturday, September 2, 2017, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
  • Through Wednesday, September 6, 2017, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, specifically comment on whether and why you agree or disagree with the claims on the behavioral cues of deception identified by your classmates. Be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

What other needs does your client have that others in your agency might be able to provide or assist in making referrals?

Best practices

For the Unit 9 Assignment, you will synthesize your understanding of the theories, best practices, and current trends in human services to create a case presentation that would be used during a staffing meeting/case conference in an agency. While most of these meetings are informal, many agencies/organizations use a more formal approach. To prepare for this future job responsibility and leadership role, you will create a paper that could be used during one of these meetings. Use the paper structure below to organize the facts and recommendations for your hypothetical client.
Begin by deciding the type of agency and job that interests you, and imagine you are a professional working at this. (Note: The career planning exercises you completed for the Units 1-8 Learning Space Blog will help you with this part of the Assignment.)
Next, create a hypothetical client or use one from a prior exercise in our class. Follow the suggested structure below for writing your paper. Add relevant details and leave out minor ones that are not relevant to the client’s progress. While you will not be required to write papers for these meetings, you will be required to report this type of information and to be organized and prepared. This exercise will assist you in developing a case presentation for when you really will be making them.
Suggested Organization of Paper: use sub-headings to organize your information:

  1. Client name and demographics (no sub-heading)
  2. Presenting problem (sub-heading): What was the reason for the client enrolling in service at your agency? Be specific about the problem, but do not add many extra details by “telling the client’s story;” just write a few sentences about the problem as the client perceived it.
  3. Goal (sub-heading): What are the client’s main intervention/treatment goals? Be specific and add as many as you can think of that would relate to the full scope of services that your agency might provide. However, remember that clients may want to limit their goals to three goals at a time or fewer so it is important to prioritize goals.
  4. Needs (sub-heading): What other needs does your client have that others in your agency might be able to provide or assist in making referrals?
  5. Crisis (sub-heading): Probably, your client is not currently in crisis, so you would simply report that the client is stabilized and there are no ongoing crises for the moment. If your client is in the middle of a crisis, you would briefly describe it, only giving facts that are relevant.
  6. Recommendations (sub-heading): This is the part of the paper (meeting) where you provide your professional opinion about the continued direction of the client’s progress, ideas for future goals, planning or strategies for helping the client, resource referrals, and any other suggestions that you have to advance your client’s care. You will spend time using information from your past classes to support your prioritized recommendations, so make this one of the longest sections of your paper.

This paper should be a minimum of 6–8 pages or 1500–2000 words to respond to the sections in the case presentation. Write the paper using guidelines of Standard American English, and consult the Kaplan Writing Center if you have questions about grammar or format. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure to review the plagiarism policy in your syllabus. References are not required; however, any citations for scholarly academic references to support of your recommendations should be in APA format, including the addition of a reference page.
I will be working as a social worker for child welfare / children and family

How do you respond to being under authority?

week 3 study question

Fall 2017 PMIN 511: Pastoral Care, Counseling and Conflict
Study Questions
Book: Eclov, Lee.  Pastoral Graces: Reflections on the Care of Souls.  Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2012.

  1.  Reflect on God’s call in your life, especially the periods of questioning and doubt through which you may have been led.  Do you have any special thoughts or insights on that process, now that you are in Divinity training?
  2. How do you respond to being under authority?
  3. What are your thoughts about becoming an authority figure, exercising moral, spiritual, influential, and organizational authority?
  4. How do you plan to grow in wisdom as you provide ministry?
  5. Which of the examples of public grace especially resonate with you?
  6. What is your plan to grow in the grace of effective public prayer, in the face of the “Evangelical Prayer Voice” that speaks in “Baby Babble Prayers”?
  7. How will you practice “Ministry By Walking Around” in your ministry?
  8. What elements of “portable grace” do you think will work best for you (not limited to those in the book)?
  9. Talk about how you can “paint with the colors God gives us” in the ministry in which you see yourself.
  10. Do you tend to be a “Yes” person or a “No” person?  How can you minister God’s “Yes” in Christ to people in your ministry?
  11. How can you discern where someone is in their journey of recovery from sin’s brokenness, and bring grace and equipping to that person?
  12. What are some ways you can bring grace, peace, and healing into situations of conflict in a ministry?
  13. Do you believe that you can RECEIVE ministry in your chosen ministry position?  How can you accomplish this?
  14. How will you sit under great preaching in order to become a better preacher, be mentored by a great counselor in order to become a better counselor, and so forth?  Do you have the humility and the intentionality to do these things regularly?
  15. How will you best “help make people homesick for Heaven” in your ministry?
  16. Think about the markers of ministry success that GOD values.  What do you think He will want to see in your life and ministry as you become experienced in the practice of ministry?

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Statistics Assignment

Complete Part 1 of the Inferential Research and Statistics Project.
Use the provided data set to complete Part 1.
Inferential Research and Statistics Project
Part 1
Select one of the following scenarios based on your particular field of interest in psychology:
·         Industrial/Organizational Psychology:
o    A few months ago, the upper management at a large corporation decided they wanted to make major changes in the organization. Leadership is concerned that employees may be resistant to the change, and they want to find out if there is a change management method that would help employees accept change more effectively and keep employee satisfaction high. Two methods they have considered are the ADKAR Framework and the Prosci Change Management Methodology. The company wants to implement a small change in two departments before they make any major organization changes and would like to test the methods. The corporation uses the Devine Company to measure employee satisfaction with an anonymous survey.
·         Applied Psychology:
o    A large medical facility is experiencing too many missed appointments in its primary and specialty care clinics. The facility has noticed that not all patients respond well to reminder calls regarding follow-up appointments. Some patients do not answer calls and do not seem to respond to voice mail requesting they call the facility. The result is that many follow up appointments are missed. Management has read articles that people respond very well to text messages and would like to see which method provides the least amount of missed appointments. Missed appointments are tracked in the facility database on a monthly basis.
·         General Psychology:
o    Clinicians at a small clinic have been introduced to a new method to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their clients for veterans. Research indicates that virtual reality (VR) is a highly effective treatment option for patients with PTSD. Currently, the clinic uses only cognitive processing therapy (CPT) with their patients suffering from PTSD. The clinicians would like to find out whether VR therapy has different results from CPT therapy. The measure used by the clinic to measure PTSD symptoms is the Combat Exposure Scale. Both therapies need to be applied for a minimum of 12 weeks to be effective.
Write a 525- to 750-word paper that addresses the following for your chosen scenario:
·         Clearly define the problem or issue you are addressing. Provide a brief background of any research you have found that might affect your research hypothesis.
·         Create a research hypothesis based on the information provided in each scenario. You have been given a data set (Excel document) with two sets of interval data (just the numbers, as you must decide what they represent, such as method A results or method B results). This means you are going to test one thing against another, such as which method works best (step 1 of the steps to hypothesis testing). State the null and research hypotheses. Explain whether these hypotheses require a one-tailed test or two-tailed test, and explain your rationale.
·         Describe the sample you will use. Sample size will be 30 for each group, which are provided in your data set. Explain what type of sampling you selected.
·         Do you think you would also collect some descriptive data, such as gender, age, or shift? Why do you think it makes sense to collect descriptive data?
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.