
the difficulties all societies face with regards to social stratification.

Equality for All?

Social stratification is the ranking of individuals in a hierarchy of unequal wealth, occupational prestige, and power. It is a feature of society and not a reflection of individual uniqueness or differences. Stratification is a universal feature found in all societies: agrarian, industrial, and postindustrial. Furthermore, socialization and cultures reproduce stratification and transmit it from one generation to the next.
Social institutions such as education, the economy, politics, and government maintain the stratified status quo. The goal of these institutions is to provide the needs of society and not a radical transformation of structured inequality. Changes in social stratification are usually slow and incremental rather than fast and revolutionary.
This discussion will give you an insight into the difficulties all societies face with regards to social stratification. Based on your readings and understanding of the above issues, discuss the answer to the following question with your classmates:

  • Is it possible to establish a society in which there is no stratification based on class? Explain your response with reasons.

Evaluate how the tool can be used with diverse clients as part of an ethical assessment process.


In this assignment, you will be applying your knowledge of assessment in counseling to a specific scenario. Use the Resources provided and the University Library to complete the following:

  • Select one of the scenarios from the Unit 9 Scenarios document in the Resources. The scenario you choose should be based on your program of study. If you are a MFT learner, please select an identified couple or family assessment tool from provided unit readings.
  • Identify the primary question the assessment needs to address for your identified scenario. What is the primary presenting concern of the client or clients in your scenario?
  • Provide a clear description of the assessment tool and measure of the identified problem. Use evidence from the literature to support your description.
  • Describe how the assessment is scored and interpreted. In your description of the assessment’s scoring and interpretation, be certain to incorporate the measurement constructs (such as reliability and validity) you have learned about throughout this course. Be certain to discuss the ways in which the assessment is validated for use with diverse clients.
  • Evaluate how the assessment is linked to the practice of counseling. As the counselor for your identified scenario, how does the assessment tool support your work as a counselor? Be certain to discuss its applicability to initial assessment. Then, go beyond initial assessment, to examine the ways you could use the assessment throughout the counseling process.
  • Evaluate how the tool can be used with diverse clients as part of an ethical assessment process. How would you present the assessment results to your client or clients? Describe the process of presenting assessment results with a clear consideration of the client’s unique cultural context. Be certain to identify the relevant sections of the code of ethics for your profession (ACA, AAMFT, or ASCA).

Please use the Assignment Template listed under Resources to compose your Final Assignment paper.
Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication must be free of errors so that the overall message is clear.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
  • Number of resources: Minimum of five scholarly resources (distinguished submissions will likely exceed that minimum).
  • Length of paper: Seven to ten double-spaced, typed pages, excluding title and reference pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Define and discuss how personal, environmental, and time dimensions influence an individual's perception and the current functioning of human behavior


In this module, you learned that human behavior is multifaceted. The dimensions that make up a person were explored from a biopsychosocial perspective. You also learned about the theoretical approaches used to describe cognition and emotion and the concept of self from a human services perspective.
In this assignment, you will explore how human dimensions influence behavior, specifically focusing on the psychological dimensions, including cognition and emotion. You will consider how the use of diagnostic labels can influence the behavior of an individual seeking services as well as the behavior of others in the individual’s environment. Understanding these interpersonal and environmental influences will help you further understand the maladaptive and adaptive human behaviors.
Using your textbook, the kaplan University online library resources, and the Internet, explore these concepts and respond to the following questions:

  • Define and discuss how personal, environmental, and time dimensions influence an individual’s perception and the current functioning of human behavior. Why is understanding human behavior so important?
  • Discuss the use of diagnostic labels (for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and alcohol dependence) for mental health disorders to explain an individual’s behavior from a person-in-environment perspective. What are the positive and negative implications of using such labels? Discuss at least two positive implications and two negative implications.
  • Discuss the differences between cognition and emotion, and compare and contrast any two theories of cognition or any two theories of emotion. Which theory of emotion or cognition do you most closely align with? Why?

Submission Details:

  • By Saturday, September 2, 2017, post your responses to this Discussion Area in a minimum of 300 words. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the kaplan University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Then explain how you, as a social worker, might utilize the “Cultural Formulation Interview” in the DSM-5 to apply cultural competence skills when working with clients who need help managing a mental illness.

SOCW-6090 & 6361-W2-Discussions

Discussion 1: Mental Health Diagnosis and Culture
Cultures vary in their approach to addressing individuals living with a mental illness. As a clinical social worker, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate an unhealthy behavior from a cultural belief. A certain behavior by an individual that is acceptable in his or her culture may seem abnormal or unhealthy by an individual from another culture.
Another important aspect in understanding the culture of an individual living with a mental illness is stigmatization. In some cultures, the individual is no longer accepted and thus becomes isolated. Most times this is due to a lack of understanding of mental illness and underlying cultural beliefs within the population. This is when cultural competence skills become critical when working with individuals living with a mental illness.
As a clinical social worker, you need to be cognizant of the fact that people from different cultures have different viewpoints about mental illness. This will help you form effective relationships with the clients and their family members from various cultures and produce effective interventions.
For this Discussion, search the library for an article on cultural factors relevant to addressing mental illness and analyze the approach provided in the article. Then consider how you as a social worker might apply cultural competence when working with clients with a mental illness. Refer to the “Cultural Formulation Interview” in the DSM-5 while considering applying cultural competence when working with clients with a mental illness. Finally, consider the types of barriers you might encounter when working with a client from a different culture when addressing a mental health diagnosis.
·      Post a brief summary of the article you selected and explain the approach the article suggests for addressing cultural influences of individuals with mental illness.
·      Then explain how you, as a social worker, might utilize the “Cultural Formulation Interview” in the DSM-5 to apply cultural competence skills when working with clients who need help managing a mental illness.
·      Finally, explain how acculturation affects an individual psychologically and socioculturally and describe a strategy you would implement as a social worker to help with the process.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
References (use 3 or more)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

  • “Cultural Formulation” (pp. 749–759)

Berry, J. W. (2005). Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, 697–712.
Corrigan, P. (2004). How stigma interferes with mental health care. American Psychologist, 59(7), 614–625.
Group Wiki Part 1: DSM-5
In this program, you have been introduced to wikis and have experienced the value of collaborating with other students in constructing a space of information. Wikis allow students to engage in the subject matter more freely and provides a designated open area where important resources are collected. With multiple students researching and exploring a topic, the learning experience is broadened.
During the course, you will collaborate with your classmates to create a wiki on your assigned mental disorder. Four weeks within this course include an assignment that instructs you on an area of focus for each part of the wiki. To complete the wiki assignments, you are to collaborate with your group members and create a comprehensive, informative submission. The information you post may include the following:
·       A quotation from a course reading or video that addresses the weekly topic
·       A URL that links to a website containing relevant information
For this assignment, you have been randomly assigned to groups and designated one of the following specific mental disorders listed in the DSM-5:
·       Group B: F40.00 Agoraphobia
To prepare for your Group Wiki, review the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for your assigned mental disorder on the Group Wiki. Search the literature and mainstream media on the stigma related to your assigned mental disorder. Use Corrigan’s (2004) frame of the four social cognitive processes of stigma in researching your topic. Conduct research to identify the impact of this diagnosis on an individual’s life and its effect on the individual’s decision to seek treatment.
For this Assignment, collaborate with your group to write a 500- to 750-word wiki, being sure to use proper APA format for any citations.
In addition to a minimum of three scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your group wiki should include the following:
·       The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for your assigned mental health condition
·       Information that will give a better understanding of how an individual living with this disorder perceives this diagnosis and how it affects seeking treatment
References (use 3 or more)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.