
Summarize Bronfenbrenner's ecological model and describe why it is important for them to be aware of this theory.

Devise plan to raisechild

Your good friends have just adopted a four-year-old child. At this point, the only socialization decision they have made is that the child is going to preschool. Imagine that you are an expert in your chosen field. Your friends have come to you for advice and to devise a plan to raise their child. They ask you to be frank with them and give them specific examples to support your opinions. They are determined to raise this child to the best of their ability. Since they are new parents, they need advice on everything! The Final Paper should include the following:

  1. Summarize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and describe why it is important for them to be aware of this theory.
  2. Suggest and explain a parenting style/philosophy (authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive) that you believe will be most beneficial for the child and the family.
  3. Explain which childcare (nanny, center-based, or family-based care) option (before/during/after preschool) you think is best for the child and why. Be sure to include discussion of the social factors that influence the likelihood of the family selecting a particular form of childcare.
  4. Share specific suggestions, including at least two to implement safe technology use in the home. Explain how the media can (both positively and negatively) influence the child.
  5. Discuss the importance of culture and ethnicity in the development of the self-concept. Share your ideas of ways that the new parents can create opportunities for the child to learn about his or her culture.
  6. Describe at least two researched methods to increase the child’s self-esteem and positive attitude.
  7. Differentiate between the importance of socialization that occurs in the home and at school. Explain the importance of each venue as a positive haven for the child.
  8. Explain the importance of the teacher’s role in the child’s life. Give examples of how the school and the teacher will affect the child’s socialization.
  9. Share the importance of positive peer interactions. Give two examples for the parents to implement at home to foster friendships.
  10. The conclusion of the Final Paper should include the following:
    1. Brief discussion of the student’s future profession and how understanding the nature of families and children in relation to society is important for that profession.
    2. Discussion of how the student’s knowledge of the theories of socialization will impact his or her work in the future profession.
    3. Discussion of how the student’s understanding of child development will assist him or her in the chosen profession.

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be seven to nine double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of Final Paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must be well organized and reflect college-level writing.
  4. Must be supported by at least five scholarly sources in addition to the text.

Define categorical perception. Differentiate between identification and discrimination.

Categorical Perception: Identification and Discrimination

Categorical Perception: Identification and Discrimination
Across the United States and the world, people speak English with many different accents. How is it that we can understand what is being said whether one speaks with a Southern “drawl,” a New England “clip,” or a Western “twang?” Categorical perception may be one of the ways that our perceptual processes help us understand words spoken with different accents.
Access the following CogLab demonstrations and follow the instructions to complete both demonstrations (these are listed under the Speech & Language tab).

  • Categorical Perception: Identification
  • Categorical Perception: Discrimination

Using the textbook and module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the effect of training on one’s ability to make perceptual discriminations.
Based on the demonstrations and your research, address the following:

  • Define categorical perception. Differentiate between identification and discrimination.
  • Explain whether your personal experimental results for both demonstrations follow patterns similar to the predicted experimental results.
  • In many situations, you may be forced to make categorical judgments. Name a job in which someone has to categorize people or things that actually fall on a continuum. Describe the categorization this person would have to make.
  • Describe your views on why it is useful to have categorical speech perception.
  • Experience and training can affect your ability to make perceptual discriminations. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

Support your answers with adequate reasoning and scholarly research and references.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

How do you see yourself implementing the research and evaluation skills you have learned in order to promote best practices?

Unit 10

Unit 10 Assignment 1
For the course project, you have been assuming the role of a consultant who has been hired to develop a plan for an evaluation of a clinical mental health counseling program. Remember, you are creating a fictitious but plausible program with hypothetical stakeholders, clients, interventions, and measures. The purpose of the proposed evaluation is to guide program improvements and document progress toward the program’s mission and goals.
Your assignment in Unit 4 was to create an introduction, a description of the program to be evaluated, and the results of your hypothetical needs assessment.
Your assignment In Unit 8 was to establish your research base for the program evaluation by reviewing published evaluations and relevant research, and then to decide on a model of evaluation you plan to use in your program evaluation. The assignment also included a discussion of ethical standards and culturally sensitive strategies.
For this final assignment, complete your evaluation plan with recommendations for how the program could be improved and research in counseling could be advanced in the future. You should synthesize your recommendations and requirements for the program evaluation you are proposing and describe how you will present and disseminate the findings of your evaluation.
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you must include the following sections for Part 3:
Title Page.
Communicating Results to Counselors and Colleagues (approximately one page).
Communicating Results to Stakeholders (approximately one page).
Ethical and Cultural Considerations When Communicating Results (approximately one page).
Using Results to Improve the Program (approximately one page).
Using Results to Advance the Counseling Field (approximately one page).
Additionally, your paper must:
Be a total of 5–7 pages of text (excluding the title page and the references page).
Include scholarly references to support your ideas about research on the kind of program you are evaluating (population, clinical focus, counseling approach), and program evaluation procedures (program evaluation model, needs assessment, ethical and cultural considerations).
Be free from errors that detract from the message.
Be written in third person.
Use current APA style and formatting throughout.
Be in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Make sure to use the template (link in Resources) for this assignment.
Unit 10 Discussion 1
As you look ahead to your future as a professional counselor, consider how program evaluation promotes and sustains improvements in delivering mental health services. How do you see yourself implementing the research and evaluation skills you have learned in order to promote best practices? Consider the following possibilities:
Will you engage in action research in your community?
Will you will be asked to help write a grant or to administer one?
Will you assist with the collection and analysis of data at your site in order to demonstrate your agency’s effectiveness?
Will you adapt counseling programs described in published efficacy studies for use in your own community?
In this discussion, share your vision of how you see research fitting into your future as a professional mental health counselor. Use and cite the readings from this course that you find particularly helpful when envisioning your future possibilities.
Please! $60.00 for both: Assignment and Discussion by Friday (9/8/2017).

Examine the model utilized to address repeat DUI offenders in the state of Georgia.

For A-plus writer

Assignment 3: Managing Repeat DUI Offenders
A common type of referral for drug and alcohol treatment stems from driving-under-the-influence (DUI) offences. While DUI refers to impairment from any drug, alcohol is still the most common reason individuals are getting DUIs. Alcohol abuse and its relationship to crime in the United States are well documented. One common issue challenging the treatment community and the legal system is how to best manage repeat DUI offenders. This has been addressed at a number of levels, including mandatory jail or prison time, three-day driver intervention programs, and other more intensive forms of treatment such as intensive outpatient programming and residential treatments.
Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the models utilized to address this issue in the United States. You may also contact agencies and providers in your area as a source of information for this assignment.
In a 5- to 6-page paper, respond to the following:

  • Examine the model utilized to address repeat DUI offenders in the state of Georgia.
  • Explain the legal implications of this model.
  • List and explain the treatment approaches.