
History and development of clinical mental health counseling.

Ethics, and Legal Standards

1.       Values can be found in the individual, ethics in groups or organizations, and laws in larger societies.  What other differences are there between values, ethics, and laws? Why are there ethics for counselors? Depending on your program of study, which codes of ethics will you abide by and why? How can the ACA, AACC, NAADAC, and/or AAMFT codes of ethics help you in providing treatment to someone with different values than your own?
This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.1.h. Current labor market information relevant to opportunities for practice within the counseling profession.
2.F.1.j. Technology’s impact on the counseling profession.
5.C.2.l. Legal and ethical considerations specific to clinical mental health counseling.
2.        Review the timeline located in the Topic 1 resources. In your opinion, what are the most important events on the timeline and why? Refer to the ACA milestones and ACA Divisions from the topical course materials when considering your response. Choose a division and discuss its mission as well as its historical beginnings.
This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.1.a. History and philosophy of the counseling profession and its specialty areas.
5.C.1.a. History and development of clinical mental health counseling.
Each question must be answer by its self with a qote that is cited in APA form-mate must pass turn it in with less than 5% between 150-200 word for each answer

major depressive disorder

Week 2A

Select one of the mood disorders—major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, cyclothymic disorder, or bipolar disorder—from the Film List.
Use the Research Analysis to complete this assignment.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology.
Review and differentiate the characteristics of the selected disorder and discuss the research about intervention strategies for the disorder by completing the following:

  • Evaluate three peer-reviewed research studies using the Research Analysis. Please see the posted Announcement concerning how to write about research studies. 
  • Conceptualize the disorder using the biopsychosocial or diathesis-stress models. In order to receive full credit for this objective you will need to demonstrate how each element of the model causes or exacerbates the disorder you have selected. For example, how do the elements of biology, psychology, and sociology interact to create and/or make the disorder worse? Addressing each of these in regards to how they independently create and or make the disorder worse does not fulfill this requirement. The diathesis-stress model is, in general, easier to explain for most disorders you will write about for this course.
  • Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for your selected disorder. Why?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources for the first objective and one each for the second and third objectives. These five peer-reviewed sources should not be repeated in the paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss any other concerns about the web developer/consultant’s strategies

due in 24 hours/ no plag

A local shelter that receives funding from the National Institute of Health and Mental Health is upgrading its website. Along with several upgrades to the website, the web developer/consultant makes a suggestion that the shelter add a testimonial page where local citizens can describe their positive interactions with the shelter and its services. Since the web developer/consultant want to get that page up and running first, the developer suggests using some positive ratings and responses from Angie’s List® and other similar ratings sites that already have positive stories and experiences with the shelter.
The director of the shelter loves the idea of a testimonial page. She thinks it would really add to the community feel of the shelter. However, knowing her funding source, she researches the APA Ethics Code and believes the shelter would be acting inappropriately. To discuss the matter in further detail, the director of the shelter calls you for an ethics consult.
Adapted from:
In 500-750 words, explain the advice you would give:

  1. Describe the ethical issues involved in this situation.
  2. Discuss any other concerns about the web developer/consultant’s strategies.
  3. Explain some recommendations that you would make to the shelter.

Use two to three scholarly sources to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prio

What if the stories in the Bible of "god's actions" are actually metaphors for natural and astrological events?

Discussion Board 6 _2

What if the stories in the Bible of “god’s actions” are actually metaphors for natural and astrological events? Ex. what if the fall of Lucifer was actually about a meteor that fell from the heavens and landed on earth, causing mayhem. It could have contained a chemical that caused human beings to act strangely like a hallucinagen and that is what causes people to act evilly.
Add to this theory. Translate all of the Bible stories that you know into explanations of natural/astrological events. You can add to each other’s theories if you want.
Make sure to have a post and a response to another student’s post. Use proper grammar. Three sentence minimum per post/response.
student response
I think there could be a connection between the start of the universe, earth, life, human advancement, and so forth, and the stories of the Bible. The Parables in the Bible, were basic stories used to show an ethical lesson to the general population. There is one Parable called “The Mustard Seed”. In this Parable Jesus tells the general population that his kingdom resembles the extent of a mustard seed, and when we spread them around a field they become bigger than some other plant and change over into a tree. Anyone can translate this anecdote the way they see it or feel it, however by and by I saw this elucidation of paradise like a man’s life of confidence and development to end up noticeably the best form of themselves. I can see it additionally as a characteristic and mysterious occasion like the Big Bang itself. It started as a little star and developed until the point that it detonated and turned into the universe