
differences between media images about crime and realities based on national statistics

Question 5
Crime in the Media
Spend 1-2 days noting images of crime in the media on television and/or in movies. Watch the nightly news, television programs, movies, and read newspaper articles (online or in print). Keep a journal of what types of crimes are reported, discussed or shown, who are the perpetrators of the crime (gender, race, ethnicity, age, social class), who are the victims of the crime (gender, race, ethnicity, age, social class), and how is the crime handled by law enforcement. Note the overall message about crime in society that you receive from these images.
Go to the website for the Bureau of Justice Statistics at Click on the subheading, “Crime Type,” at the left side of the page. Read through the summaries for each crime type, noting major themes and trends.
Write a 500 word essay describing your findings from the media analysis and comparing these media images with the information you found on the website for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Be sure to discuss, differences between media images about crime and realities based on national statistics. What information from the website surprised you? What is your overall reaction about this information? Why do you think the media portrays crime as increasing, when national numbers show that violent crime has been decreasing since 1994?

Research two different organizations or social movement devoted to solving or alleviating this social problem

Question 4
This week you will be creating the outline for your final.
For the final in this course, you will create a photographic essay to illustrate a social problem, summarize and discuss that social problem using sociological concepts and one sociological perspective, and research two different social movements devoted to solving or alleviating this social problem.
Your outline should include the following information:
Review the Photo Essays that are presented throughout your text. What photo essays are did you like and/or are considering modeling for your own Photo Essay?
Choose a social problem of interest and important to you.
Ideas you are thinking about for the creation of your own Photo Essay that illustrates the social problem.
You can use Microsoft Word and Google Images to copy and paste images into a word document.
Write a brief description of the social problem. What 4-6 social concepts are you going to highlight?
What perspective are you going to use (structural-functionalism, conflict, or symbolic interactionist)? How would this sociological perspective examine and explain the social problem?
Research two different organizations or social movement devoted to solving or alleviating this social problem. What two organizations are you going to use?

What      are common controversies in science and health education in the United      States?

Question 2
After reading chapter 9 and watching the video “Are the Voices in the Genes—Schizophrenia”, Write a 1 page paper looking at the genetic factors involved in schizophrenia.
Specifically, discuss the findings of family studies, twin studies and adoption studies and what they suggest about the genetic component of schizophrenia.
Introduction to Sociology II
Question 3
Science and the American Public
In 500 words, answer the following four questions using the information from Chapters 8 and 14 along with your own research on science education in your community and in the United States.
What      did you find when you researched science education in your community?;
What      are common controversies in science and health education in the United      States?;
Is the      teaching of scientific theories, such as evolution, restricted and if so,      why do you think this is so?;
What      is the social impact of restricting scientific education and limiting the      information students receive about evolution, time dating of the earth,      fossil records, human sexual functioning, and so forth?

Why can some people use drugs without any addiction issues while other people become dependent upon those substances?


Psychology is a field that requires?curiosity. We wonder about humans and their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and then try to figure out what’s going on. In this 4-part “I’ve Always Wondered” Project, you get to (eventually) answer one of those questions you’ve always had about humans.
For this assignment, you will:
PART 1) Ask 2 questions + reference relevant sections of your textbook
FIRST: Be curious and?ask two college-level questions about human behavior and/or mental processes.?Make sure these questions are focused on topics you are interested in, as you will be working with one of these questions for the rest of the quarter.
College-level questions ARE open-ended, debatable, and require critical thinking. They are NOT definitional (ex. What is a neuron?) or closed-ended (can be answered with a single word or phrase,?or with a YES or NO answer: ex. Does yoga relieve stress?). Please make sure to?consider this as you choose how to word your questions.
Having trouble coming up with research questions? Feeling new to the field of psychology and are not sure where to start? Skim through your textbook for topics that interest you, and check out the following websites?for some topics to base your research question on: to an external site.)Links to an external site. to an external site.)Links to an external site.
THEN:?For each research question, locate information in your textbook that could help you answer your question. For help, refer to the subject index at the back of the book. Some topics will be easier to find than others, so if you’re having trouble with this, feel free to email me.
For each research question you have posed, list which?pages in your textbook will help you answer your research question AND provide 3-4 sentences explaining why this section of the textbook is relevant to your question (i.e. demonstrate that you have actually read this section by highlighting some specific details from the textbook).??
Your post should look like this:
Research Question # 1:?
Textbook pages and relevance to question:
Research Question #2:
Textbook pages and relevance to question:
PART 2) After posing your questions, you will: Read your peers’ questions and reply to at least 1 person who does not yet have a reply. Please start your post with the person’s name. In your reply,?you must either 1) try to improve the wording of at least one of their research questions or 2) provide an additional section from the textbook that might be helpful and explain why. Attempts to improve the question might be editing to be open-ended, narrowing the topic, helping to be more critical, etc.?You can also “like” other people’s questions if you want to!
Some example questions:
1) How do babies learn language?
2) Why can some people use drugs without any addiction issues while other people become dependent upon those substances?
3) Why do we dream?
4) How do we become prejudiced, and how can we reduce prejudice?