
Why is violence so popular across the media?

Discussion Assignment

Family interactions, drug use, mental illness, family psychopathology, etc., are all connected to these wider social problems that we are seeing today.  It is interesting to think of this as being linked to family psychopathology, but it really is: abuse, neglect, harmful words, abusive behaviors, general dysfunctional ways of acting and thinking, an so forth.Many do not really even think about all of the violence in cartoons because they perceive it as being harmless.  The truth is that many cartoons have more acts of violence per minute than the most violent television shows.  People often think that it is harmless because it is just a cartoon.  The same is often said about violent video games, violent movies, and violent comic books.  The truth is that all of this does have an accumulating effect on the public. Franzoi (2016) viewing violent media can result in the development of an aggressive script and that there is clear evidence that a real connection exists between media violence and aggression.  The problem is that we are so saturated with all of it that most are really not even aware of what is going on.
How do you see media violence shaping the culture?  Why is violence so popular across the media?  How have you noticed a pathological family system causing the individual family members to act in harmful or destructive ways?
Cite all sources in APA format, and attach a Report.

Explain how a personality develops through shaping and conditioning.

FINAL EXAM” for PSYC221 D002 Sum 17 questions 1-5

Questions 1-5 are listed below:
For this untimed, open-book essay exam, answer each question thoroughly and clearly, and ground it in course reading material. Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences, but kept within the bounds of an essay exam (4 – 6 paragraphs). All your writing must be in your own words. Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from the course textbook or the Internet.  No copying is permitted in this course and doing so will result in zero points on the exam. Answers must be written in narrative, paragraph form.  Lists and/or sentence fragments also will not receive points.
Required Textbook:
Friedman, H. S. & Schustack, M. W. (2016).  Personality: Classic theories and modern research, 6th  Ed.  Pearson: Boston.
Question 1 of 5
50.0 Points
Describe the 8 basic perspectives used to define “personality”.
Question 2 of 5
50.0 Points
Explain how a personality develops through shaping and conditioning.
Question 3 of 5
50.0 Points
Imagine that TWO of the theorists below were invited to speak at a symposium on personality theory development and are both on the stage. Someone in the audience raises her hand and asks, “So what do you think was your theory’s greatest contribution to our current understanding of human personality?” What would each of the theorists you chose say in answer to the question? Freud Jung Adler Rogers Horney
Question 4 of 5
50.0 Points
McCrae and Costa (1990) think their “Big 5” Five Factor model is THE most complete personality theory. Some theorists would beg to differ! What theorist would say the Big 5 is thorough but by no means a complete model and describe what the theorist would say is missing?
Question 5 of 5
50.0 Points
What did you learn about your own personality from this course. What “spoke” to you…what did you learn about you? This question will be graded as rigorously as the other four on the exam!

Compare and contrast the two different personality profiles

Personality Theory at Work in Social Networks

Week 6 – Interactive Assignment
No unread replies. No replies.
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.
 Personality Theory at Work in Social Networks
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required article by Appel and Kim-Appel (2010) and watch the Episode: 118 – Inside Out: An Introduction to Psychology – The Enduring Self video excerpt, which is accessible through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library.  For this discussion, you will build on your experience in the “Personality Theory at Work in Popular Media” discussion from last week by re-examining the major theoretical approaches studied in the class (psychodynamic, behavioral, learning, trait and type, and humanistic) within the realm of social networks. In addition to these five domains, you will also consider the theoretical approaches related to complex models. Your initial post will be presented in a video format. Please see the instructions for this below.
To begin, choose a social networking site (this may be Facebook  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., LinkedIn (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Twitter  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Choose someone you know in your personal or professional life who has a profile on one of these three social networking services. It is important in your posts and responses not to disclose identifying information about your subject. You may choose a pseudonym by which to identify your selected subject in this discussion.
Choose one of the five domains (psychodynamic, behavioral, learning, trait and type, and humanistic) and create a personality profile based on your current knowledge of your chosen subject using the framework of your selected domain. Then, review the online profile or feed of your subject in your chosen social networking site and create a personality profile based on the information your subject has published on the site using the framework of your selected domain.
Compare and contrast the two different personality profiles. Provide an analysis of any differences between the two profiles. Select one of the models with the complex models domain. Explain the reasoning for the differences between the real world and online personality of your subject using your selected model within the complex models domains. Research a minimum of two articles on your chosen model and use these to support your statements. Evaluate and describe the usefulness of complex models as they pertain to this exercise in personality theory.
You may create your initial post as a screencast video presentation or a video blog using the software of your choice. Quick-Start Guides are available for Prezi (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and YouTube (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for your convenience. Be sure to include all the required material from the instructions above in your presentation or video blog. Once you have created your video, please include the link in your initial post. In your initial post, please include citations for your references and a brief reflection on the differences between creating a written post and having to present the material via screencast/video.
Guided Response:  Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion.
After reviewing your classmate’s video:

  • What similarities in the comparison do you see with your own findings?
  • Given the two personality profiles presented, which do you think is more representative of the subject being described?
  • Use your complex models research to support your statements.
  • Consider the ethical implications of social media interactions as the basis of personality profiling.
  • Review the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and describe the ethical issues present in your classmate’s social media personality profile.

Continue to monitor the forum until 5:00 p.m. MST on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your interactive assignment.

HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy

HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.

This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes:
HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.
GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research.
As a human service professional it is important to be aware of policies that exist to meet the needs of a population, to be able to assess the effectiveness of these policies and to understand how to advocate for their improvement. This Assignment will give you a chance to practice those skills as you will identify social policies that exist to meet the needs of one of the populations served by the human services profession. You will select a population then research and identify a policy that exists to meet the needs of that group. You will locate a program in your community that serves this population as well. Finally, you will identify skills needed to influence and improve these policies.
Select one of the populations described in Chapter 2. You may either choose the same population you chose for your Unit 3 paper or a new one.Using the internet and the Kaplan library database, research current social policies designed to improve the lives of members of this population.Describe one of these policies in detail, including criteria necessary to qualify for benefits and the benefits provided by this policy.Discuss whether this policy is effective in meeting the needs of this population. Why or why not? Be sure to support your opinion with your research.Locate a program in your own community designed to meet the needs of this population. Describe the program and include your opinion (supported by facts from your research) of its effectiveness.Finally identify skills needed to influence and improve each of the policies you have identified.Your Assignment should:
Be presented in the form of a well-written college level documentUse an essay format, 12 point font and double spacing.Be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.Include a title page and reference pageIncluding at least two references from the Kaplan Library database in support of your observations and conclusions using proper APA citation and reference formatting.All work should be in your own words with quotes used very sparingly. Please be sure to answer every question within the body of your paper. The Kaplan Library offers you credible articles from which to draw your supportive references.
HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.