
What is CDA? Explain.

Part 2
Before the twentieth century, sexuality was considered as a very private and highly judged subject. Religious leaders considered it as a moral issue but now, this presumption has undergone a huge change. Scientists have started viewing sexuality with their lenses, focusing mainly on the study and bifurcation of unusual and abnormal sexual behaviors. It was much later that they started studying the healthy human sexual functions. While the Internet serves as a medium for providing education and information, it is also a platform for sexual discussions and materials. It is after the huge volume of sexual material available on the Internet that the demands for government regulation increased and in 1996, the US Congress passed the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). The usage of computer networks for the purpose of transmitting obscene materials or images or placing indecent words was then made illegal as children might read or see them. But there still exists many websites that are dedicated to educate people about sexual safety and health.
Conduct a research on CDA and respond to the following:

  • What is CDA? Explain.
  • What are the reasons behind the emergence of this act? Provide an analysis.
  • How does media and sexual material influence a small child?
  • Is transmitting sexual pictures or texting considered illegal? Why or why not?

Cite any sources in APA format, and attach a Report.

Is there any commonly accepted definition of natural sexual behavior?

Discussion Assignment

Part 1
Over the period of twentieth century, America has undergone a cultural revision and so has its traditional values and attitudes towards sex. This is clearly vindicated through the openness and various forms of discussions carried out at all levels. No longer do we face any intricacy while discussing sex whereas a hundred years ago, “polite” people never used to talk about it. Nowadays, all mediums of communication explicitly display sexual content in different forms.
With this changing world comes a widely prevalent real-time sex activity conducted amongst several Internet users around the world, “The Cybersex,” where two people remotely connect for the purpose of sexual pleasure. For some cybersex users, this provides a fascinating experience over the Internet whereas for some, it has become an addiction.
Express your views on the following:

  • Is there any commonly accepted definition of natural sexual behavior? Why or Why not?
  • Is there a conclusive definition of “normal” sexual behavior and does this definition of normal get affected by man’s perceptions and social factors?
  • What are the factors influencing sexual behavior in the times we live in?
  • How does the mass media portray sexuality? What is the role of the media in establishing culture norms on sexuality?
  • Based on your understanding of the topic, discuss how various forms of advertisements depicts sexuality? To what level are you and your classmates affected by the media’s presentation of sex?
  • When examining sexuality, do we make value judgments? Why or why not? Do our opinions, biases, and stereotypes cloud our assessment skills? Why or why not?

Do you think that clusters characterized by gender are valid subcultures?

Part 2
Large cultural groups within a geographic region often share similar subjective cultural elements. However, these groups are rarely homogenous and can be divided into distinct subgroups. For example, Africa is made up of different countries, and within those countries, there are numerous distinct cultural groups. Although many of these subcultural groups are dissimilar with regard to particular beliefs and practices, there are times when an overriding issue makes another common group identification more salient and important. For example, in 2003, Christian and Muslim women from different subcultures in Liberia banded together to fight back against oppression and stop the civil war. There were widespread killings; the survivors were deeply traumatized and abused; the children were robbed of their childhood, with many being recruited to fight; and women had been dominated and raped. The women’s movement was featured in the Documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell. This discussion question focuses on the cultural subgroups that often supersede the familial cultural groups.
In your response, address the following:

  • Do you think that clusters characterized by gender are valid subcultures? Do you self-identify with gender before your ethnic group? If you could design a study to investigate an issue related to women and culture, what would you study and why?
  • What caused the women of Liberia to ignore their familial cultural inheritance and band together? Do you think that biology and environment interact to create a women’s subculture? What did the women do to force the men to change in Liberia? Explain your answers.

Cite all sources in APA format, and attach a Report

Research the term “power distance.” Research power distance in different cultures. Are there any surprising results?

Discussion Assignment 4030

Part 1
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are used to characterize the differences between cultures. Hofstede’s (1980) study explored work-related values. He collected data from business employees in numerous countries and used factor analysis to see the outstanding variables that emerged. He originally identified four dimensions, one of which was power distance. This concept has been applied for practical purposes. For example, Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success discusses how the power distance index relates to safety in the airline business.
In your response, address the following:

  • Research the term “power distance.” Research power distance in different cultures. Are there any surprising results? Compare countries that are often lumped together under one title. For example, people from Japan, China, and India are all called Asian. When such countries are compared, what differences emerge?
  • Given that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions inventory was designed for a work environment and that the data were collected from the employees who fall into specific demographic categories, can the findings be generalized to other settings? What about generalizing the findings for the groups that were not in the study? Do you think that it is appropriate to apply the data to the airline business?
  • Do you think that the study is valid for all countries? When was the study initially conducted? Do you think that the findings would be the same if the people in the countries were assessed again?

Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.
Hofstede, G. H. (1980). Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.