
Discussion of etiology theories

Child abuse

In this assignment, you will build upon the assignment completed in M1 Assignment 3. This assignment is a 5- to 7-page draft of your final project, which is due in Module 5. You will want to start developing some of the key components of that paper. You will need to further refine, add content to, and polish this draft in order for it to meet the final requirements in Module 5, which is a 10- to 15-page final draft. This draft will need to be in APA format, which includes a title page and a reference page; however, no abstract is needed. On the reference page, please include a list of the ten sources you plan to use in the final draft, although you may not need to use all of them for this draft.
For this assignment, you will need to include a brief summary of what you will elaborate on in the final draft and:

  • Describe your selected criminal behavior.
  • Discuss the etiology theories discussed in Module 2 as they pertain to your selected criminal behavior.
  • Describe relevant prevention, intervention, and treatment specific to your criminal behavior.
  • List at least ten scholarly sources on your reference page that you plan to utilize in your final draft.

Submission Details:
Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSubmitted a logically drafted report, including the following components:

  • Description of criminal behavior
  • Discussion of etiology theories
  • Discussion of prevention, intervention, and treatment implications
  • Ten scholarly sources

88Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship

Discuss at least two ways in which a forensic assessment may be required in each type of civil forensic case


Assignment 3: Civil Litigation and Personal Injury Assessment
A forensic assessment may serve a number of purposes in both criminal and civil contexts. In the context of civil litigation, a forensic mental health professional may be called to provide an assessment in a personal injury case. For example, the professional may be asked to identify whether a traumatic disability or syndrome exists and, if so, to determine the severity and impact on an individual’s functional abilities. Personal injury litigation expands over several areas.
Using resources from the professional literature, research two types of reports written for civil litigation purposes. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and scholarly websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions.
Based on your research, create a 3- to 4-page paper in a Microsoft Word document responding to the following:

  • Discuss at least two ways in which a forensic assessment may be required in each type of civil forensic case.
  • Identify the specific psycholegal issues to be addressed in each type of evaluation.
  • Discuss the role of the independent medical examiner or independent forensic psychologist.
  • Discuss several key elements that the forensic mental health professional would want to include in the report.
  • Identify the legal entity or stakeholder (e.g., defense attorney) who might request each type of assessment report and explain the potential reasons for the requests. In other words, what might the forensic professional add to an understanding of the case beyond what is generally known by laypeople?
  • Describe the assessments that are utilized to write the reports.
  • Identify the limitations of the reports.

What type of parametric or nonparametric inferential statistical process (correlation, difference, or effect) will you use in your proposed research?

Assignment 2 : methodology

In your final paper for this course, you will need to write a Methods section that is about 3–4 pages long where you will assess and evaluate the methods and analysis of your proposed research.
In preparation for this particular section, answer the following questions thoroughly and provide justification/support. The more complete and detailed your answers for these questions, the better prepared you are to successfully write your final paper:

  • What is the problem being addressed by your research study?
  • State the refined research question and hypothesis (null and alternative).
  • What are your independent and dependent variables? What are their operational definitions?
  • Who will be included in your sample (i.e., inclusion and exclusion characteristics)?
  • How many participants will you have in your sample?
  • How will you recruit your sample?
  • Identify the type of measurement instrument to be used to collect the raw numeric data to be statistically analyzed and the type of measurement data the instrument produces.
  • What issues will you cover in the informed consent?
  • If there is potential risk or harm, how will you ensure the safety of all participants?
  • Name any possible threats to validity and steps that can be taken to minimize these threats.
  • What type of parametric or nonparametric inferential statistical process (correlation, difference, or effect) will you use in your proposed research? Why is this statistical test the best fit?
  • State an acceptable behavioral research alpha level you would use to fail to accept or fail to reject the stated null hypothesis and explain your choice.

This paper may be written in question-and-answer format rather than a flowing paper. Write your response in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Identify a landmark civil case and explain why you chose it for review

Assignment 2: Landmark Civil Case

Assignment 2: Landmark Civil Case
Forensic assessment has been largely shaped by statutes, legal standards, and the outcomes of historical landmark cases. When working in an environment where there is no room for error, it is imperative to understand the relevant court decisions that inform the rationale behind various assessment procedures. Unless one knows the relevant statutory or case law, as well as the standards that they set, it is not possible to select an appropriate method of assessment.
Using resources from the professional literature, investigate the research literature on one landmark case pertaining to an important psycholegal issue that forensic mental health professionals address in their assessments. The psycholegal issue may be chosen from the area of criminal forensic psychology (e.g., competency to waive Miranda rights, competency to stand trial, or mental state at the time of the offense), or it may be chosen from the civil area, such as cases pertaining to the right to treatment, the right to refuse treatment, civil commitment, child custody, fitness to parent, or disability. Remember that you must select a case that has direct implications for the work of a forensic mental health professional. Landmark cases are typically historical ones. Recent legal cases that are prominent in the news are not necessarily landmark cases.
The literature you consult can include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites ending in .edu or .gov that are created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions.
More specifically, you are encouraged to refer to your program-required textbook Psychological Evaluations for the Courts: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and Lawyers for landmark cases.
You may also refer to the category Landmark Cases in the Webliography.
In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:

  • Identify a landmark civil case and explain why you chose it for review.
  • Provide a short review of the facts of the case.
  • Identify the psycholegal issue that was in dispute.
  • Discuss the final decision on the issue by the highest court that heard the case.
  • Discuss the ways in which the case is relevant to the legal standard that forensic professionals must consider. In other words, discuss the implications of the case for the practice of forensic assessment.
  • Provide a properly formatted legal reference for the case. If necessary, consult “Appendix 7.1, References to Legal Materials,” starting on p. 216 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition