
counselors and educators must explore their own biases and prejudices, especially regarding sexual orientation and gender identity or expression?

Part 1Do you agree (or disagree) that counselors and educators must explore their own biases and prejudices, especially regarding sexual orientation and gender identity or expression? Miller, Miller,

Part 1
Do you agree (or disagree) that counselors and educators must explore their own biases and prejudices, especially regarding sexual orientation and gender identity or expression? Miller, Miller, and Stull (2007) examined discriminatory behaviors of counselor educators and found “a need for counselor educators to continue examination of their prejudices and discriminatory behaviors, particularly those related to sexual orientation and social class.” Has this helped you in examining your biases in order to help you become more effective as a clinician? What other research articles have you located that suggests clinicians struggle with skills in assessing and treating various sexual topics? Explain your findings with rationale.
You may refer to the following articles from the South University Online Library or the Internet for your research:

  • Grove, J. (2009). How competent are trainee and newly qualified counsellors to work           with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients and what do they perceive as their            most effective learning experiences. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research,            9(2), 78-85. DOI: 10.1080/14733140802490622
  • Satcher, J., & Leggett, M. (2007). Homonegativity among professional           school counselors: An exploratory study. Professional School           Counseling11(1), 10–16.
  • Morrison, M. & Morrison, T. (2011). Sexual Orientation Bias Toward Gay Men and             Lesbian Women: Modern Homonegative Attitudes and Their Association             With Discriminatory Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Applied Social             Psychology, 41 (11). 2573-2599. DOI: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00838.x

Part 2
Review this week’s lectures, readings, or the Internet and illustrate one of the newest facts about male and female sexual anatomies, physiologies, and responses (for e.g., American Cancer Society statistics on male breast cancer were alarming).
Explain how this new fact has impacted your apprehension toward and perception of human sexuality. Additionally, provide a complete description of what you have learned in this week regarding the male and female anatomies, physiologies, and sexual responses. If you were assigned to assess a client and found that this client reports of being a hermaphrodite, how might you respond? Would you feel comfortable asking this client what sex they identify with?
Miller, K. L., Miller, S. M., & Stull, J. C. (2007). Predictors of counselor educators’           cultural discriminatory behaviors. Journal of Counseling & Development,           85(3), 325–336.

  • Cite all sources in APA format
  • Attach a Report.

Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might be used to guide your decisions as a psychology professional if you were assigned to consult with the subject in the situation you have created.

Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of

Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant amount of social stigma attached to addictions, and popular media often focuses on the treatment and prevention of addiction, there may also be associated positive qualities of addictive substances and behaviors.
Initial post will be written on a specific substance that has addictive potential (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, ibogaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA) of your choice.
Begin your initial post by choosing either a substance or a behavior with addictive potential based on your assigned group. To create a meaningful and interesting discussion, it would behoove you to choose a substance or behavior that has not already been addressed in the discussion board. For this discussion, you must explain both the positive and negative potential of addiction to your chosen substance or behavior. Therefore, you must choose a substance or behavior that presents both positive and negative potential outcomes.
Research your substance or behavior providing at least two peer-reviewed resources to support any claims made. In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to create a brief scenario or example of a situation in which your chosen addiction provides both positive and negative potential outcomes for a subject. Integrate concepts developed from different content domains to support your arguments. Evaluate and comment on the reliability and generalizability of the specific articles and research findings you have chosen to support your arguments. Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might be used to guide your decisions as a psychology professional if you were assigned to consult with the subject in the situation you have created.

Can you rank the roles in order of importance?

Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, peopl

Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, people may naturally fall into a role without even realizing it. Research group roles or group dynamics using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Write an essay on the topic. Address the following:

  1. What types of group roles are there? Name and describe at least six different roles.  Also, note that similar roles are known by different names, for example, leader and facilitator. What you call a role is not as important as doing a good job of explaining the purpose and duties of each role.
  2. Can some roles have more than one person in that role in one group? If so, which roles are they? Which roles, if any, cannot have more than one person in the role in one group? Why?
  3. Can you rank the roles in order of importance? If yes, do so and explain your ranking. If you could not rank the roles, explain why. Is it because all roles are equally important?
  4. What role do you tend to play in groups? Is it a role you choose because you enjoy it or because you are just naturally good at it?
  5. We have all had to struggle with some roles we were required to play. Describe such an experience from your personal or professional life. Explain the difficulty and how you solved it.
  6. In a summary paragraph, discuss the value or constraint that you find with group roles. Discuss how knowledge of group roles will help a group communicate and work together.

Write a 4-5 page essay in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Include a References page for any articles and websites used in your research.

Can some roles have more than one person in that role in one group?

Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, peopl

Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, peopl
Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, people may naturally fall into a role without even realizing it. Research group roles or group dynamics using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Write an essay on the topic. Address the following:

  1. What types of group roles are there? Name and describe at least six different roles.  Also, note that similar roles are known by different names, for example, leader and facilitator. What you call a role is not as important as doing a good job of explaining the purpose and duties of each role.
  2. Can some roles have more than one person in that role in one group? If so, which roles are they? Which roles, if any, cannot have more than one person in the role in one group? Why?
  3. Can you rank the roles in order of importance? If yes, do so and explain your ranking. If you could not rank the roles, explain why. Is it because all roles are equally important?
  4. What role do you tend to play in groups? Is it a role you choose because you enjoy it or because you are just naturally good at it?
  5. We have all had to struggle with some roles we were required to play. Describe such an experience from your personal or professional life. Explain the difficulty and how you solved it.
  6. In a summary paragraph, discuss the value or constraint that you find with group roles. Discuss how knowledge of group roles will help a group communicate and work together.

Write a 4-5 page essay in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Include a References page for any articles and websites used in your research.