
Kaplan's triphasic model of sexual response

Studies shows that Masters and Johnson’s four phase model of sexual response listed above 10,000 cycles of sexual arousal and orgasm in a period of twelve years to arrive at a conclusion about a model

Studies shows that Masters and Johnson’s four phase model of sexual response listed above 10,000 cycles of sexual arousal and orgasm in a period of twelve years to arrive at a conclusion about a model of sexual response. In this model, there are four successive phases to the sexual response cycle.

  • Based on your understanding about this model, compare the phases of this model to the following:
    • Kaplan’s triphasic model of sexual response
    • Loulan’s sexual response model
  • Why was Masters and Johnson’s four phase model so controversial? Johnson argued that sexual problems are not the result of underlying neurosis or personality disorders, but are an outcome of lack of information, poor communication, or conflict between partners. Do you agree or disagree and why?
  • Which model, according to you, is the most accurate model that describes the human sexual response? Why?

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Why do we know some things but not others

Generating a Personal Learning Epistemology Based on your current and newly developed knowledge as well as the required resources for this assignment, apply basic research methods to align the conten

Generating a Personal Learning Epistemology
Based on your current and newly developed knowledge as well as the required resources for this assignment, apply basic research methods to align the content of the information in the required course resources this week with your personally constructed learning epistemology. Apply skeptical inquiry to develop your personal epistemological beliefs through reflection on the questions below. Be aware that these questions are not the only considerations that might be included, and they should not be used verbatim; rather, they can serve as guides as you begin the process of creating your personal epistemology.

  • What can we know?
  • How can we know it?
  • What do/should individuals need to learn, and why?
  • What purpose(s) should education serve?
  • How do you believe persons acquire knowledge best?
  • What image of society and the kinds of adults that populate it seems to correspond with your vision of knowing/learning?
  • What do you believe about the way students learn and why they may (or may not) want to learn?
  • Why do we know some things but not others?
  • How do we acquire knowledge?
  • Is knowledge possible?
  • Can knowledge be certain?
  • How can we differentiate truth from falsehood?
  • Why do we believe certain claims and not others?
  • According to Plato, knowledge is a subset of that which is both true and believed. Do you agree or disagree?

After developing basic answers to the questions above and considering the impact of understanding how one’s own conscience awareness of knowledge and learning  may affect individual development and beliefs manifestations, research a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles in the Ashford University Library that can be used as support sources for your personal learning epistemology. Your learning epistemology must include six to seven key points with supporting rationales regarding your beliefs on learning and knowing.

Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist

Putting it all togetherWeek 6The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains sho

Putting it all together
Week 6
The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.
The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of the four domains. Although content from literature reviews completed in prior courses within this program may be included, it may not constitute the total research for the individual domains addressed within this assignment. No more than four sources from previous literature reviews completed in this program may be utilized for this integrative review.
The headings listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content. These sections include the following: a clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way; a discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis; and a conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way, the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.

  • Provide a conceptual framework for the review.
  • Describe how the review will be organized. The questions below may be used to guide this section.
    • What are the guiding theories within the domains?
    • How are the domains connected?
    • Are there competing points of view across the domains?
    • Why is the integration of these domains important?
    • What is the history of these domains?
    • What are the related theories or findings?
  • Describe how the literature was identified, analyzed, and synthesized.
  • How and why was the literature chosen?
  • What is your claim or thesis statement?


  • Provide the analysis, critique, and synthesis for the review.


  • Examine the main ideas and relationships presented in the literature across the four domains.
  • Integrate concepts from the four different content domains within the larger field of psychology.
  • What claim(s) can be made in the introduction?
  • What evidence supports the claim(s) made in the introduction?


  • Evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the chosen research findings.
  • How well does the literature represent the issues across the four domains?
  • Identify the strengths and the key contributions of the literature.
  • What, if any, deficiencies exist within the literature?
  • Have the authors omitted any key points and/or arguments?
  • What, if any, inaccuracies have been identified in the literature?
  • What evidence runs contrary to the claims proposed in the introduction, and how might these be reconciled with the claims presented?
  • Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might influence the reliability and/or generalizability of the chosen findings.
  • Did the ethical issues influence the outcomes of the research?
  • Were ethical considerations different across the domains?


  • Integrate existing ideas with new ideas to create new knowledge and new perspectives.
  • Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist.
  • Relate the evidence presented to the major conclusions being made.
  • Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to posit new relationships and perspectives on the topics within the domains.


  • Provide a conclusion and present potential future considerations.
  • State your final conclusion(s).
  • Synthesize the findings described in the discussion into a succinct summary.
  • What questions remain?
  • What are the possible implications of your argument for existing theories and for everyday life?
  • Are there novel theories and/or testable hypothesizes for future research?
  • What do the overarching implications of the studies show?
  • Where should the research go from this point to further the understanding of these domains and the greater study of psychology?

What aspects of the messengers and the message do the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups use to their benefit?

We have begun to understand the ways in which people influence each other through our examinations of confornity (Chapter 6), persuasion (Chapter 7), and group influence (Chapter 8). Choose one of the

We have begun to understand the ways in which people influence each other through our examinations of confornity (Chapter 6), persuasion (Chapter 7), and group influence (Chapter 8). Choose one of the following documentaries to watch (all just under an hour long and available online) and respond to the prompts about how a group, whether it is the government, scientists, or the CIA, influences others.
Remember, the paper should be at least three double-speed, size – font pages (but no more than 6), not including a works cited page, in APA format. You need at least 1 outside reference (not including your textbook or the documentary you choose). It has to be 3 to 5 pages long. Remember, the writing center or Purdue’s website are very helpful!
2) Watch the Frontline documentary entitled “The Vaccine War”. It is available at While the debate over the use of vaccines is by no means new, it has changed to include the possibility that certain vaccines or scheduling can impact mental healt. What kinds of arguments does each side use to convince others’ that they are correct? Is one more persuasive, or does it depend on the audience? What aspects of the messengers and the message do the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups use to their benefit?