
Do nongroup members have the right to interfere with other cultures when it comes to long-standing cultural practices?

Part 2
Gender Differences and Society
Numerous societies have clear gender differences. There are some societies that place women in a subservient position. Furthermore, some women are devalued as their family honor is more important than their lives. This is often the case in honor killings. There was a publicized case of a woman from Iraq who escaped to a US military base because her family was going to kill her. She had disgraced them by talking to a young man on a cell phone. Using the Internet, conduct research on honor killings.
In your response, address the following:

  • Why do some cultures engage in honor killings?
  • Do nongroup members have the right to interfere with other cultures when it comes to long-standing cultural practices? What happens to the culture when others interfere?

Most cultural groups developed their cultural practices in relative isolation, and as mentioned in the lectures, these practices often served a practical role. When cultural groups have maintained radical or “harmful” practices that have not evolved, how might the members of the group be impacted? State some examples of “harmful” practices. Do the antiquated practices impact the members of the group when there is little outside influence?
Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

Define emotional regulation

Part 1David Matsumoto, author of Culture & Psychology, has written an article, “Culture, Psychology, and Education.” In the article, he discusses his research on adjustment. A factor analysis on data

Part 1
David Matsumoto, author of Culture & Psychology, has written an article, “Culture, Psychology, and Education.” In the article, he discusses his research on adjustment. A factor analysis on data from 2,500 individuals indicates that there are key factors or variables that play a role in adjustment. Of these variables, emotion regulation is the most important.
Matsumoto (2002) states that emotion regulation “is always the most consistent and strongest predictor of all adjustment indices measured in our studies.” Matsumoto considers this to be a universal component of adjustment. He even goes so far as to assert that educators have a responsibility to not only focus on the subject matter when teaching but also teach values-based education with the end goal of increasing emotional regulation. This would equip students to manage in a multicultural and increasingly diverse society (Matsumoto, 2002).
In your response, address the following:

  • Define emotional regulation. Explain how you regulate your emotions when faced with extreme stress. Explain whether you believe that emotional regulation will better equip you to live with more diversity.
  • Some Eastern cultures start teaching their children about emotional regulation when they first enter school. Is it possible for students to learn emotional regulation in college or should this teaching start earlier? Research, analyze, and describe the concept of emotional regulation in Eastern cultures. How do Eastern cultures, such as the Chinese, teach their children emotional regulation?
  • Explore studies on longevity or aging and emotional regulation. What trends did you discover? Does emotional regulation increase with time? If so, explain why this might occur.

Matsumoto, D. (2002). Culture, psychology, and education. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes, & D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online readings in psychology and culture (Unit 2, Chapter 5). Bellingham, WA: Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University.

The Neurosciences: A Look at Our Brains

During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition. special focus on the following constructs within learning and cognition: either one or the otherThe N

During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition. special focus on the following constructs within learning and cognition: either one or the otherThe N
During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition. special focus on the following constructs within learning and cognition: either one or the other

  • The Neurosciences: A Look at Our Brains
  • Socio-Cognition: Social Interactions in Learning

These constructs, along with others, influence a wide variety of disciplines in psychology and other fields. In the final week of this course, you will develop a handbook based on one of these constructs. This week, you will choose the construct that you will concentrate on for this project. The construct you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career goals.
Identify the audience for your handbook and the main construct in learning and cognition that will provide the focus of your handbook. Explain your motivation for using the chosen construct as your focus subject as well as how this construct aligns with your future career goals. Research five peer-reviewed articles focusing on your chosen construct. These articles must provide sufficient information so that they will support your work in the handbook. See the instructions for the Learning and Cognition Handbook in Week Six for further clarification. Provide complete references for each of the five articles. Format your references according to APA style. Beneath each reference, provide an annotation that explains the theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and/or empirical findings within the article that describe and define your chosen construct. Provide a concluding paragraph that synthesizes the cognitive learning principles and theories found within the articles as they relate to your chosen construct. The paper should not include any quotes. If need more info from week six iis needed let me know. Four to six pages.

Would you experience culture shock if you immersed yourself in this culture?

Media play a very large role in both the development and the perpetuation of cultural elements. You may never have watched a foreign movie or even clips evaluating other cultures. In this assignment,

Media play a very large role in both the development and the perpetuation of cultural elements. You may never have watched a foreign movie or even clips evaluating other cultures. In this assignment, you will explore online videos or movies from a culture of your choice and analyze how cultural elements are presented, compared to your own culture.
Complete the following:

  • Choose a world culture you are not familiar with.
  • Identify two–three online videos or movies representative of this culture. These could be examples of cultural expressions such as a Bollywood movie from India or Anime videos from Japan.

Evaluate two hours of such a video. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research articles about your selected culture.

  • Select a scholarly article that analyzes the same culture presented in the videos you have observed.
  • Write a paper describing the cultural differences you have observed in the video. How are these observations supported by the research article?

Be sure to include the following:

  • Describe the videos you have watched.
  • Explain the main points of the videos.
  • Examine what stood out about the culture.
  • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of this culture with your own.
  • Examine the ways of this culture. Is it one you would want to visit or live in?
  • Would you experience culture shock if you immersed yourself in this culture? Why or why not?

Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.