
Analyze and describe some of the potential ethical issues which might arise from the use of this personality assessment in the given scenario. 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Splett, Fowler, Weist, McDaniel, & Dvorsky (2013), Stinnett, Bui, & Capaccioli, (2013), and Kosher, Jiang, Ben-Arieh, & Huebner, (2014) articles,

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Splett, Fowler, Weist, McDaniel, & Dvorsky (2013), Stinnett, Bui, & Capaccioli, (2013), and  Kosher, Jiang, Ben-Arieh, & Huebner, (2014) articles,  and review Chapters 10 through 13 in your textbook.
For this discussion, you will be taking on the role of the school psychologist in a public middle school. In this role, you will facilitate the evaluation of a student based on psychoeducational personality assessments, mental status exam, and observations of the student to make recommendations to the education team consisting of yourself, school counselors, and teachers who work with the student. Carefully review the PSY615: Week Three School Psychologist-Based Personality and Behavior Assessment Scenario  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
In your initial post:

  • Examine the personality assessment instrument used in the scenario and research a peer-reviewed article in the Ashford University Library on this personality assessment.
  • Using the required articles as well as your researched article to support your statements, describe the standard use of this personality assessment.
  • Based on the scenario, evaluate the reliability, validity, and cultural considerations inherent to the personality assessment used and comment on the relevance of these elements within the scenario.
  • Analyze and describe some of the potential ethical issues which might arise from the use of this personality assessment in the given scenario.
  • Provide information from your research regarding the use of the personality measure, and assess the value of other possible instruments that could be added to create a more complete assessment of the student in the scenario.

What does somaticizing mean?

Article AnalysisThere seems to be a great variation among cultural groups regarding emotional expression. Ethnographic studies indicate that some cultures are more expressive (e.g., hugging, kissing,

Article Analysis
There seems to be a great variation among cultural groups regarding emotional expression. Ethnographic studies indicate that some cultures are more expressive (e.g., hugging, kissing, and laughing boisterously) and others are more reserved (e.g., tilting their heads with a slight smile). This assignment requires you to read a research study that was conducted to determine whether these findings regarding cultural differences in emotional expression hold up under laboratory conditions.
For this assignment, read the following article:
Soto, J. A., Levenson, R. W., & Ebling, R. (2005). Cultures of moderation and expression: Emotional experience, behavior, and physiology in Chinese Americans and Mexican Americans. Emotion, 5(2), 154–165.
Then, address the following:

    • Summarize the purpose and the overall findings of the article. The summary should be in 50 words.

Note: The data analysis section might be difficult to follow. Just scan this section and concentrate on the discussion and conclusion.

    • What role do emotions play in human interactions?
    • Briefly state what previous studies have discovered about the universality of facial expressions.
    • Use another source to look up the purpose of the autonomic nervous system and ethnography. Write the definitions for both using 1–2 sentences for each.
    • What do ethnographic accounts tell us about how Chinese people view emotions?
    • What does somaticizing mean? Provide an example.
    • Are the previous findings on the emotional expression of the Mexican (Latino) culture consistent? Summarize the findings.
    • Look at the participants’ subsection of the Method section. Who were the participants? Do you think that the participants were appropriate for the study? Explain your answer.
    • Summarize the procedure used in the study in 2–3 sentences.
    • Read the discussion section. Which two hypotheses were supported by the results?
    • Review the physiological part of the discussion section. What is the rationale given for the physiological findings?
    • State one limitation of the study.
    • What was the most interesting thing you learned from the article?

Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

What are the various types of paraphilias

Types of Sexual BehaviorReview some case examples:Sam talks his daughter and her friend into viewing pictures he had taken of other neighborhood children, and then manipulates them into exposing thems

Types of Sexual Behavior
Review some case examples:
Sam talks his daughter and her friend into viewing pictures he had taken of other neighborhood children, and then manipulates them into exposing themselves.
James loved taking the subway or bus, especially if they were crowded. He described having sexual urges and fantasies that involve touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person.
Jasmine likes the feel of leather against her skin and the feel and smell turns her on. She often visits adult sex shops to spend an unusual amount of her weekly paycheck on sex products made of leather.
Mr. Connor gets aroused when female toes are exposed. He acquires a job in a ladies shoe store so that he may be continually exposed to this fetish of his.
Using the Internet, conduct a research on the different types of sexual behavior. Based on your understanding, respond to the following:

  • Do you consider certain sexual behaviors to be deviant, abnormal, or perverted? Why or why not? If yes, how did you come to believe this?
  • What are the various types of paraphilias? Do you find any of types of paraphilias disturbing? Why or why not?
  • Autoerotic asphyxia is a form of sexual masochism linking strangulation with masturbatory activities. Do you think this form of paraphilic behavior is gender specific and why? What is hypoxyphilia?
  • Do you think that labeling certain behaviors as paraphilic is a reflection of our society’s effort to control or discourage what it does not want to see expressed?
  • What is the difference between voyeurism and exhibitionism? Is flashing a form of exhibitionism?
  • What type of sex crimes would a person have committed to be listed in the sexual offender registry? Knowing that the people who are in this list have generally served their sentence for the sex crime they committed; do you feel that making this information public is a violation of their rights? Why or why not? Where can you locate this information?

Submission Details:

  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

The major theories associated with human sexual behavior.

Postion PaperYou’ve conducted a annotated bibliography using the course competencies as a guide in choosing the articles. For this week you will take that information and incorporate it into a final

Postion Paper
You’ve conducted a annotated bibliography using the course competencies as a guide in choosing the articles.  For this week you will take that information and incorporate it into a final paper. The paper is not just the article review from the bibliography, it is a culmination of what you have learned over the course as in Week 3, use the course competencies as a guide to developing your paper.

  1. The major theories associated with human sexual behavior.
  2. The history of sexual behavior.
  3. The features associated with male and female anatomies, physiologies, and sexual responses.
  4. Commonalities and differences in sexuality across childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
  5. Gender roles in the expression of human sexuality.
  6. The current trends in human sexuality.
  7. The interplay between intimate relationships and sexual behavior.
  8. The occurrence and course of sexual disease and dysfunction.
  9. The features of sexual coercion (e.g., implicit and explicit).
  10. The role of the media in the promulgation of sexually explicit materials.
  11. The aspects of culture, environment, and geography that impact sexual behavior.

Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:
For the main sections, it should have:

  • A title page
  • An abstract (not more than 250 words)
  • An introduction
  • A literature review
  • Discussion or conclusions
  • References

Introduction: This should be one to two pages in length. The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the research paper.
Literature review: The literature review is taken in part from what you wrote in Week 3 (attached below). The literature review is not a copy of that material. Rather, it is a synthesis of the material you found into a cohesive review of the literature on your chosen topic.
Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusions section. This is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic. The discussion and conclusions section should be one to two pages in length.
Reference page: Remember to follow the APA format and style.

  • Cite all soruces in APA format, and attach a Report.