
Univariate analysis

In this assignment, you will learn about univariate analysis and frequency distribution. Using the Internet, research the following: Univariate analysisFrequency distribution and scattergrams One of t

In this assignment, you will learn about univariate analysis and frequency distribution.
Using the Internet, research the following:

  •  Univariate analysis
  • Frequency distribution and scattergrams

One of the ways that data is examined is by doing univariate analysis. This means that the researcher analyzes the characteristics of a single variable to understand what the numbers say about the sample or group from which it is collected.
Find a frequency distribution analysis from the Internet which brings out an experiment using univariate analysis and complete the following tasks based on the example:

  •  Post a link to the example.
  • Explain the techniques used by the researcher to describe the distribution and characteristics of a single variable.
  • Discuss if further statistical analysis beyond the univariate analysis is necessary.
  • Explain the logic of statistical significance and level of significance.
  • Define Type I and Type II errors.

Next,  find a scattergram and post the link to it.
Then, discuss your findings by completing the following tasks:

  • Cite and reference the source from which you obtained the scattergram using APA format.
  • Describe the steps in creating a scattergram.
  • Explain the significance of a scattergram in describing bivariate relations.

Using the Internet, research z-scores, their usefulness, and how they are calculated.

Z-ScoresIn this assignment, you will study the usefulness of z-scores.Z-scores frighten many people at first, but once you understand them, you will find them useful and easy to calculate. They are us

In this assignment, you will study the usefulness of z-scores.
Z-scores frighten many people at first, but once you understand them, you will find them useful and easy to calculate. They are useful in many situations.
Using the Internet, research z-scores, their usefulness, and how they are calculated.
Consider the following scenario.
Samantha Reed has been working at Company X for ten years as the human resources manager. She went to school with Mark Hall, who has had the same position at Company Y for the same amount of time. The companies are of a similar size and are located in different cities, but the cities have a similar cost of living. Reed and Hall got together at a class reunion, and Reed said she made $65,000 and was satisfied with that salary. Hall said he also made $65,000 but complained and felt underpaid. The mean manager salary at Company X is $70,000 with a standard deviation of $5,000. At Company Y, the mean manager salary is $72,000 and the standard deviation is $1000.
Based on your research and the given scenario, complete the following tasks in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • Calculate z-scores for the employees mentioned in the two companies.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • What would Hall be earning if he made a comparable amount (that is, he had the same z-score) as Reed? Make sure you show each step of your calculations.
    • Why do we use z-scores to make these types of determinations?

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

Examine some of the social problems and public policy issues that become apparent.

Anthropologists are interested in framing broad hypotheses about human behavior. In order to do this, it is imperative to use examples from multiple cultures to ensure that their conclusions are not g

Anthropologists are interested in framing broad hypotheses about human behavior. In order to do this, it is imperative to use examples from multiple cultures to ensure that their conclusions are not grounded in a single case.
In this assignment, you will be taking on the role of an ethnologist, using multiple ethnographic accounts to study human behavior and culture.
Do the following:

  • Identify two to three societies to compare, such as an African society (for example, Ethiopian, Liberian, etc.), Indian, Chinese, Korean, or one of the many Native American groups (for example, the Cherokee, the Inuit, etc.).
  • Choose one aspect of human culture discussed in the course:
    • Domestic life and kinship
    • Subsistence and economy
    • Religion
    • Culture change

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, write a research paper to include the following:

  • Describe the background information of each of the societies you have chosen. You need not analyze this background information, only provide details regarding these societies.
  • Analyze the aspect of human culture you selected for each of the societies.
  • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chose—for example, standard of living, education, or employment opportunities.
  • Summarize and address human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples.
    • Address the realities of life for the cultures you have examined.
    • Examine some of the social problems and public policy issues that become apparent.

Your paper should have a title page as well as an introduction section. This introduction section should include the societies you selected as well as the human culture aspect you will be discussing and why it is relevant to anthropology. As an anthropologist, use relevant anthropological terms in your analysis.
Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.
Write a 4–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Neurobiology, Client Presentation, and Pharmacological Treatment Plans

Neurobiology, Client Presentation, and Pharmacological Treatment PlansDeveloping appropriate pharmacological treatment plans requires medical and mental health professionals to consider all potential

Neurobiology, Client Presentation, and Pharmacological Treatment Plans
Developing appropriate pharmacological treatment plans requires medical and mental health professionals to consider all potential factors that may be contributing to the client’s psychopathology. Contributing factors may include family history of mental illness (Preston, O’Neal, & Talaga, 2010), environment, personal history, life circumstances, and drug abuse. Additionally, neurotransmitter malfunctions (genetic or self-induced) may manifest as diagnosable mental illnesses. Mental health care teams (e.g. counselors, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and support teams) need to consider all of these factors in diagnosing and treating psychopathology.
For this Discussion, review the document “Neurobiology Considerations Case Study: Suzy” and the Learning Resources. How might you treat Suzy? What factors would you consider as you develop her treatment plan? Develop your ideas for how you would ensure that Suzy gets the best care. Use the Learning Resources to support your treatment plan.
Post by Day 4 a brief description of a possible pharmacological treatment plan for Suzy. Explain any neurobiology considerations that informed your treatment plan. Explain the benefits and limitations of your plan. Justify your plan based on the Learning Resources and current literature.
Respond by Day 6 to two of your colleagues’ posts and elaborate on their plan. Identify any areas of misconceptions and assumptions and provide additional areas or ideas for exploration. If a post already has two responses, you must choose another post.