
Explain how parenting styles influence social development.

Research a scholarly journal article on parenting (an article within the last 10 years). Provide a summary of that article. Use the information that you found and what you learned from your course rea

Research a scholarly journal article on parenting (an article within the last 10 years)Provide a summary of that article. Use the information that you found and what you learned from your course readings thus far and provide a response for the following.

  • Parents can be classified as authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, or uninvolved. Explain how parenting styles influence social development.
  • There are many varieties of early childhood education in the United States. Do you feel that parents should continue to have the freedom to choose whether their children should attend preschool and what types of preschools their children should attend? Or do you think the United States would benefit from a standard preschool policy that requires parents to enroll their children in accredited preschools?

Submission Details:

  • Use examples to support your reasoning.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Attach a Report.

How influential is the role of genetics in the child’s development?

It is important to consider factors influencing physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development long before the baby arrives. In this discussion, you will examine the relative roles of genetics an

It is important to consider factors influencing physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development long before the baby arrives. In this discussion, you will examine the relative roles of genetics and the environment. Environmental effects on development include both macrocultural and microcultural influences. Macrocultural influences are the broader influences on a child’s development, such as mass media, religious denomination, societal rules, or educational norms. Microcultural influences are those on a small scale, such as family eating habits, traditions, hierarchical structures, and routines.
Based on the principles of behaviorism, John B. Watson argued, tongue-in-cheek, that he could take a healthy baby and make him into a lawyer, doctor, or thief. Sandra Scarr argued that often a child’s genetic predispositions override the influence of the environment. Based on what you have learned so far about development, select a well-known movie that addresses the nature-versus-nurture question. Some examples are: The Blind Side, Rudyand A Beautiful Mind. With reference to the film, respond to the following:

  1. How influential is the role of genetics in the child’s development?
  2. What about the role of the environment, temperament, and teratogenics, among others?
  3. Do you agree with Watson, Scarr, both, or neither?

Support your arguments with research, citing sources.
Write your initial response in 3–4 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Explain the symptoms that indicate depression and the medications that might be prescribed to treat these symptoms

For this Assignment, select one of the case examples in the Learning Resources Identify the major symptoms of depression and consider antidepressant medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe to

For this Assignment, select one of the case examples in the Learning Resources Identify the major symptoms of depression and consider antidepressant medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe to treat the symptoms. Consider the role of the counselor in supporting the psychiatrist’s recommendations in the initial stages of psychopharmacological medication management. Finally, think about issues that may arise in the initial stages of treatment.
For this Assignment, select one of the three case examples from the Learning Resources. Analyze the case, determine the psychopathology presented, and describe the appropriate treatment methods for the client.
Based on the case you selected, write a 2- to 3-page APA-formatted paper that includes the following:

  • Explain the symptoms that indicate depression and the medications that might be prescribed to treat these symptoms
  • Explain a counselor’s role in raising your client’s awareness of medication-related effects
  • Explain a counselor’s role in supporting the psychiatrist’s recommendations
  • Explain two potential challenges that may occur in the initial stages of psychopharmacological intervention
  • Explain one strategy a counselor might use to address challenges that arise in the initial stages of treatment
  • Support your responses with evidence from the Learning Resources and other scholarly sources

Critical Issues in Education

Assignment:Critical Issues in EducationInvestigate three resources (website, article, video, etc.) on national political issues affecting early childhood education today and complete the following ste

Critical Issues in Education
Investigate three resources (website, article, video, etc.) on national political issues affecting early childhood education today and complete the following steps.
In an essay of 1500-1750, summarize your findings by addressing the following main points of each resource you selected. You will repeat this sequence for each resource. The word count is for the total essay, not each resource.

  • Who was the focus of the resource (e.g., first graders? parents? etc.)?
  • What was the resource discussing? What did it suggest? What were the findings?
  • Where was the context (classroom? grade level? home? etc.)?
  • Why is this important to the field of early childhood education? Be specific in explaining the connections of your resource to the course materials and topic for this week.
  • How will it help you as an early childhood educator in the classroom? List at least two things you will do in the classroom as a result of the information you learned from the resource.

Be sure to include references and weblinks to the three resources you chose. Your essay should be 1500-1750 words and should include at least three (3) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page so not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.