discuss the assessment of Mr Drew including neurological sensory and motor assessment

Length: 1500 words
Task: Mr Patrick Drew is a 74-year-old man (UR number 452342). He was referred by his GP to the neurology team for investigation and management of his Parkinsons disease dysphagia and falls. On assessment he demonstrated bradykinesia gaze limitations (in all directions) a persistent unilateral tremor in his right arm and a shuffling gait (with limited arm swing). His limb rigidity is lead pipe rigidity but he also has cogwheel rigidity in his wrists. His wife Betty described an increasing frequency in coughing and choking during the meals. His lung fields are clear and there is currently no indication of aspiration pneumonia. Mr Drew has right sided facial bruising including a large periorbital haematoma where he fell and hit his head earlier in the week. A CT scan ruled out head injury and the event was classified as unremarkable. His frequency of falls has also increased in the last few months.
Mr Drew takes Sinemet (a combination of levodopa and carbidopa) and amantadine. Mr Drews problem is related to a deficit of dopamine within the brain. Neither of these drugs is dopamine.
Temp 36.7 C HR 64 RR 14 BP 140/82 SpO2 97% RA.
Structure and presentation:
This assignment is a piece of academic writing and needs to be structured as such with an introduction and conclusion. You may use sub-headings as needed. It is a requirement of this assignment that 12 or more current relevant policies practice guidelines academic literature and peer reviewed evidenced based sources (other than the prescribed texts) are referred to in your work.
APA Referencing
Excellent use of APA format inclusive of citations and references.
1. Outline the incidence/ prevalence and main causes of Parkinsons disease in Australia compare this your findings with another country of your choice. (4 marks)
2. Critically discuss the assessment of Mr Drew including neurological sensory and motor assessment (8 marks).
3. What interventions does Mr Drew require?
4. Critically discuss the implications to nursing and interprofessional practice when caring for people diagnosed with the varying stages of the condition.
5. In your presentation consider the signs and symptoms interventions and rational. This may be presented in table format however please ensure you integrate current evidence-based literature to support this discussion (8 marks).