Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers

Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers

Preparing Nurse Leaders


Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers

Leadership Competencies

Write a 525 to 1,000 word paper addressing the following questions on leadership competencies. Justify your answers with appropriate rationale.

  • What leadership competencies are important to the health care industry?
  • Identify a leadership theory that addresses these competencies?
  • Is there one leadership theory that is more effective in health care than all of the others? Or is there more than one that is a good fit for health care?
  • Which competencies differentiate leaders from managers?
  • Referring back to your SWOT analysis, which competencies do you currently meet and which competencies do you need to build on?
  • After assessing the competencies of both a manager and a leader, which of the two (leader or manager) are your strengths more aligned to? Has the culture of your organization had any influence on this? If so, provide details explaining how.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
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Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers

Leadership Development Plan

The purpose of a leadership development plan is for leaders to develop competencies that can bridge levels and functionalities in the organization. This allows leaders to promote team engagement, and provide purpose and direction for achieving their goals. Leadership development programs are essential to managing a team when it comes to planning and making the right decisions regarding functionality across the organization. By developing a plan, leaders are able to determine the skills of each staff member. As a result, leadership can utilize the skills of the staff strategically when putting the plan into action.
Develop a SWOT analysis on your organization. If you currently do not work for a health care organization, use a health care facility where you previously were employed.
Identify an area of weakness on which you will focus your Leadership Development Plan.
Create a 500 to 1,000 word Leadership Development Plan addressing the questions below.

  • What are the organization’s perceived weaknesses?
  • How can you use the strengths identified in your Personal SWOT Analysis to help the organization improve their weaknesses?
  • Which competencies (managerial and leadership) do you possess and could use to address the issue?
  • How would you design your leadership development plan? Consider combining several theories and models for developing your plan.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers

Patient Satisfaction Learning Team Project Summary: Problem Identification

Week 2

The final team project concerns a patient satisfaction issue that will require intervention from an organization’s leaders to address. Over the next four weeks the team assignments will explore different parts of the final assignment.

As a team, identify a quality measure that is common for nurses to face, but don’t have control over. For example, you are a bedside nurse working in a hospital; one of your patients is expecting to be released that day. The patient’s doctor visits him every day before noon to check his status. The previous day, he had asked the doctor if he would be allowed to go home the next day, to which his doctor responded that he might be able to but it would depend on his progress. The following day, the patient believed he was going be released by noon, since the doctor always made his rounds before then. Unfortunately the doctor had an emergency and wasn’t able to check on the patient until later that evening. Because of the doctor’s absence, the patient’s perception of the quality of care he was receiving was distorted by this happening and reacted by taking his frustration out on the nurse.

  • Discuss possible topics on the team discussion board.
  • Describe a situation problem or issue that needs a solution.
  • Identify what the characteristics are that make the problem leadership focused instead of management focused

Write a 350 to 500 word summary.
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.
Note. Points are awarded based on the quality of the content submitted and the degree to which assignment expectations are met.
Preparing Nurse Leaders – Leadership Competencies & Leadership Development Plan Essay Assignment Papers