age appropriate palliative approach for young adult

age appropriate palliative approach for young adult

age appropriate palliative approach for young adult
palliative care
Essay Question:
Australia’s population is becoming increasingly diverse. Therefore, meeting the palliative care needs in a range of settings poses many challenges. To demonstrate your understanding of a palliative care approach in a diverse environment, select a patient within one of the following lifespan categories:
• Young Adult
Write an essay that:
a) Discusses the importance of providing age appropriate palliative care reflecting a palliative approach for a person and their family.
b) Illustrate your understanding of nursing care using a palliative approach when applied to your chosen life span category.
i have done some of the assignment but could not finish it.
There are two questions. in first questions please include importance of age appropriate palliative care for family and patient from physical, psychological, spiritual and social point of view. physical in 1 paragraph, psychological in 1 paragraph and so on. i have done for physical so you may continue from there.
For question 2, you need to describe the role of nurse in providing palliative approach to young adult. roles may be symptom management, communication, advocate etc. each role in each paragraph.
question 1 should be around 600 word and question2 around 500 word
introduction- 200 word
conclusion-200 word.
References should be after 2010.
please find attached marking rubric,
sample assignment
and incomplete assignment that i have done
According to World health organisation (2002), palliative care is an approach that inhibits and reduces the suffering related to life threatening illness by the means of timely recognition and immaculate assessment and treatment of physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems including pain. Thus, palliative care improves the quality of life of individual and family who are suffering from problems related to life-threatening illness by supporting the life of patient and respecting dying as a natural process. In fact, people of any age group can be diagnosed with life-limiting illness. Palliative care that is suitable to an older adult may not fulfil the needs of a dying child. In order to provide holistic care to the patient and their family, an age appropriate palliative approach is essential.(in text). Rather than on the basis of diagnosis and clinical stage, palliative approach is more focused towards the individual need. Palliative approach is appropriate at any phase of illness. It provides a chance to organise and relish the rest of time they have and prepare for death by providing physical, psychological, social and spiritual support to the patient and their family members (State government of Victoria, Australia, Department of health, 2014)
Physically, palliative approach support patient by helping to manage their pain and physical discomfort. Pain is the most common symptom that occurs in more than sixty-five percent of people who are suffering from life-limiting illness (Faull, Carter & Daniels, 2005). The progression of disease and the side effects of treatment may cause further symptoms such as nausea, constipation, anorexia, insomnia, and lethargy. Almost all of the palliative team has pain and symptom management expertise specialized in managing symptoms on the basis of the age group of patients. Such team promotes the continuity of care with the smooth and even transition of care (Pritchard, Cuvelier, Harlos& Barr, 2011). Thereby, promoting the psychological comfort and well being of patient and family members.