Euthanasia in Palliative Care

Euthanasia in Palliative Care
Order Description
An argument FOR euthanasia.
What is an ethical dilemma
Why euthanasia is an ethical dilemma in palliative care
Which side you are arguing, either for or against the use of euthanasia in Australia (We are arguing FOR the use of euthanasia)
Brief relevant background information
The scope and direction of your paper (what specific areas will you cover)
The body of the assignment covering:
Ethical principles in palliative care in relation to euthanasia
Current research and best practice in relation to euthanasia
and a conclusion.
Faculty of Health Science and Community Studies
Dr Philip Nitschke, a well-known advocate for euthanasia wrote of people approaching the end of their life,
“with knowledge about their end of life choices, people stop worrying and get on with living their final days.  Denying folks the right to discuss Assisted Suicide and Safe Suicide is not only cruel, it is uncivilized.”
Using this statement you are required to write an argumentative essay.
For this argumentative essay you are required to discuss this statement and its significance to palliative care.  You must choose to argue either for or against the legislation of euthanasia in Australia.
You must include:
•    An introduction covering:
?    What is an ethical dilemma?
?    Why euthanasia is an ethical dilemma in palliative care?
?    Which side you are arguing, either for or against the use of euthanasia in Australia
?    Brief relevant background information
?    The scope and direction of your paper (what specific areas will you cover)
•    The body of the assignment covering:
?    Ethical principles in palliative care in relation to euthanasia
?    Current research and best practice in relation to euthanasia
•    A conclusion including:
?    A logical ending, pulling together all parts of the essay
** A conclusion should never:
?    Just sum up
?    End with a long quote
?    Focus on minor points
?    Introduce new material
Tips for essay writing
•    Should alert the reader’s interest
•    Indicate the direction of the essay
•    Show how to interpret and approach the issue
•    Provide a context for the main issues
•    Indicate the focus of the essay
•    Indicate your point of view
Structure of an introduction:
•    General statement about the topic
•    Beginning to focus onto the issues
•    Scope and direction
•    Purpose is to tie the topics in the body of the essay together and make comments about the meaning of it all.
Structure of a conclusion:
•    Link to previous paragraph
•    Brief summary of issues covered
•    Recommendations/speculation on future action
Never use I or write in the first person in an essay.  Writing should be academic (ie no slang).
Requirements for Submission
1.    The assignment must be submitted electronically via moodle by 9am Monday 14th September 2015
Your submitted file must be named using the following format:
Your family name_student number_assessment task identifier
e.g.  Hall_Hal12345_Palliative Care Assignment 1
Any assignments not saved in this format will not be marked.
2.    Students must keep a copy of all work submitted.
3.    Any student who achieves a mark of <30% will not be eligible for a resubmit.  For further information regarding failed assignments please refer to the Student Information Handbook 2015.
4.    Assignments marked RESUBMIT must be handed in within 2 weeks of the student receiving it back.  The maximum mark for a resubmitted assignment is 50%.  The original marked copy must be resubmitted with the revised version.
5.    All reference and source materials must be accurately cited using APA referencing (a guide is available on the Holmesglen website ? Learning Commons). Do not use unacceptable websites (eg. Wikipedia, Nurse Bob, UKessays, Wrong diagnosis or Better Health Channel) where the information is unsubstantiated and not produced by a recognised and reputable organisation or published author.
6.    Plagiarism is not acceptable. The laws of copyright mean that you cannot copy, or cut and paste text from resource material.  The assignment must be in your own words and must be referenced appropriately when you have taken your ideas from another source.  Direct quotes must be kept to the absolute minimum and must be referenced appropriately.
7.    Submitted assignments will be uploaded to Turnitin to ensure students have not breached Holmeslgen policy on copyright, plagiarism and collusion.
8.    Please refer to the Student Information Handbook 2015 for information regarding late submission.
9.      The essay word limit is 1500words, excluding the reference page.  In-text references are included in the word count.  The essay will not be graded beyond the allocated word limit.
10.    A minimum of 10 references must be used.
11.    Journal articles only can be used for references.
12.    Typing should be Arial size 12.  1.5 line spacing is required
13.    Subheadings are not to be used
Please refer to the Marking Criteria for clarification
Course Title:        Diploma of Nursing
Course Code:        HLT51612
Unit Name:        Provide nursing care for clients requiring palliative care
Unit Code:        HLTEN511B
Item:            Argumentative essay
Final Grade:        50% of final mark
Marking guide
Section and key elements    Guide to marks    Marks Given
1.Topics for discussion clearly introduced
2.  Euthanasia in palliative care discussed
3. Ethical dilemma accurately described
4.  Relevant background information included
5.  Direction of essay included
6.Writing is consistent with academic writing
Writing is not consistent with academic writing or not included    0
2+ required elements missing and:
Direction and focus of essay not indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is not easily identifiable
Context of main issue is not identified
Point of view not easily interpreted
1-2 required elements missing and:
Direction and focus of essay not indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is not easily identifiable
Context of main issue is not identified
Point of view not easily interpreted
1-2 required elements missing
Direction and focus of essay indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is easily identifiable
Context of main issue identified
Point of view easily interpreted
All required elements included and:
Direction and focus of essay not indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is not easily identifiable
Context of main issue is not identified
Point of view not easily interpreted
All required elements included and:
Direction and focus of essay not indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is not easily identifiable
Context of main issue is not identified
Point of view not easily interpreted
All required elements included and:
Direction and focus of essay indicate
Interpretation and approach to issue is easily identifiable
Context of main issue identified
Point of view easily interpreted
1.  Ethical principles discussed and linked back to original topic
2.  Best practice discussed and linked back to original topic
3. Arguments are logical and supported by evidence
3.  Demonstrates a grasp of contemporary issues related to questions
4.  Demonstrates an analysis of the literature
5.  Content is appropriately objective and demonstrates a critical approach to subject matter
6.  Writing is consistent with academic writing    Writing is not consistent with academic writing
5+ questions overall not answered or answered inaccurately
Poor understanding of contemporary issues related to questions
Poor analysis of the literature
Content is not appropriately objective and does not demonstrate a critical approach to subject matter
Writing is not consistent with academic writing
3-4 questions overall not answered or answered inaccurately
Adequate understanding of contemporary issues related to questions
Adequate analysis of the literature
Content is not appropriately objective and does not demonstrate a critical approach to subject matter
Writing is consistent with academic writing
1-2 questions overall not answered or answered inaccurately
Fair understanding of contemporary issues related to questions
Fair analysis of the literature
Content is appropriately objective and demonstrates a critical approach to subject matter
Writing is consistent with academic writing
All questions answered correctly and:
Good understanding of contemporary issues related to questions
Good analysis of the literature
Good is objective and demonstrates a critical approach to subject matter
Writing is consistent with academic writing
All questions answered correctly and:
Excellent understanding of contemporary issues related to questions
Excellent analysis of the literature
Content is objective and demonstrates a critical approach to subject matter
Writing is consistent with academic writing    60
1.  Logical ending to essay
2.  Brief summary of issues covered included
3.  No new information introduced
4.  Writing is consistent with  academic writing    Writing is not consistent with academic writing or not included    0
New information is introduced
Poor summary of issues
2+ required elements not included
Adequate summary of issues
1-2 required elements not included
Good summary of issues
All required elements included
Excellent summary of issues    4
Submission Guidelines
1.  Paraphrasing
1.The content is written in students own words
2. No issues with paraphrasing     5 + issues with paraphrasing    0
5 issues with paraphrasing    1
4 issues with paraphrasing    2
3 issues with paraphrasing    3
2 issues with paraphrasing    4
1 issue with paraphrasing     5
All content is written in the students own words    6
2.  Referencing
1.  Sources and quotes are acknowledged and referenced according to APA style
2.  Reference page is completed according to APA style
3.  Minimum of 10 references used
4.  References used appropriate to subject matter
No attempt at in-text referencing or no reference page
5+ errors in in-text referencing
5+ errors on reference page    1
3-4 errors in in-text referencing
3-4 errors on reference page
<10 appropriate references used    2
3-4 errors in in-text referencing
3-4 errors on reference page
10 appropriate references used    3
1-2 errors in in-text referencing
1-2 error on reference page
<10 appropriate references used    4
1-2 errors in in-text referencing
1-2 error on reference page
10 appropriate references used    5
Sources and quotes are acknowledged and referenced according to Harvard style
Reference page is completed according to Harvard style
<10 appropriate references used    6
Sources and quotes are acknowledged and referenced according to Harvard style
Reference page is completed according to Harvard style
10 appropriate references used    7
Sources and quotes are acknowledged and referenced according to Harvard style
Reference page is completed according to Harvard style
>10 appropriate references used    8
3.  Professional Presentation
1.  Work is 1.5 spaced
2.  Arial size 12 used
3.  Presentation of work is professional and indicates effort
4.  Word count is included    Work is not presented professionally    0
3 required elements are missing    1
2 required elements are missing    2
1 required elements are missing    3
Work is 1.5 spaced
Arial size 12 is used
Presentation of work is professional and indicates effort
Word count is included    4
4.  Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling
1.  Grammar is consistent with academic writing
2.  Punctuation is consistent with academic writing
3.  Spelling is consistent with academic writing    Essay is incomprehensible    0
11 + errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    1
10 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    2
9 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    3
8 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    4
7 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    5
6 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    6
5 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    7
4 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    8
3 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    9
2 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling    10
1 error in grammar, punctuation or spelling    11
Grammar, punctuation and spelling consistent with academic writing    12