Historical within Australia Government policies have directly impacted upon on the overall health status of Indigenous Australians. “Discuss how Assimilation Policies have impacted on the physical and mental health status of Indigenous Australians today”.

Historical within Australia Government policies have directly impacted upon on the overall health status of Indigenous Australians. “Discuss how Assimilation Policies have impacted on the physical and mental health status of Indigenous Australians today”.
Choose only one of the following populations for your assigned focus group:
e Indigenous males,
Indigenous females or
Indigenous children
Step 1 — Introduce your assignment and by stating who your assigned focus group will be (200 words) – (2 marks)
Step 2 – It is important to gain knowledge of the historical (pre-invasion) and contemporary (presentday) health status of the Australian Indigenous population in order to understand the impact caused by Australia’s Policies. Your opening paragraph after your introduction should identify and outline the historical and contemporary health status (physical and mental) of the Australian Indigenous population. (Refer to focus group). (400 words) – (2 marks)
Step 3 – Analyse and explain the intent of the Assimilation Policy and up to date sources). Provide examples of how Assimilation physical and mental health status of the Australian Indigenous population group). (400 words) – (2 marks)    Vccz-lccvncc//
The effects from trauma, grief and loss associated with resulted in multigenerational effects on Aboriginal and within Australia society today.
Step 4 – Identify and critically discuss the links between Assimilation and mental health status of Indigenous Australians specifically
• Social and emotional wellbeing (500 words) – (8 marks)
Step 5 — Therefore with this knowledge how can the Registered Nurse/ Midwife ensure that
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from your designated focus group are provided with culturally safe nursing care (400 words) – (8 marks)
Step 6 – Conclusion (100 words) – (2 marks)
Between — 8 and 10 references are required — The Assimilation Policy must be referenced.
Due Date: Friday the 18th of September (Week 9), 2015, 5pm — Assignment to be submitted via Moodle on NUR3030 study desk — No cover sheet is required for this assignment.
Weighting: 30% – (30 marks)
Length: 2000 Words