Identifying a Problem,

PICO should be relevant to Day surgery unit in an acute care “Magnet” hospital]
Topic 1: Identifying a Problem,
Developing a Question, and
Selecting Sources of Literature
Assignment Identifying a Problem
Consider a clinical environment in
which you are currently working or have
recently worked. Identify a problem,
issue, or educational deficit upon
which to build a proposal for change.
In a paper of no more than 500 words,
describe the nature of the problem,
issue, or educational deficit. Include
the following in your discussion:
1. The setting and/or context in which
the problem, issue, or educational
deficit can be observed.
2. Detailed description of the problem,
issue, or educational deficit.
3. Impact of the problem, issue,
or educational deficit on the work
environment, the quality of care
provided by staff, and patient
4. Gravity of the problem, issue,
or educational deficit and its
significance to nursing.
5. Proposed solution to address the
problem, issue, or educational deficit.
Review “Module 1: Checklist.” This
resource will assist you in organizing
your work and will provide additional
information regarding the assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
40.0 points
Assignment Developing a Question (PICOT)
Develop a searchable question using the
PICOT format. (The question is a single
statement identifying the components of
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Refer to “Developing a Question” and
“Module 1: Checklist.”
Assignment Selecting Sources of Literature
Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed
articles that describe the problem or
issue and which support the proposed
solution. Eight of the 15 articles
must be research-based (e.g., a study
which is qualitative, quantitative,
descriptive, or longitudinal).
Hint: Begin your search for literature
by utilizing the databases located in
the eLibrary.
Preview each of the 15 articles chosen
by reading the article abstracts and
Hint: Article abstracts and summaries
provide a concise description of
the topic, research outcomes, and
significance of findings.
Hint: Refer to “RefWorks” and “Module
1: Checklist.”
Perform a rapid appraisal of each
article by answering the following
questions (one to two sentences are
sufficient to answer each question):
1. How does each article describe
the nature of the problem, issue, or
deficit you have identified?
2. Does each article provide
statistical information to demonstrate
the gravity of the issue, problem, or
3. What are example(s) of morbidity,
mortality, and rate of incidence or
rate of occurrence in the general
4. Does each article support your
proposed change?
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Topic 2: Reviewing the Literature
and Applying Theory
Review of the Literature
Write a paper (1,500-2,000 words) in
which you analyze and appraise each of
the (15) articles identified in Module
1. Pay particular attention to evidence
that supports the problem, issue, or
deficit, and your proposed solution.
Hint: The Module 2 Readings provide
appraisal questions that will assist
you to efficiently and effectively
analyze each article.
Refer to “Sample Format for Review of
Literature,” “RefWorks,” and “Module 2:
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
Assignment Incorporating Theory
Identify a theory that can be used to
support your proposed solution.
Write a summary (250-500 words) in
which you:
1. Describe the theory and your
rationale for selecting the theory.
2. Discuss how the theory works to
support your proposed solution.
3. Explain how you will incorporate the
theory into your project.
Refer to the “Module 2: Checklist.”
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines.
Topic 3: Developing an
Implementation Plan
Developing an Implementation Plan 150.0
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Consider the population in which
the solution is intended, the staff
that will participate, and the key
contributors that must provide approval
and/or support for your project to be
implemented. These stakeholders are
considered your audience.
Develop an implementation plan
(1,500-2,000 words). The elements that
should be included in your plan are
listed below:
1. Method of obtaining necessary
approval(s) and securing support from
your organization’s leadership and
fellow staff.
2. Description of current problem,
issue, or deficit requiring a change.
Hint: If you are proposing a change
in current policy, process, or
procedure(s) when delivering patient
care, describe first the current
policy, process, or procedure as a
baseline for comparison.
3. Detailed explanation of proposed
solution (new policy, process,
procedure, or education to address the
4. Rationale for selecting proposed
5. Evidence from your review of
literature in Module 2 to support
your proposed solution and reason for
6. Description of implementation
logistics (When and how will the
change be integrated into the current
organizational structure, culture, and
workflow? Who will be responsible for
initiating the change, educating staff,
and overseeing the implementation
7. Resources required for
implementation: Staff; Educational
Materials (pamphlets, handouts,
posters, and PowerPoint presentations);
Assessment Tools (questionnaires,
surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess
knowledge of participants at baseline
and after intervention); Technology
(technology or software needs); Funds
(cost of educating staff, printing
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
or producing educational materials,
gathering and analyzing data before,
during, and following implementation),
and staff to initiate, oversee, and
evaluate change.
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student center.
Topic 4: Developing an Evaluation
Plan and Disseminating Results
Assignment Developing an Evaluation Plan 40.0
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Using 500-1,000 words, discuss methods
to evaluate the effectiveness of your
proposed solution and variables to
be assessed when evaluating project
Example: If you are proposing a new
staffing matrix that is intended to
reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing
staff satisfaction, and positively
impact overall delivery of care, you
may decide the following methods and
variables are necessary to evaluate
the effectiveness of your proposed
1. Survey of staff attitudes and
contributors to job satisfaction and
dissatisfaction before and after
initiating change.
2. Obtain turnover rates before and
after initiating change.
3. Compare patient discharge surveys
before change and after initiation of
1. Staff attitudes and perceptions.
2. Patient attitudes and perceptions.
3. Rate of nursing staff turnover.
Develop the tools necessary to
educate project participants and to
evaluate project outcomes (surveys,
questionnaires, teaching materials,
PowerPoint slides, etc.).
Refer to the “Module 4: Checklist.”
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
Assignment Disseminating Evidence
Using 250-500 words, summarize your
strategy for disseminating the results
of the project to key stakeholders and
to the greater nursing community.
Refer to the “Module 4: Checklist.”
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Success Center. An abstract is not
Topic 5: Demonstrating Mastery of
Evidence-Based Practice
Assignment Constructing the Written Evidence-
Based Proposal (Final)
Combine elements completed for the
assignments during Modules 1-4 into one
cohesive evidence-based proposal.
For information on how to complete
the assignment, refer to “Writing
Guidelines” and “Exemplar of Evidence-
Based Practice.”
Include a title page, abstract, problem
statement, conclusion, reference
section, and appendices (if tables,
graphs, surveys, diagrams, etc., are
created from tools required in Module
Prepare this assignment according to
the APA guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric.
Instructors will be using the rubric
to grade the assignment; therefore,
students should review the rubric prior
to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the assignment criteria
and expectations for successful
completion of the assignment.
Note: All Capstone Projects are to
be submitted to the College. Please
submit an electronic copy to this email